The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0727, Nie Kong vs. China

The two fell to the ground at the same time, and the referee declared a tie.Then the second appearance of the extreme stream is the strongest tiger Robert, and the Hungry Wolves team has only Andy left, and it is difficult to be alone.

In retreat in the deep mountains and old forests, he is restrained and his mentality is peaceful and perfect.Combining Shiranui Ryu and Bone Art, the strength naturally needless to say.And Robert often practiced with Sakazaki Ryo, and his extreme current kicking skills made him superb.

"Are you ready!" Robert took a coin from his arms, threw it to the sky, and then held it in his palm.Secretly looked at the face of the coin, with a confident smile on his face.

Andy exhaled and put his hands in the Shiranui style.

"I won't be polite, please do it!" Andy's eyes shot a sharp light and said to Robert.

The person on the opposite side is a powerful enemy.I don't know how long the hard training in the extreme current, so Robert is particularly sensitive to these things.

"Feiyanlong god's foot." Robert, who jumped into the air, aimed at Andy with the tip of his right foot, like a heart-piercing sword.Andy blocked the menacing kick with his forearm.

Although blocked, Robert turned his head back with the help of his strength, and once again swept out with Feiyan's gusty feet. The sky was full of Robert's legs, very spectacular.

Seeing Robert's powerful tricks, Andy knew he couldn't hide.If you evade, the attack of the limit current will be continuous, but it is definitely yourself who loses.

"Shadow Slashing Fist."

Andy's figure moved out like a phantom, his elbow rushed to Robert's chest, and then it hit him directly in the chest.Robert also hit Andy with his right foot, and the two made a reckless move, each stepping back a few steps and getting injured.

After easing the qi in their bodies, the two confronted again.What Andy used was a quick air-explosive bomb, the tiny air column ejected from his right hand hit Robert who was ten meters away, so powerful.

Where did Robert expect Andy's gas wave to be so abrupt, without warning.He fell a spat, and after drawing a distance, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Looking at Andy coming, Robert's body was hanging upside down at this moment, and he turned and kicked Andy away.

The strength of the two seemed to be equal, and the two of them collided with each other in the ring, and their injuries were increasing.

Robert couldn't help it at first, and impulsively, he first sent out the limit flow of killing dragon and tiger flurry.Andy desperately blocked his fierce offensive, feeling that his body was hit by several moves, and his hands were numb.It is hard to imagine how painful it would be if it were hit from the front.

"Super split bomb." When Robert used all his tricks to exhaustion, Andy finally released his nirvana.With flames on both legs, he thrust out like a rocket against Robert's body.

Robert's body was directly subjected to Andy's mortal, and his body suffered double damage, one was burns from flames, and the other was strength.He was defeated, defeated by his own mentality.

Although Longhu Flurry is very powerful, he has to wait for the time when the enemy reveals his flaws. Robert's mentality is too frizzy, which is the real reason for his defeat.However, he beat Andy and lost 60% of his combat effectiveness, and then the old spicy Sakazaki Takuma easily defeated Andy.

Shiranui Wu pouted and looked at the defeated Andy, and secretly scolded him for being unworthy and embarrassing Shiranuiyu and losing to Yuri's Xtremryu.If you change your hand, you will definitely beat the limit flow.

Although Nie Kong didn't have formal gravity training for the three women, the strength of the three women was indeed much stronger than that of Sakazaki Ryo.

The Dragon Tigers and the Japanese team successfully advanced to the semi-finals.The Hungry Wolves team was eliminated tragically, defeated by Sakazaki's strategy.But Terry was not frustrated, because he and Sakazaki Ryo were tied in the battle, but he regretted that he couldn't experience Nie Kong's strength in person.

KOF94 was halfway through, and the third game finally came to Nie Kong's British team. The opponent was the Chinese super team with the lovely sister Athena.

As the number one master in the United States, many people are curious about Nie Kong's true strength and look forward to his wonderful performance.

"Nie Jun, it seems it's time for you to play once." King said helplessly as he watched people from all directions gather on Nie Kong with strange eyes.

"Really, but then you won't have a chance to express yourself." Nie Kong smiled.

"It doesn't matter, we already know our true strength." Mary straightened her chest proudly, her pretty face with a sweet smile.Ru Nie Kong's outstanding performance can bring her happiness and happiness, and let the people of the world see the excellence of his own man.

Nie Kong nodded and appeared in the martial arts arena under the gaze of countless people.

"Master, let me be the first to fight." Shii Quan Chong eagerly looked at Zhen Yuan Zhai and said.

"No, you are the trump card of our super power team. The key to victory or defeat lies on you." Zhen Yuanzhai took a drink, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Yes...Is it? Oh, it turns out...The master takes me so seriously..." Shii Quan Chong was moved with tears streaming down his face.And Athena looked at him pityingly, because he was fooled by the master again and simply died.Because he is like a child, Athena knows that he likes herself, but she only regards him as her friend.

"Master, but you must use your full strength, not let the water go." Athena groaned.

"Well, wait for the old man to try his details." Zhen Yuanzhai walked drunkly, step by step to the opposite of Nie Kong.

Wearing a sailor suit, Athena looked at Nie Kong and her master, waiting for the start of the game.

The Japanese team's Red Maru secretly sighed that Nie Kong was lucky, and they actually met the Chinese team composed of old and weak women and children.Up to now, he felt jealous that Nie Kong could not be so good.

"If you want to win the game, you have to pass my old man's level." Zhen Yuanzhai is drunk, as if only a gust of wind can blow him down, experiencing the mood of drunkenness.

"Brother Nie Kong, don't make heavy moves to the elderly." Shiranhuo Wu said in a charming voice.

Nie Kong sighed, the Chinese team was unlucky when they met him.With their own strength, it would not be a problem to advance to the semi-finals.Especially Zhenyuanzhai, who has been practicing for decades must be very strong.

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