The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0737, go to Japan

Lucar is dead, what should be done with the KOF in 1995, this is no longer a question for Nie Kong to think about.After the aircraft carrier docked in Hong Kong, Nie Kong drove out the remaining fighters and related KOF staff.The huge aircraft carrier, only Nie Kong, a man and seven girls.

Wei Si and Mai Zhuo are in charge of the management and hygiene of the aircraft carrier, and they have changed from their former secretaries to the famous Nie Kong maids.Regarding this, they can't tell.However, their physical strength is a hundred times stronger than ordinary people, but they are capable of handling those tasks.

Hong Kong is close to Japan, so Xiao Wu spoils her Jiao Niekong and asks to accompany her home to visit her grandparents.To be honest, Xiao Wu has been away from home for several years, and it is only natural to miss her hometown.

Nie Kong discovered for the first time that the life experiences of the girls who accompanied him were very miserable, such as Xiao Wu, King, Mary, and Lianna who had lost their parents since childhood.Yuri's situation is a little better, with a stubborn father still in the world.

Looking at her longing eyes, can Nie Kong say something to refuse.Anyway, it is possible to detour back to the United States from the seas of Japan, so Nie Kong nodded and agreed to her request.On the journey to Japan, they started a trip around the sea by the way.There is a distance of several thousand kilometers from Hong Kong to Japan, and it takes a few days at the speed of an aircraft carrier. Moreover, Nie Kong and the others are playing and driving, so it is estimated that it will take ten days.

On the deck, the girls sat on blankets and enjoyed the morning sunbathing.King's is a simple light yellow suspender swimsuit that wraps the important three points.

The swimsuit Mary wore was very revealing, the black swim trunks and the white cutie were no good. If you continue to watch it, you will be wild.

Nie Kong hurriedly turned his gaze to the three girls, Lianna and Yuli were relatively more conservative.A light green three-point swimsuit and a pure blue three-point swimsuit.The pleasant breath of youth came to his face, not inferior to the coquettishness of a mature woman.The young body is waiting for Nie Kong to develop, and then transform the charm of a mature woman.The last girl, Xiao Wu, was much more enthusiastic than the shy two girls.

"Brother Nie Kong, can you help me wipe the suntan lotion." Xiao Wu seemed to notice Nie Kong's gaze, and turned around to lie on the blanket and said with her back to Nie Kong.

"Okay." Nie Kong wearing big pants came to Xiao Wu's side. Xiao Wu slowly unbuttoned her swimsuit, exposing her perfect jade back, and lay directly on the blanket.

Nie Kong skillfully squeezed the sunscreen into the palm of his hand to heat it, and then applied it to Xiao Wu's jade back after the temperature was right.After rubbing the cool sunscreen oil, Nie Kong slowly stroked her skin back and forth.

"But... but you can apply it yourself before." Nie Kong's breathing stopped.

"Since you promised to help me, then finish painting it by the way. It's a bad behavior to give up halfway," Xiao Wu said.

"Yeah." Nie Kong's hands slowly touched her lower abdomen from the jade back, and smeared her lower abdomen back and forth.

"Ah..." Xiao Wu blushed and murmured softly, her body softened and pressed Nie Kong's hands tightly.

"Strong harder?" Lianna's voice suddenly came, and then only heard a snap, her palm hit Xiao Wu's back hard.

"Oh..." Xiao Wu bounced with pain

"Lianna, you...what are you doing?" Xiao Wu hurriedly blushed and glared at Lianna, blaming her for ruining her good deeds.

"I really can't care about you at all, how can I ask Brother Nie Kong to do... do that kind of thing?" Lianna scolded with a blushing face.

"Yes, yes, Brother Nie Kong ignore Xiaowu, come and help Yuli wipe." Yulifu shouted.

How could poor Xiao Wu fight against Liana and Yuri who were united, she could only declare her surrender with her unwillingness.

"Hehe, it seems that the minds of those three girls are unruly." King smiled lightly.

"Yes, but I think those three girls will be like us sooner or later... Nie Jun, the worst."

"Well, Jun Nie's charm is indeed great." King was in a daze, with a very happy expression. It was he who saved himself and gave him a new life.

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