The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0735, the appearance of the blood of the snake

"Colonel Hardyron, who is he?" They didn't expect that KOF was a scam.And the one who dominates all that is the man who laughs wildly inside.

"I will never forget his name, he killed my wife and daughter. He is Lucar, a world-renowned arms dealer. A few years ago, the chief of the UN peacekeeping force ordered me to investigate him, but he defeated me with bare hands. There are 50 elite subordinates. I started a duel with him. In the end, I lost two or three moves, and was blinded by his extinction sweeping leg." Hadilun gritted his teeth.

The fighters on the scene were surprised to hear that there would be someone like him.In this way, how strong will he be?

"Now I can only watch the changes and see if Nie Kong can beat him." Sakazaki sighed.

"No problem, Brother Nie Kong will definitely win." Yuri Sakazaki blurted out.

Athena hesitated to speak, but she could actually use teleport to move to an isolated room.And Kusunakyo can also destroy walls, but he doesn't want to destroy the upcoming battle.

Nie Kong inside directly responded to Lucar's words with action, and his fingers sprayed dazzling light and rushed towards Lucar's collection.Only a bang was heard, and all the bronze statues were turned into powder.

"Do you think you are qualified to say that kind of thing?" Nie Kong said with a smile.

Lucar's face sank, his right eye shot a strong killing intent.

"Very well, I like your answer very much. Mai Zhuo, Wei Si, you two will choose one of them as your opponent." Although he is confident of his own strength, he does not want anyone to hinder their fairness battle..

"Yes, BOSS." The two graceful girls looked at King and Mary. It was Mai Zhuo who chose King and Wei Si chose Mary.

The four beautiful girls fought fiercely in the spacious airtight room, leaving only Nie Kong and Lukar to confront each other.

Lukar squinted his left eye and directly sent out his triumphant trick to exterminate his legs towards Nie Kong.A terrifying blade appeared where his legs swept, tearing the air.

Nie Kong was slightly surprised. His strength was much stronger than that of drafting Naginyo. It's no wonder that the original work had to be combined with the strength of their Japanese team to defeat him.

"You two will play with them. I will meet this guy, but don't make your shots too heavy." Nie Kong finished, in a daze, his body had escaped Lucar's sweep of his legs, and he simply fisted towards Lu. Carl's belly hit straight away.

Although Lucar's leg sweep is powerful and wide.But even if Nie Kong stood and beat him, he couldn't hurt Nie Kong a bit.Facing the straight fist that seemed slow and fast, Lucar had an illusion that he could not avoid it.

"Boom..." His sturdy body slammed into the steel wall behind, and a deep dent appeared.Lucar spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Nie Kong solemnly.

"Hehe, I only use the power as small as a hair, you can't bear it?" Nie Kong didn't forget to hit him.

Although I learned about Nie Kong's strength in the video, he did not expect it to exceed his imagination.

Looking directly at Nie Kong's mocking eyes, in a daze, he once again remembered the man who had easily defeated him a few years ago-Gonitz wearing a blue priest uniform.

"Asshole, how can I, Lucar, tolerate two failures. Low-altitude Split Wind Fist, Emperor Caesar..." The low-altitude wind blade cut to Nie Kong with a sharp aura, and the radius followed It is a huge blue wave of two meters.The aura he simply sent out was actually more powerful than the extreme current overlord Xianghouquan!

Facing the covering attack of Lukar's heaven and earth nets, no matter who they were outside, Kasa Nagin could not escape.

Nie Kong swiped with one hand, and the energy in front of him split into two halves and passed over his body, and the wind from the palms even blew Lucar behind him.

Lukar was smashed by Nie Kong's power and flew several dozen meters away, and then hit the wall behind.The steel wall immediately knocked down and then fell to pieces.

"Woo...what is this damn powerful..." Lucar spit out a big mouthful of blood, and he felt the internal organs shifting.There is such a strong strength with a casual wave, can't he resist his strength.His eyes were filled with intense unwillingness and desire for strength.

"Hmph, in order to avoid the battle from destroying my aircraft carrier, please solve you as soon as possible." Nie Kong said coldly.

"Fuck the gas bomb." The round energy ball floated on Nie Kong's right hand, and then Nie Kong controlled it to cut through the air and rush towards Lucar.

Because he was afraid of destroying the aircraft carrier, Nie Kong only used the energy that could kill him.

Lucar gritted his teeth and immediately took out a small tube from nowhere, and injected it into his body.

"Since it is death anyway, then I will try to use the power in the drop of blood he gave." The roar burst, and a strong dark flame burst out of his body, very evil.

But after the gas bomb hit his body, it couldn't hurt him.Nie Kong was shocked, the strength of Lucar in front of him was directly increased several times.

A terrifying arrogance spurted out, and a strong wind was stirred up.

"It's so evil, what kind of power is that?" Athena outside said in surprise.

"So strong, what the hell did he do?" Kusanagi and the others agreed to be horrified, Lucar's current strength has exceeded their current level.

"Lucar actually used the blood of the big snake, doesn't he want to live anymore?" Wei Si couldn't help frowning when he saw that scene.

"Do you have time to worry about others now? Just take care of yourself." Mary jumped above her, grabbed her hair and slammed her to the ground.She snorted painfully, her internal organs ached.

"Special move-disdain to earn it." She burst out with a force to drag Mary to the wall.Mary slipped behind her instead, hugged her waist hard and fell down her body severely.

She was horrified, how could such a powerful character appear in the world, she even felt that Mary was stronger than the awakened Gonitz.

The opposite of Mai Zhuo is not much better than Wei Si. Because of the strength of King's Muay Thai boxing, she can hardly defend the speed of each blow.

King's legs are like phantoms, one foot after another, she has no ability to parry.If it weren't for the unwillingness to kill, the eight masterpieces of their two big snakes had become corpses.

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