The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0745, the defeated Gonitz

Nie Kong didn't intend to kill him now, because he was Lianna's target and the culprit who caused her to lose her parents.However, Lianna's strength is not enough to deal with Gonitz.Although Lianna looked dumbfounded, it seemed that she had remembered the memory of the time, but it was not the time.

For the time being, he kept his dog's life for Lianna to clean up, and now it is okay to teach him severely.


Facing his speed like the wind, Nie Kong just made a simple movement and punched the air out of thin air.The fist didn't have any power fluctuations, or even wind pressure, as if it were just a simple stretch.

Gonitz was about to send out his stunt wrist electric and obliterate, but found that his face seemed to have rushed into Nie Kong's fist, which was very strange.

The moment his fist touched him.Even time seemed to have a short pause.It seemed that he was attracted to his fist, and then the power contained in it burst out!

A simple blow hit Gonitz's face abruptly, blasting his body that had disappeared into the air alive.A "boom" hit the building behind, and a large number of cracks appeared on the wooden wall immediately, and a large human-shaped hole appeared.Rao is the strong and powerful Rogoniz, Nie Kong can easily defeat him with one move.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si were stunned, how could the usually terrifying Gonitz be so vulnerable in front of him?

Gonitz got up slowly, the blood on the corners of his mouth stopped immediately, and there was a sense of anger in his eyes.This punch defeated Gonitz's elegance and replaced it with a complete anger!Wearing a blue priest's robe, he stretched out his right hand behind his back.The bible in his hand was rolled into pieces of confetti in an instant.It seems that the next gesture must be to go all out, which is shocking.

The injury Nie Kong gave him completely recovered when he got up, and the recovery speed was much faster than that of Lukar.

"Stupid human beings, I will let you know the horror of our heavenly gods, drink!" His arrogance burst out, and a dozen huge tornadoes came down from the sky and surrounded him.

The nearby buildings were eroded by the aftermath of his eruption, and most of them have been destroyed, with countless casualties.Only the Shiranui Liu dojo behind Nie Kong remained safe and sound.

Gonitz, who has exploded with all his strength, is more than ten times stronger than Lucar, and he has a set.It is estimated that now with his strength, a city can be easily destroyed.

The cute Orange hiding behind grew up looking at the battle, and was deeply shocked by Nie Kong's strength.No wonder Dad will lose, his performance in this way is beyond the scope of human beings.Will I become as strong as them when I practice with him in the future?

"Sure to kill the true eight child Jiao."

The terrifying wind pressure is not only sharp, but also blows at an unusually violent speed.He was carrying the dozen or so moving storms, and then rushed towards Nie Kong.

"It's broken, Gonitz has used the proud nirvana of our Heavenly Kingdom Protoss!" Mai Zhuo said in surprise.

Like a dragon, the roar of the wind swept across the city like a tiger roar.

Qianhe's expression tightened as he watched the battle. Although Nie Kong looked very powerful in front of him, he certainly couldn't stop Gonitz's mortal blow.

However, as soon as the terrifying hurricane approached within three meters in front of Nie Kong, it disappeared strangely.It turned out that the wind pressure actively approached Nie Kong's dissipative ability to protect the house, so it was completely resolved.

"Is that the killer of your heavenly god race? It's not very powerful. Since you like to scratch your head, then I will give you a taste." It turns out that the next trick of the eighth child is to grab the enemy's head with both hands. Then burst out a super arrogance.

Nie Kong looked straight at Gonitz's performance with cold eyes, then stretched his hands to Gonitz's head at a weird angle and staggered vigorously.

Click... The sound of broken bones is creepy. Gonitz's body turned in the air for an unknown number of three hundred and sixty degrees, and then he fell to the ground with a pop.

There were ten hideous blood stains on his face, and his neck twisted into a twist.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si in front of them were stunned, Qian He was stunned.Gonitz, who was invincible in their hearts, was so embarrassed that he would be defeated by an ordinary person, and he would not be any of the three families.It would be nice to say that it was the three big families holding divine tools, but he didn't have any special ability to restrain the heavenly gods.

"It turns out that there are many amazing people in the world that I don't know. If they help..." Qianhe's eyes waved slightly, as if thinking of something.It seems that Nie Kong's performance has given Qianhe the idea of ​​holding a KOF, looking for inspiration to deal with the recovery of the heavenly gods.

Mai Zhuo's body trembled with excitement, and he couldn't even kiss Nie Kong on her foot.

However, a few women are very confident of Nie Kong's strength, so they don't think Nie Kong's victory is any surprise.

"Ahem..." Gonitz turned his neck and struggled to get up slowly.His elegance has faded away, leaving only a panic.

His eyes were horrified for the first time. Although he couldn't kill himself, the damage to him was not so deep.The immortal body of the Heavenly Kingdom Protoss began to have an effect, and the injuries on the body were healed at the speed of the naked eye.

"Asshole," If it wasn't for my seal to be completely unlocked, why bother to deal with you so hard.Gonitz vomited blood and shouted at Nie Kong unwillingly.

"If this is the case, then I will wait for you to regain full strength. Go away, it is not me who will kill you." Nie Kong hummed.

Gonitz looked grim, gave Nie Kong a hard look, and then turned into a breeze and left.

Seeing Nie Kong let Gonitz leave, Qianhe could not stop preaching to him.If you allow him to regain his strength, you will suffer.You are quite powerful now, but can you deal with Gonitz in his heyday 100%?

After defeating Gonitz, the apprentices behind all cheered, fortunately that they could join Shiranuiyu Dojo.However, the various fighters in the distance finally softened to the ground after sensing that the terrifying and evil arrogance had left.

"Who would it be? With such a powerful and evil spirit, I hope not to cause trouble to the world." At a concert, Athena in a cute dress whispered something.

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