The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0739, play games with Xiaowu

Xiao Wu hummed a song and carefully prepared a loving and nutritious dinner for them, seeming to be expecting something strange.

Think about it carefully, Brother Nie Kong should like him.I really don't have any immunity to him, and I feel that my body is about to melt away.

But the relationship between himself and him must be ahead of Lianna and the others, and further truly become his woman.If you can enjoy his gentleness, what happiness should it be?

The answer will be announced tonight, and no one will bother yourself this time.Because in the bedroom assigned to Nie Kong, there is a secret passage straight there.In fact, when allocating rooms, Xiao Wu had already made a thorough night raid plan.And the attic inherited from Shiranui has hidden organs everywhere, using it to realize his wishes.

"As a night attack, you shouldn't need to wear clothes." Looking at the dazzling clothes in the closet, Xiao Wu couldn't make a choice.But in the end she chose a tight-fitting black ninja suit, but it was empty inside.

After calculating the time for Nie Kong to take a bath in the bedroom, Xiao Wu gently tapped the switch on the wall.I saw a one-meter-wide passage that appeared in Xiao Wu's eyes.She immediately jumped in and disappeared into the night.

The passage was originally a mechanism used by Shiranuiruu to escape, but it was used by Xiao Wu for the night attack.If the ancestor knew it, he would definitely come alive.

The moon is not big today, but the lights are bright.I sneaked up to the wooden beam of Nie Kong's room, and by the faint light, I happened to see Nie Kong wearing a bath towel opening the door.

No one else, Xiao Wu was inexplicably delighted.She suddenly flashed from the wooden beam to behind him, and with her body, she threw Nie Kong onto the bed, her small hand covering Nie Kong's eyes.Nie Kong was waiting to struggle, suddenly a familiar fragrance came from his nose.

"Guess who I am?" Xiao Wu said in a strange tone.

"How can I guess? There is no hint at all." Nie Kong chuckled, he already knew the real answer.

"Then... Then what do you want?" Xiao Wu asked stupidly.

"Well, give me a feel for it with both hands."

Xiao Wu in the dark blushed pretty, "Hehe, okay. But if you can't guess, accept my punishment."

"Come on, show me your cheek." Nie Kong stretched out his hand and touched her cheek, only feeling a piece of smoothness, that girl's skin was really watery.

"Did you guess it?" Xiao Wu's bright eyes became watery.

"It seems familiar, but not sure yet."

"Then... Then are you admitting defeat?" Xiao Wu muttered, as if dissatisfied that Nie Kong didn't recognize her.

"How can it be recognized by just touching the face, I have to confirm it carefully. The key difference between girls is their figure, let me touch the others." Nie Kong's mouth had a playful smile.

"Okay... okay." Xiao Wu put Nie Kong's big hand on herself, and then began to guess all the way, Nie Kong's big hand burst.

"Since...Since Brother Nie Kong didn't guess me, he must accept Xiao Wu's punishment."

Nie Kong saw her desire.Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, Nie Kong was also very excited, but Shiranui Wu, do you want her?

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