The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 076, Fairy Child Purple appears

"Good morning, Jun Nie." On the way to school the next morning, Mengxiang was still waiting to go to school with him as usual.Looking at Mengxiang's bright face comparable to the sun, Nie Kong suddenly couldn't understand the girl's thoughts. He thought that Mengxiang would make him a little awkward these days.

"Mengxiang, would you blame me for doing something like that to you yesterday?" Nie Kong turned his face and looked at Mengxiang who was holding his arm, and couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

"I...I know that Nie Jun is doing everything to help Mengxiang overcome anemia! Without Nie Jun's help, I don't know how long I can hold on. Nie Jun saved my life." Mengxiang eyes. Staring at Nie Kong with deep affection.After being forcibly pushed by Nie Kong, Biao Mengxiang no longer concealed his vague feelings for Nie Kong.


"Nie Jun!" Biao Mengxiang and Nie Kong stared at each other, a pink atmosphere filled the surrounding area, Mengxiang slowly approached Nie Kong infatuatedly.

"I really can't care about you at all, I almost let you succeed!" When Mengxiang's fragrance lips slowly approached Nie Kong, a figure suddenly jumped out of the grass next to him, and forcefully pushed Mengxiang away. .Mengxiang's body slammed into a dead tree five meters away, her eyes rolling in circles.

"Nie Jun, have you decided to let me join the Friends Department today." After pushing away Mengxiang, Hu Meng hugged Nie Kong's left hand into the middle of her lethal chest.

"It's only one night, how can the review be so fast?" Mengxiang's expression changed as she looked at Hu Meng's appearance, and hurriedly pulled Hu Meng to let her leave Nie Kong.

"You are not the head of the regiment, so you don't have the right to decide what you say," Hu Meng retorted.

"I...I...I just don't agree, Nie Jun, your opinion!" Mengxiang thought that after everything happened to Nie Kong, he would naturally stand on his side.But Nie Kong's next sentence immediately made her feel extremely depressed.

"Mengxiang, if she doesn't agree with her being so persistent, she will definitely not give up. Let her join our club."

"Yeah, Nie Jun is really nice to Hu Meng!" Hu Meng cheered, and couldn't help but kiss Nie Kong's cheek, his eyes looked like a victorious general at Mengxiang with pride.

"How come, how can Nie Jun be like this?" Meng Xiang forcedly endured the tears from her eyes, looking sadly at Nie Kong.

"Don't worry! Even if you let her join the club, how can it compare to Mengxiang's emotional exchange with me last night." Nie Kong lowered his head slightly and said softly in Mengxiang's ear.

"Then... then let her join, but if she dares to harass Nie Jun anymore, I'm not welcome." The sadness on Mengxiang's face faded suddenly, and her gentle smile was put on again.

"Nie Jun, hurry up, hurry up, there is still an exam today, if you are late, you will be miserable." Hu Meng did not hear Nie Kong and Mengxiang whispering, and happily shouted to him on the road ahead.

"Ah, it's awful!!!" Meng Xiang said, holding Nie Kong's hand and ran towards the classroom.

"Asshole poor X, don't hold Nie Jun!" Hu Meng stomped and ran directly behind.

When Yu Mengxiang came to the classroom, it was just in time that Teacher Mao Mujing had already issued the test paper.Nie Kong sat in his seat and looked at the test paper in his hand, and threw it aside without writing his name.Who cares about exams?

At noon the next day, the results of the exam were already out.Both Mengxiang and Hu Meng took Nie Kong's hand and walked to the results announcement column.

"Have you seen Nie Jun? My grade is 13th." Mengxiang smiled delightedly at Nie Kong next to him.

"You're good, but what's your grade." Hu Meng saw that his name was ranked behind more than two hundred, his cute face was a little bit strange, and he was authentic.

Fairchild Zi's name was ranked first. Seeing this result, Nie Kong did not show a surprised expression, because these were all within his expectations.

"But why didn't you see Nie Jun's name? It's weird." Meng Xiang scanned the list carefully and said strangely.

"The first is that genius girl Fairy Tzu, not Nie Jun. Then I will find it from below." Because Hu Meng ranks more than 100, there is no need to look for the previous one.

"No need to look for it, my name is here." Nie Kong said indifferently, pointing to the last name on the list.

"No way, with Nie Jun's smart head actually going to be the last one?" Mengxiang and Hu Meng looked at each other, both eyes were incredible.

