The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0742, orange join

Fujidō Ryubai stepped on the wooden arena where he stepped on the battlefield, seeming to be looking for the secret mechanism of the so-called Shiranuiruyu Shushu.He never cared much about those deceptive tricks.

Xiao Wu looked at his behavior amused, but didn't mean to stop it.Although there are organs in the attic, she now feels that she has become a real ninja with everything that Nie Kong has given.

Tightening the tightly bound belt and shaking his neck again, he is ready to fight.

Looking at Xiao Wu's appearance, Long Bai didn't find anything special.It's just that a beautiful girl who is as old as her own daughter, how good she is.Even from Xiao Wu's body, Long Bai could not feel the presence of qi at all.

"Although it's a bit bullying, please, please." To Xiao Wu made a gesture of fighting world, Long Bai sent an invitation to Xiao Wu, indicating that she would attack first.

Xiao Wu's wonderful eyes blinked, and her white pretty face thought with a smile: "Hehe, if you beat him, then you can use his gymnasium as Shiranuiyu's branch."

"Senior Fujitang, I'm about to take action." Xiao Wu's body flashed, and five or six identical phantoms appeared on the ring.All the spectators who watched the game were shocked, there really is a clone technique.

And Orange was also surprised. Could she really use the ninjutsu performed by the ninja on TV?Will Dad be his opponent?

Xiao Wu didn't have the patience to wait, her shot was a triumphant skill, and the figures turned back and forth, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Fujitang Ryuba finally looked serious, and he found that he really couldn't underestimate the Shiranui Ryu, which was passed down from ancient times like them.

"Jianpai!" He put his hands together, and then cut to the front out of thin air.At a very fast speed, the white Qi blade slashed towards Xiao Wu who he thought was a real body.

"Hehe, guess wrong, I'm here." Xiao Wu's laughter came from behind, and Long Bai was surprised and immediately turned around and kicked back.

The figure behind slowly dissipated and disappeared out of thin air.

"Look at me, it will kill-Huadie Fan." A Xiao Wu on the left immediately threw a fan full of flames at Long Bai.

But just as Long Bai was about to evade, a phantom on the right threw a fan at the same time.

"Heavenly net, flowers and butterflies fan."

Not only on the right side, but several fans in all directions covered his space.Long Bai was able to confirm that all those were real existence.He was secretly surprised, how could the world really have ninjutsu?

Dodging for a while, but Xiao Wu behind caught the fan thrown by Xiao Wu in front and continued to cast, turning Long Bai around.

Lianna and Yuli were surprised that Xiao Wu could actually use four punches, right?The surrounding audience all exclaimed, witnessing Shiranuiyu's "clone technique" with their own eyes.

Puff...Finally, two fans hit him, and he half-kneeled on his chest.The other two still didn't stop, and they were thrown on his back.

"Yeah... I won." The four Xiao Wus simultaneously assumed a victory pose, their pretty faces full of pride.

"Senior Sister is amazing." Seeing Xiao Wu's move to suppress Fujitang Longbai, the apprentices outside the court suddenly exclaimed.

"I haven't conceded yet, so I must kill - super drop." Compared to the air blade that was just released, it was two or three times larger, and it cut towards the clone in front of Xiao Wu.

"Long Yanwu." Xiao Wu rolled over easily, throwing out a hot flame to counteract his attack, and rushed towards him.

"Xiao Wu's strength has become stronger, even I can't see through it." Shiranui Hanzo sighed, and he was fortunate to be able to keep Xiao Wu by Nie Kong's side.

"This is impossible." Long Bai looked very unbelievable. He would lose, and he would lose so badly.Hit by the flame wave, Long Bai has already withdrawn more than ten steps.I couldn't believe it, but I was in pain and told him that none of this was an illusion, and that the other party was really a master.

"You have already lost, remember to join our Shiranui Dokan." Xiao Wu said excitedly.

Long Bai's personality is relatively rigid, and he values ​​the self-esteem of the warrior very seriously.The challenge issued in the name of Fujido was lost to a little girl of Shiranuiruu, and the blow to him was really extraordinary.

"Victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs. How can there be generals in the world who will never defeat. Lord Fujitang, you think too much. Besides, this is not a battle of life and death. If you lose this time, you won't be able to live again next time. "Shiranui Hanzo haha ​​came out of the round field.

"No... this is the shame of my life. Sorry, I have something to ask you. I wonder if you can help?"

"Fujitang Hall Master, just say it." Shiranui Hanzo is a little puzzled, does this Fujitang White Dragon miss it?Why did you confess to the funeral?

"This failure made me understand that my martial arts journey is still very long. Although I am a little embarrassed, I need to break through my limits. Can you let the little girl orange replace me and join your Shiranui flow. Although very presumptuous, This is the request of my life." As he said, Fujidō Hakuryu actually bowed to Shiranui Hanzo ninety degrees.

"Master Fujitang, what are you doing? Is there anything you can say, don't you plan to go back to Fujitang Hall?" Shiranui Hanzo smiled bitterly, how did his dojo get that hot potato.

"I've already opened the gymnasium on my face, so please do everything."

"Dad...Dad, you...Are you going to leave us?" Fujitang Orange shouted at his father with horror in her eyes.

"Orange, I will be back after Dad breaks through. During this period of time you have been wronged to join them instead of Dad." After speaking, Fujitang Bailong turned and left directly.

"Wait for the owner of Fujitang Hall, you..." Shiranui Hanzo wanted to say something, but Fujitang Bailong speeded up, and dropped his lovely daughter Orange Orange two or three times and disappeared in Shiranuiyu Hall.

"Dad..." Knowing her father's stubborn character, she is about to cry, what kind of development is this after all.Obviously he was about to stop him just now and said that his teacher was so reckless.It's alright now, are you going to leave your mother and our sisters and run away?

"Haha, Miss Fujido, you care about your father's words, we don't mean to restrain you." Shiranui Hanzo said.

"No, I will fulfill the agreement after the defeat for my father. It is related to the credibility of our Fujitang Gymnasium." The small beauty pouted, although she had a sad face, her eyes were unusually firm.

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