The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0722, the final on the aircraft carrier

After the successive preliminaries selection schedule, eight super-powerful teams were finally selected.

KOF's fighting finals will officially start a day later, and the competition is actually on a luxurious aircraft carrier, which is really surprising.Not to mention the cost of aircraft carriers, even if you have money, you may not be able to get them.

As representatives of the United Kingdom, Nie Kong was the first to be here by staff.Nie Kong fell in love with the giant aircraft carrier parked on the coast at first glance.Only such a luxury ship can be called a ship.

The two women accompanied Nie Kong, and the three followed the deck to the entrance.Mary threw the invitation letter in front of the guards, and the man immediately took the three of them to a magnificent and colorfully decorated wide hall.Several people have already arrived, almost all of whom Nie Kong knew.

Nie Kong glanced at the three glamorous women. They were dressed in special black practice clothes, revealing a cold and youthful temperament.The curve is so perfect that it is indescribable, and many people's eyes are mostly focused on them.Except for the three women, there are only three mercenaries in Hardyron.

They were chatting and talking, and Lianna's eyes met Nie Kong, and she was slightly surprised.Only a few days away, Lianna felt unbearable and life seemed to be tormented.

"Brother Nie Kong, you are finally here." Before Lianna could act, Xiao Wu pulled Nie Kong into her seat with surprise on her face.Then she naturally sat on Nie Kong's legs, smiling like a flower.

The scent of the girl who rushed towards her face made Nie Kong feel a little restless.He immediately hugged Xiao Wu's waist to stop him from messing around.

After the two women saw Shiranui Wu occupy Nie Kong's legs, the originally harmonious atmosphere became full of gunpowder.Unwilling to be left behind, they hugged Nie Kong's arms one by one.

The three women clung to Nie Kong like a sandwich, active and enthusiastic.

"Oh, it seems there is no place for us." King patted his forehead and said helplessly at Mary.

"Hey, anyway, we occupied Jun Nie alone a few days ago, so let's compensate them now." Mary smiled and helped King pour a glass of red wine and took a light sip.Thinking back to Nie Kong and their journey to England, it was like a honeymoon, without the tension of the game.

"Yeah, I just didn't expect that you would rather be his woman with me." King joked.

King's men's clothing is the same as before, but the special feminine charm exuded is no less than that of the plump and beautiful Mary.The two girls who were full of flavor came and immediately crushed the three young girls.

"Hmph, anyway, I have accepted my fate, and I will be bullied by him for the rest of my life." Mary muttered her small mouth, her pretty face glowing with happiness.

When the two women were whispering on the sidelines, and they seemed to see Nie Kong, the wood that Hadillon didn't understand the atmosphere led Ralph and Clark to him.

"You really participated in the KOF fighting competition, but it's not surprising that you are here based on your strength." Hadillon sent out a feeling.

"Hello, Uncle Hardylan." Liana said hello in a low voice.

For the first time, Hadilun saw Lianna take the initiative to speak to him, and his expression flashed with relief. It seemed that it was the right thing to hand her over to Nie Kong for support.

"Aren't you very famous mercenaries in Africa? Why would you come to participate in the KOF fight? The world's number one title and money are not important to you, right." Shiranui asked strangely.

Hardyron was silent, his expression flashing a bit of hatred and sadness.The cause of the incident began eight years ago, when he was ordered to personally lead the team to arrest Lucar, an arms dealer.As a result, not only were all 50 subordinates killed, but his wife and daughter were also killed.In the battle with Lucar, Hardyron was also taken away from an eye.Because Lucar was surprised that Hahe could take a single move to survive, thinking that Hadillon had the value of fighting against him, he did not take his life.

Through the invitation of 94KOF, he finally learned that the organizer was his enemy, Lucar, after untold investigations.In order to get revenge, Hardyren, Ralph and Clark formed an angry team to represent Brazil.

"We are here to participate in the competition to complete the task, investigating a super arms dealer, a terrorist who can threaten world peace... So, we must win the championship." Hadillon said in a deep voice.

Only by winning can he have the opportunity to meet Lucar and avenge his wife and daughter. That is the purpose of his life.

"Really, no matter what difficulties you have, we won't be so easy to win the game for you." Nie Kong smiled.

"I didn't intend to do that, but just to remind you that the hidden inside story of KOF is not that simple. The greetings have already been played, and we see the highs and lows on the court." Hadilun said firmly.

Nie Kong slightly probed the situation in his body and found that the Qi in his body was indeed much stronger, at least exceeding the level of Jess that Nanzhen Nie Kong killed.But with his current strength, he certainly couldn't deal with Lucar.

You know that Lucar can easily defeat Jace's brother Klaussar, and he has learned the Emperor Bo of Klaussar.There is an insurmountable gap between the two.If he could block Lucar's move eight years ago, it would be at most two or three moves now.

But after I won the championship, I will help you solve Lucar by the way, and take the aircraft carrier as your own.And through the vague memory before, he learned that Lucar has a very abnormal hobby, that is, defeating powerful fighters and casting their bodies into bronze statues.Lucar's strength is indeed good, but maybe King is enough to deal with him, he is far behind.

People at a table talked happily, and before they knew it, fighters from the world began to appear one after another.The strongest trio of various countries are now all gathered on this luxurious aircraft carrier.

The staff began to busy entertaining, and the entire luxurious and spacious aircraft carrier suddenly became lively.

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