The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0736, the end of kof

"Haha... the power of the serpent, then let's show them the power of our heavenly gods. Visi, let's do our best." How can they be beaten by King and the others.

After the two women followed Lucar, a terrifying force emerged in their bodies, and their strength directly increased several times.However, the strength of the two women and Nie Kong soared after repairing, far surpassing Mai Zhuo and the others.

They just used more power, and the explosive Mai Zhuo and Wei Si lost again to King and Mary.With horror on their faces, how could there be anyone in the world who was more powerful than the gods of the heavens?

"Greeze Fist." Lucar burst into a powerful momentum, and his right hand sent a sharp wave of energy to the Kusannagi outside the wall.The air blade a few meters wide seemed to be able to cut through the air, unstoppably cutting tens of centimeters of toughened glass.

Everyone was horrified, and each resorted to his own kills to block the sudden attack.

"Boom..." There was a boom, and the huge aircraft carrier was shaking violently.When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, almost everyone was seriously or slightly injured.

After the mutation, Lucar knocked out all the elite fighters from all countries in one move.

"Haha... I am the strongest in the world, no one can beat me." Lucar looked at Nie Kong frantically, the veins on his face fierce.After swallowing the blood of the serpent, his sanity became a little confused, and his state was very similar to Lianna's madness.

Watching Lucar show his newly acquired power in front of him, Nie Kong gently shook his head: "Arrogant guy, I will show you what power is." After speaking, Nie Kong suddenly raised a small part of his anger. The sky was suddenly severely affected.The wind was blowing loudly, as if a typhoon of dozens of levels broke out.The ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the aircraft carrier seems to be shaking violently.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si looked at each other in horror. How could anyone in the world be stronger than the Four Heavenly Kings Storm Gounitz?

"Is that his true strength, no...impossible, how could human beings reach that level of power?" Sakazaki Ryo yelled in horror.

Forced by Nie Kong's momentum, Lucar rushed out like a broken kite.But after losing his reason, he no longer knew what was afraid of.He roared, and then continued to rush towards Nie Kong.

Nie Kong stretched out his hand and simply shot a beam of light, piercing through Lucar's heart, revealing a big wound.

But Lucar gradually stood up. Although the scar on his chest was still there, it had healed.In such a short period of time, his body can actually recover to this way, the blood of the snake is indeed a bit of a doorway.

"Emperor Caesar!" Lucar folded his hands and released a gas wave with a radius of five or six meters, and the volume suddenly filled the whole room.

Nie Kong understood that if he wanted to continue fighting at this level, the aircraft carrier would definitely be involved.He stretched out his hand to shake the rushing air wave, Lucar's confident tricks were shattered and turned into a sky full of fluorescence.

"Impossible, how could I not be your opponent after being promoted! The Gate of Heaven!!" Lucar rushed towards Nie Kong, with an aura like a tiger coming out of the mountain.

"Since you are using that blood to improve your strength, then I will use it to solve you-blood burst." Nie Kong stared at the blood of the serpent flowing out of his chest, and then detonated its dark energy.

"Boom..." Nie Kong used his mental power to control the huge explosion and compressed it into the two-meter space of Lucar. His whole person turned into a cloud of blood, and he did not spill a little.

"The Lukar who Gonitz ordered us to watch was not killed by backlash, but was really killed by him...killed!!" Mai Zhuo and Wei Si looked at Nie Kong in horror, wondering what he would do with them.Being able to kill Lukar, who possesses the blood of the serpent and the immortality of the protoss, proves that he can also kill them both, the immortality of the protoss is just a joke in his eyes.I don't know if Gonitz can defeat him, whether he will hinder their plan-the resurrection of the snake.Their innate sense of mission made them worry about the future resurrection of the serpent.

"Nie Jun, what shall we do with the two secretaries of Lucar?" King pointed to Mai Zhuo who was stepping on the ground.

"Don't hurt them for the time being, I have something to leave them to do." Nie Kong said.

"No, what do you want them to do?" Mary asked suspiciously.

"I plan to accept Lucar's aircraft carrier, so I asked them to help manage it. When I have time, I will use it to take you on a trip around the world, how about?" I saw this luxurious ship at first glance. Aircraft carrier, Nie Kong already likes it.And now that Lukar is dead, Nie Kong can justly take it away.

The two women's eyes lit up and nodded vigorously.

"What about you two, are you willing to follow me?" Nie Kong turned to look at Mai Zhuo and Wei Si, with a cold tone.

"We...we are willing. It's my honor to be by your side." Mai Zhuo winked, climbed up to him and hugged his thigh, making a surrender.

Seeing Nie Kong's power, they could only temporarily surrender before Gonitz had no other orders.But looking at Mai Zhuo's appearance, he really liked the domineering and tyrannical character like Nie Kong.

And Wei Si knew that if she objected, she would endure Nie Kong's merciless killing.Wei Si didn't dislike Nie Kong's cold-blooded character towards the enemy.

"Okay, but don't you worry that we will kill you when we become stronger in the future?" Wei Si said with a smile on her pretty face.

"Do you think there will be a chance with your strength? Perhaps your master, Da Snake, is worthy of playing with me if he is resurrected." Nie Kong chuckles.

Hearing what Nie Kong said, the two women were shocked one after another. How could he understand his secret?

The two women were confused and didn't understand what Nie Kong was talking about.

At this point, KOG is over. There are many jewels hidden in the aircraft carrier, and Nie Kong distributed them to the various fighters in the competition.Sakazaki Takuma accepted it with a smile, perhaps intending to use it to develop limit current.

The rest of the teams didn't laugh at it, perhaps because they disdained that kind of ill-gotten wealth, they bid farewell to Nie Kong and the others.

At the time of parting, Athena urged Nie Kong to come to Japan or China to play and study superpowers together. Nie Kong smiled and nodded.

The KOF contest is over and everything is back to the same.But after seeing Nie Kong and their power, it seemed to open a door for them, and they had the determination to continue practicing.

The three girls yelled that they were not strong enough so they would be defeated by the Japanese team, and asked Nie Kong to give them special training, definitely surpassing Mary.

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