The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0746, the melancholy Liana

Bringing Lianna back to Shiranuiyudokan, Nie Kong finally noticed that her eyes didn't seem to have any expression, unlike her resentment after understanding her enemy.

I have been raising it for more than six years, and Nie Kong felt sorry for her pale and bloodless face.Xiao Wu and the others were also worried about Liana's current situation, so they directly cast their eyes at Nie Kong, motioning him to comfort Liana.

Nie Kong secretly made an OK gesture, took her little hand and led her into his room.Lianna, who was like a goose, didn't respond at all and let Nie Kong do it.

"Little Lianna, has something happened?" Nie Kong pressed her jade shoulder and looked at her caringly and asked face to face.

She shook her head, her character regained her former preference for silence.

"Don't you and the closest brother Nie Kong don't want to talk?" Nie Kong frowned.

"It's not like that, but it's my fault. I... I restored my previous memory, bloody and cruel, I killed my father and mother. Unforgivable, I can't forgive myself." Lianna whispered Weeping, the sound is so miserable.

Nie Kong held her crying in his arms, "It's not your fault, it's all because the storm Gonitz controlled you at that time. It made you lose your mind and killed someone by mistake. It's not your original wish."

Lianna raised her swollen eyes and looked at Nie Kong, sobbing: "Really...really?"

"Well, I heard the news from Mai Zhuo, who was in the Eight Masters. In the past, your father was reincarnated in modern times as one of the Eight Masters, but he was not fully awakened as a human being. Human society lives a life of isolation. But six years ago, Gonitz was ordered by Gonitz, but for you and your mother, he did not accept the order. Gonitz controlled you and caused you to go crazy and kill. Lost your parents. So, the culprit is the storm Gonitz that I just defeated. So I didn’t kill him just now, but planned to leave it to you and let you get revenge.” Nie Kong used to touch her head , Said everything he knew.

"Runaway? Gonitz was the one who killed Mom and Dad?" Hiding in Nie Kong's arms, her crying slowly stopped.She listened to Nie Kong's words very much, and even thought that what he said were all the best in the world.She was like a devout believer, and regarded Nie Kong as everything to her.

"Well, the reason for the runaway is that you inherited the blood of your dad's serpent and your mother's human blood. This is the reason why the blood of the serpent is impure. Just like the case when I tied you with iron chains a few years ago Ah, otherwise, how could a cute girl like Lianna kill her father and mother for no reason? But at that time, I had already pumped out the blood of the serpent in your body, and now there will be no runaway situation. Please stop melancholy, I will worry." Nie Kong's words directly penetrated into her heart.Lianna just felt warm and numb in her heart.All the bad emotions, all turned into smoke and dissipated.

"I listen to what Nie Kong said." She leaned against Nie Kong's arms, her pretty face regained like spring flowers.

Seeing her return to her usual appearance, Nie Kong felt relieved.He patted Liana's round butt tightly in the three-point light green shorts, then pulled her recovered and opened the door.

I only saw a few women yelling, and then a few human bones fell in front of Nie Kong's eyes and piled together.Those girls actually eavesdropped on their speech.Their faces were reddish, and there was a look of embarrassment in their eyes.But Lianna knew that they were worried about themselves, so she didn't blame them.

As always, they resumed their original life, and the arrival of Gonitz did not have much impact on them.

In the evening, after enjoying the rich dinner specially cooked by Xiao Wu and the others, Nie Kong used to take a hot bath.

When I came back, I passed Lianna's bedroom and found her room was lit.And there was a tinkling sound of slight metal collision.

Lianna, that girl, what are you doing in there.Nie Kong opened the door curiously and saw Liana hiding in the bed at a glance.She knelt back to Nie Kong, so she didn't see her positive situation.

"Little Lianna, what are you doing in hiding?" Nie Kong asked.

"Ah..." Seemingly panicked, she slowly turned around.

Lianna had a leather collar around her neck, and the appearance of her limbs tied with chains appeared in his sight.After Nie Kong discovered her secret, her pretty face turned pink like a haze.

Lianna's face was red, but she knelt and crawled in front of Nie Kong.She stared at Nie Kong and didn't mean to leave. She whispered, "Brother Nie Kong, do you want Lianna to play with you?"

Nie Kong darkly sweats, when did that little girl Lianna have that hobby.Her body couldn't help but pause, Lianna's face instantly paled: "Brother Nie Kong, what's the matter, don't you like what Lianna is doing now?"

Nie Kong's eyes were lost, his left hand gently pulled the iron chain, his right hand stroked Lianna's head, stabilized her mind, and smiled on her face: "No."

Lianna's face improved, she hugged Nie Kong's thigh and whispered, "Lianna is willing to make any changes for Nie Kong, so Nie Kong must never leave me. Now I am Nie Kong's dog. Lianna can play with you like that."

Without the usual valiant dress, she now only wears a lovely pajamas.Her eyes were longing, as if Nie Kong wouldn't play with her, she would cry immediately.

Nie Kong was slightly moved by the obsessive words.Several years of parenting, this moment is worth hearing her words.

"Little Lianna, are you really willing to play with Brother Nie Kong?" Nie Kong asked softly.

"Yeah." Lianna didn't hesitate.

"But the dog's brother is tired of playing games, will Lianna play other games with me." Seeing Nie Kong's smirk, I don't know what bad idea he is making again.

But for Lianna, Nie Kong's words are her beliefs.It's just that the painstaking efforts of carefully learning to dress up a dog to please Nie Kong were in vain, Lianna felt a little regretful.

"Ok... OK, Brother Nie Kong can do whatever he likes." Lianna raised her head lightly and said firmly to Nie Kong.

"Then my lovely little Lianna, I want you to become my little mare."

"But... but Liana doesn't know how to do..." Liana stammered.

"It's okay, my brother will teach you step by step."

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