The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0740Like Xiao Wu

"Brother Nie Kong, a punishment, I want you to love Xiao Wu hard." Her words were like a fuse, directly detonating Nie Kong's impulse.The so-called punishment can be said to be enjoyment for him.With her soft body, she has lost the ability to resist. Although she is uncomfortable, she doesn't know what to do next.She only knew that boys would like her body, so she only took the initiative to give her body to Nie Kong to invade.

Nie Kong gently peeled off the black mesh clothes and saw all the secrets of Xiao Wu's body.She stayed with her when she was fourteen. It has been six years. She is very mature.

Nie Kong's meaning was obvious, he wanted to guide Xiao Wu slowly.Bring her to the bliss of the world a little bit, and then brand the first experience that will never be forgotten.


After all the hard work, I finally dreamed of becoming the woman of Brother Nie Kong.I don't know how envious the two girls, Lianna and Yuli, will be when they know about it, hehe.

"Xiao Wu, does it hurt?" Nie

"Well, not at all." She shook her head, and put her arms around Nie Kong's neck.

Although she said so, Nie Kong did not start immediately.Instead, she waited for the Shuangxiu energy to replenish her body before launching an offensive.

After the eruption, her pretty face showed an amazing beauty. It was the process of a girl's transformation like a woman, but it was prominent in Xiao Wu.And like Lala's words, that kind of nervous personality kept her youthful forever.

After Xiao Wu was satisfied, Nie Kong took her body and teleported directly to King's bedroom.

King saw the closeness of the two and chuckled, "That girl, Xiao Wu, really dare to attack directly."

Xiao Wu hid in Nie Kong's arms shyly, afraid to look at King.A few years ago, they learned that Nie Kong often went to King's bar at eight or nine, and they knew that the relationship between the two was abnormal.But Xiao Wu didn't mind, she still seduced Nie Kong and dedicated herself to him.

"Hey, why is King so attractive?" Nie Kong played a small movie with King in front of Xiao Wu, making Xiao Wu blushing, but she has no fighting power.

When King was satisfied, Xiao Wu thought it was over.

That girl in Mary seemed to have killed Nie Kong by spraying blood. She thought she didn't wear pants, but she didn't expect a pair of thongs to get stuck.Nie Kong stabbed to the point, and found that she Jiaohu hammered Nie Kong with both hands, saying that he did it without taking off his pants and was necrotic.

For a long time, the three daughters squeezed into Nie Kong's arms and fell asleep.But Nie Kong still has things to do. He is used to leaving in the middle of the night and getting into the ring.Although the time in the middle of the night is very short, the ring has a time ratio that can be adjusted.

Knowing that his cultivation base was about to break through, Nie Kong naturally had to practice diligently to reach the so-called Da Luo Jinxian level.Although it is only the initial stage, maybe he will have the ability to protect himself at that time.

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