The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0728, super power showdown

After the referee announced the start of the game, Zhen Yuanzhai saw that Nie Kong's body was full of flaws, and his eyes flickered, rolling on the ring and hitting Nie Kong with a pot blow.The super fast wine gourd attacked Nie Kong's head at a tricky angle.The action is simple and very old, so that the eyes of Sakazaki Ryo and the others who are watching the match are bright, and he cannot be underestimated.

When many people thought that Nie Kong couldn't escape, he tilted his head at the moment the jug was near, as if the jug had penetrated his body.

Although Zhen Yuanzhai was surprised, he immediately fought back, with rich experience in combat.The wine gourd, which was quickly pulled back, rushed to Nie Kong at a speeding speed again, and this time it hit Nie Kong's waist.

"Double attack."

Nie Kong caught the gourd that flashed like a meteor, the speed of his shot was simply a magical skill.

Zhen Yuanzhai looked serious, and his body reacted quickly.With the help of Nie Kong's strength to hold the hip flask, he pulled the rope to hold on and rushed towards Nie Kong, quite like a carp rebounding.

"Boy, have a taste of the old man's stunts——Booming the Flame Cannon!" Such a face-to-face move doesn't give people a chance to escape.The wine gas was ignited by Zhen Yuanzhai's gas and turned into a fire dragon and sprayed out.Cao Naojing exclaimed, but Zhen Yuanzhai's move made him feel ashamed of him.

"Win." Shii Quan Chong squeezed his fist, his eyes flashing with excitement.No one can resist the kill of the master.

"Brother Nie Kong, it's dangerous." Liana stared at the battle with worry, praying that Nie Kong would not be injured.

Nie Kong in the ring immediately bulged his cheeks, like a frog.Seeing Nie Kong's cute look, Shiranui Wu and Yuli screamed.

When the scorching flame came, his closed mouth opened slightly, unexpectedly exhaling an unstoppable hurricane.The fire took advantage of the wind, but when the wind was too strong, the flames turned to Zhenyuanzhai.The hurricane screamed, almost blowing away the figure behind.

Because Nie Kong was pulling the wine gourd, Zhen Yuanzhai who was in the air completely endured the flames he emitted.

After the flame disappeared, Zhen Yuanzhai with a scorched face appeared in front of everyone, and it seemed that he had lost his combat effectiveness.Although it was just two or three simple tricks, many people understood the strength of Nie Kong.

"Athena, come out." As soon as Athena pulled her sailor suit outside, she turned around cutely, and unexpectedly changed into a Chinese combat suit.

Pink trousers and long-sleeved clothes, with a dark red "man jacket", which is fastened by a belt.The beautiful hair is sprinkled on the jade back like a waterfall, and the girl looks slim.

The delicate facial features adorn her fair face, especially those bright big eyes which are very cute.

"Please advise!" The youthful and lovely Athena saluted Nie Kong quite politely.Athena's sweet voice is as sweet as a oriole. No wonder she is already an idol singer at a young age.

Nie Kong said gently: "I heard that there is a singer in Japan who is also called Athena who sings very well. I wonder if it is you."

Athena swelled and said with joy: "You actually know that my voice has gone overseas."

"Sure enough, I said how could there be such a cute girl except her." Nie Kong smiled.

Athena stuck in her waist and said: "Huh, although you speak nicely, but I want to win the game."

"Hehe, come if you have the ability."

Seeing the two chatting intimately, Shii Quan Chong shouted as if jealous: "Athena, hurry up and give him a taste."

With the announcement of the referee, the second game begins!


Athena disappeared strangely from the place, with no signs at all.Many people frowned, but still couldn't see her speed clearly.

That's because she used her superpowers to break through the space teleportation.

A faint spatial fluctuation came from behind Nie Kong, and Athena, who had originally disappeared, suddenly appeared behind him.

Her little white hand had already been printed on Nie Kong's back, and Nie Kong's body without any defense seemed uncontrollable. Following Athena's delicate hand pointing towards the sky, she flew high into the sky.

"Hey, really interesting use of spiritual energy." Nie Kong watched Athena rush towards him, and a dazzling white light flashed with his right hand.

"Drain the lightsaber!" The red light in his hand flashed continuously, like a real sharp sword.If it were an ordinary person, she would definitely not be able to break free from the shackles of her spiritual power.But she met Nie Kong, a super terrifying soul.

"Since you are using super powers, then I will use super powers to have fun with you and move instantaneously." The moment that radiant hand hit Nie Kong's body, Nie Kong disappeared like Athena. Up.

Athena's eyes widened, and she shook her head to find Nie Kong.

"I'm here." Nie Kong patted her on the shoulder, and she hurriedly teleported away in an instant. When she turned around, she only saw Nie Kong's smiling face.

"You... can you actually use teleportation, can you use superpowers?" She stammered, Zhen Yuanzhai and Shii Quan Chong were equally startled.

"What do you think."

"In that case, let's see who our superpowers are better." Athena smiled playfully and restored her original lovely appearance.She felt very kind when she met someone like herself.

The bodies were pulsing strangely, and the two of them disappeared for a while in the ring.The teleportation stunt was vividly performed in front of the two.

"Spirit ball." After teleporting to Nie Kong's left, Athena put her hands together and aimed at Nie Kong and sent a white energy ball.

Nie Kong stretched out his hand to block in front, and then the energy ball composed of mental power disappeared. That was Nie Kong's countermeasure.

She was shocked, she had almost overdrawn her mental power by using so many teleports.On the other hand, he seems to have no influence, so strong super power.

"Transfer." Nie Kong glanced at Athena, and the super soul power controlled Athena and came to him.Athena’s body was pressed like a mountain, her body and soul could not move at all.

"You give up."

"No...I didn't lose..." But before she finished speaking, her eyes were lost, and she said blankly: "I...I gave up..." Then she left the ring.

Only when Athena regained consciousness, she rushed to the ring with a flushed face and stomped Nie Kong's foot severely.But instead, it was her little feet that she hugged, shouting pain.

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