"It's too much trouble, I don't bother to write. The grades are in my heart, and they don't make much sense." Nie Kong didn't care.

"Nie Jun, what you said is great, you are simply my confidant, I love you to death." Hu Meng, who had a poor exam test, cheered and hugged Nie Kong's neck, staring at Nie Kong with bright eyes. .

"Hu Meng, let go of Nie Jun, don't keep holding Nie Jun." Mengxiang thought that Nie Jun would praise her a few words, but when she heard Nie Kong's remarks, she was naturally disappointed in her heart.But seeing that Hu Meng was taking advantage of his beloved Nie Jun too much, he immediately pushed Hu Meng away and hugged Nie Kong.

At this moment, a small girl with a hat on her head and a cloak hid in a distant corner looking at the noisy three people enviously.Especially when looking at Mengxiang, his eyes are full of infatuation.

"Friends Department? I really hope that I can make friends with Moexiang. But the guy who wrote the announcement is really terrible. He hides such an evil thing in it." It seems that the girl thought of the information hidden in the announcement. Take a sip.

"But to be honest, I didn't expect that the minister of the Friends Department really likes pranks, just like me."

When the girl was thinking about something, three male classmates slowly gathered in front of her.

"Sure enough, as most people expected, sitting firmly in the first place, you really deserve to be the genius girl Fairy Zi. But if you are too proud, be careful you will hit the nail."

Three wretched men slowly approached Fairy Zi, and surrounded the small Fairy Zi.

"What do you want to do?" Fairy Tong Zi kept retreating, but suddenly retreated behind the wall.

"We don’t need a little girl like you who is still sucking and smelling. Don’t look down on anyone thinking that you study well." The three wretched men began to transform at this time, and the three orcs who looked very like lizards brought them together. Looking at her bloodthirsty eyes.

Fairy Child Zi waved her magic wand in fear, trying to protect herself with magic, but it was a pity that the magic wand was suddenly bitten by a lizard orc in front of her.

"How come, the magic wand was crushed?" Fairy Tong Zi looked at the three lizardmen in front of him in fear, her small body trembling constantly.

"Haha, even if I eat you here, no one will care about you who are missing." Seeing the lead lizard man opened his bloody mouth, and showed his hideous fangs towards Fairy Tong Zi.

"Yes, even if I am alone, no one will be sad for me." Xiantong Zi's pupils gradually dimmed, quietly waiting for death to come.

"You three disgusting guys, don't block our way." The ruthless and overbearing voice was like a cold wind, rushing into the ears of the three lizardmen.

The three monsters couldn't help shivering, and looked at the source of the sound.I saw that the three of Nie Kong were standing in front of them, seemingly just passing by here.

Because this road happened to be the only way to Nie Kong's club activity room, so I happened to encounter this situation.Nie Kong was also surprised that he would meet the witch Fairy Zi Zi.

"Chichi, kid, this is your death, don't blame me, I'm going to eat you all." The lizardman leader stared cruelly at Nie Kong and the delicate and tender women next to Mengxiang and Hu Meng.

"No problem, ha ha ha." The other two lizardfolk licked their mouths.

"Leave it to you the second child with pink hair, and the third dreamer to you, hurry up. I'm going to tear him up and eat this kid." The lizardman leader leaped towards the stardust with his feet and opened his mouth. Bite Nie Kong.

"Huh, I really don't know how to live or die, I dare to trouble me!" Nie Kong's eyes flashed with disdain, his body did not flash.Suddenly, a large number of black bats appeared in front of him.

There were so many black bats that they knocked out the three disgusting monsters more than ten meters.This kind of monster was eaten by bats, and they still hate it.

"That's amazing! Is Nie Jun's true body turned out to be the legendary S-level vampire? Hu Meng is really happy!" Hu Meng stared at Nie Kong with a strong fascination and admiration in his tone.

"I really hope that I can give birth to a group of vampire babies with Nie Jun." Unknowingly, Hu Meng had fallen into YY, even his saliva flowed all over the place without noticing it.

"Although both are vampires, Jun Nie's ability is really much better than mine." Meng Xiang said enviously.

"It's just three garbage monsters. What's so surprising, let's go back to the club room." Nie Kong glanced at Fairy Zizi lightly, and left here with the two girls.

"The Friendship Department is a society created specifically to find friends. I decided that I must join the Friendship Department and join them." Fairy Tong Zi looked at the three people who had left with determination on his face.

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