The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0744, Gonitz appears

The blue sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and the dull air seemed to be brewing rainstorms.It was just that a ray of cool awe-inspiring slowly floated slowly, bringing coolness to the people in the city.Unexpectedly, however, the wind seems to increase geometrically.The hurricane resembling a typhoon broke through the dense darkness, revealing a bright scorching sun.But although the sun was blazing, it was strangely cold.The evil and huge aura kept approaching, and a light blue tornado like a raptor burst through the sky from the west.

Such a mighty power even pulled out the packing tree.All residents in Tokyo, Japan were panicked, and the Meteorological Bureau did not report. How could such a violent typhoon come?

Almost all the old, young women and children walking on the street were blown down by the wind, causing huge disasters.The rustling wind blows, and not many people can stand firm.

The fighters who can have a sense of breath are shocked, as if they see cats and mice.The strength of that qi was beyond their imagination.

Kagura Chizuru's complexion paled in the Kagura House, one of the three largest families in Japan.The familiar evil aura is exactly the same as it was a few years ago. You can't go wrong, it must be Storm Gonitz, the first of the Eight Great Snake Masters.

Shaking and reaching out, he took out a mirror, and Kagura began to recite the spell.I saw that with the flow of her power, the mirror radiated little ripples like the surface of the water, and then the picture inside gradually became clear.I saw an elegant man in a blue missionary uniform appearing abruptly, and there were still a few circling winds gently dancing around him.No, it should be said that he turned into a hurricane and descended on Tokyo with arrogance.His power is much stronger than a few years ago, and he is far from being sealed by himself.

Kagura was relieved that Gonitz’s goal was not himself.He arrived at a certain gymnasium in Tokyo at a very fast speed, as if it was the Shiranui school that is becoming more famous.

"It's weird, what purpose does he have?" Kagura became more and more curious about the storm Gonitz.

That's right, he is the storm Gonitz at the top of the Eight Masters.After hearing the report of Wei Si, she took a period of time to meet the so-called stronger figure than Lucar who absorbed the blood of the serpent.

Such a powerful arrogance took the initiative to approach, and of course it alarmed Nie Kong and the others inside Shiranui Liu.

Nie Kong led a large group of women soldiers out of the dojo step by step, and saw a man floating in the sun.

He has a thin green beard and shaves a small flat head.He was wearing a dark blue, multi-breasted, solemn priestly uniform, and his right hand was safely placed on the Bible. It was a holy priest dress.He is very tall and exudes a noble air from holiness.It's just that there is a bit of coldness between the eyebrows.And this coldness is extraordinarily thick under the warm sunlight.

Lianna's eyes went blank when she saw him.What she deliberately wanted to forget six years ago now slowly came to her mind.I personally killed my father and mother. It turned out that I was the murderer...

When the two girls, Wei Si and Mai Zhuo, saw Gonitz, they looked as if a mouse had seen a cat.

King and Mary were surprised, his arrogance was so strong.If he didn't get the power Nie Jun assigned to them, maybe one hundred would not be his opponent.But now, they are confident to defeat him.

"Machrow, Weis, come here for the two of you, I have something to ask you." Storm Goynitz scanned around, as if he didn't find anyone particularly powerful.

"Yes, yes..." The two women couldn't resist his orders at all, so they could only approach him obediently.However, Nie Kong immediately grabbed their hands and tugged vigorously.The two women exclaimed and fell together at Nie Kong's feet.

Nie Kong stretched out his foot to trample on their jade backs, and said coldly to Gonitz: "They are my secretaries now, you are not qualified to order them."

"Hmm..." Mai Zhuo trembled, his legs seemed to be wet.Nie Kong's arrogant words and actions are like an aphrodisiac to her.same

"Oh, it turns out that you defeated Lucar. Although you only have one percent of the immortality of our Protoss, you can defeat him indeed." He looked at Nie Kong with interest and realized that he was not. People of three big families.

"Don't pretend to claim that some Protoss is immortal, it's a mess." Nie Kong said with disdain.

Gonitz's expression slowly turned cold, and he absolutely couldn't allow anyone to blaspheme their heavenly gods.

Suddenly, Weis saw the cruel smile flashing in Gonitz's eyes in front of her, and her body trembled with fright.Gonitz seemed to be angry, and things were going in a bad direction.

"When two people with almost overbearing personalities meet together, how can things get better?"

"People who dare to underestimate our Protoss, no one will end well." Gonitz said coldly, and blatantly launched a tentative attack on Nie Kong.A hurricane that was half a meter large and transparent, tore the air and hit Nie Kong.

He just defeated Lukar, a trash who tried to steal the power of our heavenly gods, thinking that the world is invincible?At that time, he had only broken one tenth of the seal, and he was already able to defeat him.And now, he has 60% of the power in his heyday, Lucar is a waste in his eyes.

It's just an ordinary attack, but the power is comparable to Sakazaki Ryo's nirvana, perhaps even stronger.Because the quick wind blade came and went without a trace, no one could see his attack routine.The wind gradually increased.So much so that the broken stones circling inside have become extremely terrifying weapons.

After Nie Kong waved, the palm wind that radiated was more than twice as strong as the hurricane controlled by Gonitz, and the wind pressure, along with the gravel, rolled towards Gonitz.

Gonitz said softly, but did not panic and avoid it.When the wind pressure approached him, it dissipated strangely.He is the one who controls the wind, the wind is like his body, how could it hurt him.

"Interesting, the strength can reach the level of a master in the three major families of 1800. But for Gonitz, the leader of my eight masterpieces, you are still far behind." Gonitz's body seemed to become a The breeze disappeared strangely before Nie Kong and the others.

Using the high speed of the wind, he increased his own speed to the point where a man could see clearly.

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