The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0741, Fujitang Taoist Hall is attacked

The performance of Mai Shiranui in the KOF contest made Shiranui Mai's "clone technique" popular in Japan, which originally admired ninjas, and made Shiranuiyu the number one dojo in Japan, without a doubt.

Especially knowing that Nie Kong and his party were coming, pushed it to a very high altitude.Before it was bright, there were already many people around the dojo, some were joining the fun, some were apprentices hoping to sign up.

"Huh, I don't know Huo Liu is far behind our Fujitang's Guwu. With those three-legged cat skills that deceive children, it really makes people wonder what they rely on to attract so many people." A middle-aged man outside the door was unhappy. Said.

"It would be great if our Fujidō Dokan was also popular." The one who answered him was a girl who was about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a kimono for martial arts practice and wearing a turban on her forehead.The long blue hair is tied back into a ponytail, the hairstyle is similar to Lianna, and the pretty face is very sweet and lovely, she is a cute little beauty.But there are good and bad. The breasts wrapped in the kimono seem to be underdeveloped, and they are flat so that they don’t bulge out.She is small and looks like a young loli.

"Daughter, Dad will definitely revive the reputation of Fujitang Dojo." With firm eyes, he looked at Shiranuiyu Dojo.

Fujidō Dokan specializes in teaching Fujidō-ryu ancient martial arts, or Japanese Aikido, and its branch is karate.Therefore, it is considered to be quite historical in Japan, but it is a pity that Fujidō-ryu ancient martial arts are not favored by young people, resulting in a generation inferior to the next generation. At Fujidō Ryuba, Fujidō Taoist Hall is on the verge of ruin.

However, because many dojos in Japan almost all showed depression, he thought that the times had begun to change, so that many people did not like to learn martial arts.However, I did not expect that Shiranui, who was on the verge of bankruptcy, suddenly rose to become the most popular dojo in Japan.

Because of this, Fujidō Ryuba came here to see the details of Shiranui Ryu, and then try to enhance the popularity of his gym.The more I saw the crowd in front of him, the more angry Fujido Ryuba was.

When the door opened at 8 o'clock in the morning, the crowd finally squeezed into the slightly tight dojo.

There are more onlookers, so naturally more people sign up.After Nie Kong's double repairs last night, Xiao Wu's strength was able to support Shiranui Liu.Skills that could not be used before can now be used proficiently.

Seeing the noisy Daochang like a vegetable market, Nie Kong frowned and immediately discussed with Xiao Wu.The gym is revitalized, but now there are fewer people, so you have to choose the best.Moreover, Nie Kong didn't intend to let Xiao Wu be famous for teaching. It was enough for Shiranui Hanzo to manage the dojo.If there are too many people, they will not be able to take care of them.

"What? The quota is full?" There was a lot of uproar there, and many people were very dissatisfied.They came to sign up and were rejected. This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing.

However, the harder it is to get, the more people will follow it.Many people yelled and refused to leave.

"I don't know what the fire is so big, I actually refused to recruit students." When the crowd clamored, a cold snort suddenly came from the crowd. Although the sound was not loud, it was very clear to everyone's ears. in.The crowd separated automatically, and the silhouette of the person who was speaking was presented in front of everyone, only to see that the people who came were the Fujitang Longbai father and daughter who had just guarded outside.

No wonder he was angry. There was no one in his Fujitang Dojo, and you refused to sign up.

"Haha, who I thought it would be, it turned out that it was the owner of Fujitang Hall who came here." Shiranui Hanzo laughed.

"Shiranui Hanzo, I'm here today to ask you about Shiranui's ninjutsu, and let everyone see if it is our Fujido Ryugu martial arts or yours."

Long Bai in a kimono pointed at Shiranui Hanzo, his eyes full of warfare.As long as Shiranuiyu is defeated, Fujidōryu's reputation will definitely be louder than Shiranuiyu, and there is no fear that no students will join.

The crowd onlookers grew more and more, and Shiranui Hanzo would naturally be able to see what the opponent was making.

"It's easy to say, since the owner of the Fujitang Pavilion is here prepared, then we will naturally entertain him. Xiao Wu, you can play for Grandpa." Shiranui Hanzo said.

"Leave it to me, I will definitely maintain Shiranui's reputation. Since you are going to play in the gym, then you should understand the rules. If you lose, you have to join us to learn Shiranui."

Xiao Wu is very advanced, just like when Nie Kong confronted him before, she likes to take advantage of it.But because of this, Nie Kong had the opportunity to keep Xiao Wu by his side, and then turned her into his own woman last night.

"Very well, since Hanzo looked down on me so much, then after I win, I want you to admit loudly that it is not as good as our Fujitang Ryu." Fujitang Long smiled with anger.

Drinking fragrant tea, Nie Kong was slightly surprised. Has Tengtang Longbai’s challenge changed to Shiranuiyu?Not the limit flow of the branch?

Fujitang Orange pulled his father, trying to persuade him not to be angry, but he was already stunned.And for his own strength, he is full of confidence.Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, who would admit that he is inferior to others.

"Dad, is it really okay?" Orange murmured, Miaomu with anxious eyes, wondering whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Shiranui Hanzo reached out his hand and made a gesture of please, indicating that the two of them could come with him.Seeing the excitement to see, the crowds are getting more and more crowded, and the already widened venue is already full of spectators.

The two stood on the wooden ring, and the apprentices who had practiced there gave up space one after another.

Although I have watched the broadcast on TV, it would be great to see Shiranuiyu's ninjutsu with my own eyes.Fujitang Stream? I haven't heard of it, I have only heard of Extreme Stream.It's just that Xtreme Stream is in the United States, and they can only sign up for Shiranui.

Speaking of the three people of Extreme Stream, it is a pity that the speed is a little slower, and it is estimated that they are preparing to open a store.If they opened early, they would definitely steal most of Shiranui's popularity.

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