The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0743, the extinguishing of the storm

"Please advise me a lot in the future. My name is Fujitang Orange. You can call me Orange." She was only 154cm in length and came to Xiao Wu obediently and showed her the etiquette of entering the museum.

"Okay. Although I'm a little disappointed, congratulations on becoming our Shiranui apprentice. You can call me a master in the future." Xiao Wu originally planned to treat the Fujitang Dojo as her own branch, but Fujitang Long Baitai Cunning, used a trick to get rid of Jin Chan.

"Stupid girl, it's too early to become a master with your qualifications. Don't mind, you are welcome to come here anytime if you have time, just practice cultivation by the way." Nie Kong knocked on her head and said yes. Orange said.

Xiao Wu spit out his fragrant tongue, acting obediently.And Lianna saw the relationship between the two, her eyes were surprised.She sensitively discovered that the relationship between Xiao Wu and Brother Nie Kong seemed to have taken a big step forward.How could Brother Nie Kong be closer to Xiao Wu than himself? She must not let her take away his only relative, Brother Nie Kong.Lianna was jealous, she wanted to ask Xiao Wu what was going on.

"No, father and daughter will pay, I will definitely fulfill the promise my father promised." On the one hand, if my father really runs away from home, I must protect Fujidō-ryu's reputation from corruption.On the one hand, knowing the strength of Xiao Wu and the others, she hopes to practice here to make herself stronger.To have that irresponsible father, she must be strong.

Watching Nie Kong and the others introduced themselves one by one, her flustered mood slowly became calm.Several girls of the same age have many topics to discuss.However, the information of the two fathers and daughters is really behind. They didn't watch the KOF fighting game held by Lucar, so they didn't recognize Nie Kong and the others.

When he learned that Nie Kong was the world's number one fighting champion, Xiangcheng was quite surprised.The handsome appearance and the sunny temperament are very easy to get close to. Will he be a strong man?Seeing that Xtreme Current's daughter Yuri Sakazaki would be by his side, Xiang Cheng believed seven or eight points, and became more curious about the strength of Nie Kong.

Goodbye to Nie Kong and the others, Xiangcheng left Shiranuiyu dojo.She wants to prepare to become Shiranuiyu's apprentices in the future, and always tells her mom about her father.

Nie Kong felt that everything he had done led to a change in the plot.As a result, Long Bai was supposed to challenge the limit flow established in the future, and replaced it with Shiranui flow. Hopefully, nothing will happen.

In this way, Xiangcheng became a member of Shiranuiyu and started amateur training with Yuri and others.And three days later, the first branch of Xtreme Stream finally opened in Japan.

Many people who could not participate in Shiranui Ryu started to squeeze towards the dojo of the limit stream.

Seeing the lively extreme flow dojo, Xiao Wu was jealous.She yelled that she would kick the pavilion while it was open, to dampen their reputation.But I immediately pulled it to Yuli, and said that I had to pass my level before kicking the gym.After getting acquainted with Xiao Wu's strength, where are her foolish brothers and fathers?

Xiao Wu was just joking, anyway, I don't know Huo Liu is already famous, and apprentices can only make more money, and there is no substantial effect.And if there are many apprentices, I will definitely be a coach. Where can I be with my favorite brother Nie Kong.

"Weiss, have you reported the information that happened to Gonitz?" And in a corner of Shiranuiyuu, Maidro asked Weis.

"Well, yes. Mai Zhuo, I understand your feelings well, but we have a mission that must be carried out." Wei Si sighed and said softly.

Mai Zhuo's expression changed, and he whispered: "I think let's forget it, he has little influence on our Protoss recovery plan. There is always only one enemy, and that is the three families with artifacts."

"No, if he is invited by the three major families to deal with us, our plan will definitely suffer a major blow. His strength is too strong, and he can easily eliminate Lucar who owns a part of our Protoss immortality. I have a hunch, even if we The two teamed up to deal with him, and the end will definitely not be better than Lucar." It seems that after thinking of the scene, Wei Si's face changed dramatically.

"As long as he isn't invited by the three big families, isn't it all right? I think if Wei Si can join forces with me to fascinate him with feminine charm, at least he won't be against us." Mai Zhuo said with an idiot.

Wei Si bit her lower lip and said, "If it can be successful, it would be a good deal."

"Hehe, right." Mai Zhuo's eyes were excited.

"But we have to wait until Gonitz, the leader of the Eight Masters, makes a decision. We can't get rid of the shackles of his orders. In principle, he is our boss." Wei Si sighed.

"Then Gonitz heard the news of Lucar's death, what should I say." Mai Zhuo asked curiously.

"He said he would come to see Nie Kong's abilities when he had time, and see what kind of person Lucar would be like to easily eliminate the blood of the serpent." Weis knows Gonitz’s character, and he usually kills the threat. In the cradle.For example, Kagura Wangui, one of the three major families, who has a strong magical power, Gonitz killed her a few years earlier.However, there are two heirs of Wanxing Kagura, who are identical twin sisters.After the elder sister died, Kagura Chizuru, who was the younger sister, inherited the power of the sacred tool Hachiko.For example, Lianna's father in Bajie Collection was not willing to reincarnate, so he killed him indirectly.Lukar was an accident, because he possessed the same evil as their heavenly Protoss, and his strength did not pose any threat to Gonitz.

"Hey, I hope Gonitz can treat him the same as Lucar." Mai Zhuo prayed that there would be no conflict, which made her dilemma.

"Madro, I advise you not to reveal human emotions in front of Gonitz. We have the mission of resurrecting the gods and the ideal of letting the heavens and gods rule the world." Wei Si persuaded again, fearing that she would encounter peace. Bajie concentrated on Jiadi Road and ended up in the same way.

"Okay, I understand." Although she said her character was very cruel, Wei Si had an extraordinary feeling for her confidant, Mai Zhuo.

Mai Zhuo nodded slightly, and the two ended the conversation.

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