The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 075, Li Mengxiang's shyness

Seeing that Nie Kong lightly accepted the power fist she had turned into a demon, the scarlet eyes flashed with surprise.Although Mengxiang was very rude, she never thought of hurting Nie Kong and only used half of her own strength, but she never expected that Nie Kong could easily catch her fist.

"Although that Mengxiang likes you very much on the surface, I won't succumb to you so easily. If you want to get me, use your power." Li Mengxiang didn't intend to let Nie Kong go. One hand attacked again, this time she directly used all of her strength.

The surging demon aura quickly condensed in Mengxiang's fist, transformed into a vampire power, and rushed towards his face with a breath of oppression!

"The soft and gentle Mengxiang is different from the queen's strong Mengxiang, but sharing the same body at the same time really makes me feel like twins." If Nie Kong chooses which one is better, Nie Kong feels that both personalities are both. Each has its own charm.

Nie Kong also stretched out his other hand to block Li Mengxiang's front. After Mengxiang's huge power hit Nie Kong's palm, the mud cow disappeared into the sea.

Mengxiang gritted her teeth and did not give up resistance.Those sexy thighs squeezed Nie Kong's waist hard and shook it suddenly.

Nie Kong didn't expect that Li Mengxiang would have this trick. When he staggered, Li Mengxiang was back pressured on the tatami, turning into a posture of a female upper and a male lower.

"It's really a wild and untamable horse." Where did Nie Kong let Mengxiang succeed, he turned his waist hard, and once again pressed Li Mengxiang under him.For a while, the two kept rolling on the tatami.

As the two rolled up and down, the part of Nie Kong left in Mengxiang's body directly plunged into Mengxiang's body.In the end, Li Mengxiang couldn't stand the intense stimulus, and no longer had the strength to fight with Nie Kong, letting Nie Kong ride on her.

"You're not Mengxiang, who exactly are you?! Why did you appear in Mengxiang's body?" Nie Kong naturally knew that Li Mengxiang was under him, but he was curious how Li Mengxiang could escape without taking off the cross. of?

Li Mengxiang was embarrassed and angry. Under Nie Kong's intimidation, he had to confide: "I am another Mengxiang. I am sealed by the cross and can't come out. But... But never thought of being pushed behind by you so shamelessly by Jun Nie, There was a stream of pure energy coming from you, helping me to break the seal of the cross."

Mengxiang originally thought that Nie Kong was just trying to take the opportunity to ask for herself. How did she think that everything Nie Kong said was true?By doing such shameful things with him, she can really stop her anemia.

"Human Sovereign boss gave me an extraordinary technique. I thought that after changing the plot, I would never see Mengxiang in the Tsundere Queen again. God helped me!" In this way, he has two different Mengxiang. Just thinking about it is exciting.

"After that, when you have anemia, Mengxiang remember to come to me."

"Don't think about it, do you think I'm that Mengxiang." Li Mengxiang pouted, her cold eyes flashed with shame.A girl who is as strong and arrogant as herself, proactively asks Nie Kong for favor, she feels shy just thinking about it.

"It's not up to you, now you have become my person." Look

Li Mengxiang closed his eyes for unknown time, and a trace of crimson appeared on Jing Bao's waist.His skin trembled, his face seemed to enjoy, and there was a hint of forbearance.

After the hearty, Li Mengxiang finally fell asleep.Nie Kong also enjoyed himself for a while.Lie on Mengxiang's body, close his eyes and dream to rest.

In that deep sleep, Nie Kong had a dream. In an endless forest, he was scented by the surface, and scented by the inside.It seems that there are three Digimon such as the monster girl, one man and five women are already hugging each other, playing a chapter of love in that forest.

I don't know how long it took before Nie Kong finally woke up.And Mengxiang didn't know when to lie on him, her white face was the peace after the storm.Nie Kong was surprised how the two became one again, could it be that the dream he had just had was real.

A few minutes after Nie Kong woke up, Mengxiang shook her head.As if coming out of the boundless nightmare, I suddenly felt like I was lying on something, straightened up like lightning, eyes bursting, and facing Nie Kong's eyes, the reality almost didn't make Li Mengxiang commit suicide on the spot.

Nie Kong said with a playful expression: "Mengxiang, you are awake."

Li Mengxiang thought for a moment.Already thinking about it, his eyes suddenly became cold, Nie Kong's voice rang and said: "Mengxiang, even if it was my fault at the beginning, you will be very active later."

Li Mengxiang's face blushed slightly, but he coldly snorted, "It's obviously Mengxiang's fault, how could I do such a thing."

Nie Kong straightened up and said in a slightly praised voice: "Mengxiang, whether it is the gentle you or the current you are so cute, I like it very much."

"Huh! Don't think I will give in to you by saying something nice. I am not as good at talking as the Mengxiang on the surface." Li Mengxiang's heart was beating fiercely, and she turned her head and dared not look at Nie Kong.

During the time that Biao Mengxiang was with Nie Kong, she could naturally see from the cross that she had a very good impression of Nie Kong in her heart like Biao Mengxiang.For her always alone, she didn't know how happy she was to see that Nie Kong was really a vampire just like her.If it weren't for the cross to seal her up, she herself would like to get along well with Nie Kong.

"Really, I just didn't know if it was Mengxiang, who did something like that to me while people were sleeping." Nie Kong looked at Mengxiang in playful eyes.

Li Mengxiang's face brushed like the setting sun, and she looked so pure and lovely under the mutual radiance of her silver hair.

"Nie Jun, I won't care about you anymore." Li Mengxiang quickly put on her clothes and panicked to run out of the club's classroom, but she staggered under her feet and almost fell to the ground.

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