The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0755, opening

When Mary and the others heard Nie Kong's speech, they awake one by one from their dreams.Except for Yuri who is a little bit shy, all the women wear clothes naturally.Perhaps they are used to the current situation.

Xiao Wu moved the fastest, hee hee kissed Nie Kong's handsome face and hummed a song to prepare for Nie Kong's loving breakfast.Not to be outdone, Lianna gave Nie Kong a good morning with her heels.

King smiled slightly, you are really a child who has not grown up.She is like a big sister, helping Nie Kong manage the affairs of the harem.

The girls left one by one, only Nie Kong and Mai Zhuo were left in the room, seeming to be serving Nie Kong.

"Brother Nie Kong, it's time to get up." After enjoying the dressing of the two female servants, Nie Kong was just about to leave, and the late orange knocked on the wooden door again.That girl is very dedicated. It's a little troublesome to see Nie Kong come to annoy him almost every day before getting up.

"Come here." As soon as Nie Kong opened the wooden door, he saw a sweet-looking girl standing in front of him.Compared to her more than a year ago, her orange was 2cm taller. She was very slender and cute. She knocked on the door and paused. Seeing Nie Kong in front of her, her orange eyes were full of surprise.

However, seeing Mai Zhuo and Wei Si behind, she stayed for a while.

"Brother Nie Kong, why did the two of them appear in your bedroom?"

"Nothing, they just used to change my clothes." Nie Kong said.

The orange is very clever, she looked at the two women with eyes full of doubts: "Then they have a white sticky thing next to their mouths, what is it?"

"They are nutritious milk, it tastes good." Most of the stickiness that stuck to the mouth was immediately lost by half.

"Milk?" Orange stretched out her finger and stained it with a little white sticky substance, and tried to taste the taste, so I saw if it was milk.Nie Kong's heart swayed, if you don't understand what it is, just taste what it is.

There was a fishy smell, but the breath of Brother Nie Kong contained in it was very strong, as if it was flowing out of Brother Nie Kong's body.It feels good, as if Brother Nie Kong is everywhere.And after absorbing it, the qi in his body has become richer.

In other words, if it's Brother Nie Kong, where did it come from?Orange looked at Nie Kong with surprised eyes, and then the ghostly eyes locked on Nie Kong.As if thinking of something, her pretty face turned red first, then flushed, and finally, like a cooked duck, there was a lot of steam.

"Ah... Brother Nie Kong, you... are you good or bad." She covered her mouth, and fled away from Nie Kong's sight in three and two steps.Nie Kong was stunned, obviously you want to taste it yourself.

Wei Si smiled evilly: "I really don't know how to enjoy, the master's things are not so easy to eat." After speaking, she sucked all the corners of her mouth clean, showing an expression of enjoyment.

But Wei Si was right, Nie Kong's double repairs could not easily let out the essence.And if you bite, it is estimated that your mouth will numb for a long time. Mai Zhuo and Wei Si have a deep understanding of this.

"She is a little young, so take your time, don't scare her. Okay, let's have breakfast and discuss KOF." Nie Kong chuckled.

Although most of the girls have already gotten them, there are still three women, Mai Zhuo, Wei Si, and Orange.

*There is not much difference between the KOF in 1994 and the rules held by Lucar in 1994. Three people form a team to participate.Of course, the premise is to get an invitation letter and then qualify for the finals.Due to the vigorous publicity in 1994, people around the world are very enthusiastic about the KOF competition.But relatively speaking, Sakazaki Ryo and the others are looking forward to it more than anyone else.

This time the King of Fighters competition also brought together master fighters from all over the world.The fighting method is a challenge mode. Each team will be assigned a ring to compete in the challenge, and there, the duel selects the team that is eligible to participate in the final.The venue for the final has been decided, in Tokyo, the city of Japan near Mount Fuji.But few people know that it was organized by the Kagura family.

Nie Kong doubted whether the teams in the finals were the same as in 1994. Maybe the changes weren't great.There are not many strong players in the King of Fighters except for them.

After hearing about the holding of KOF again, Xiaowu and Yuri's eyes lit up.After all, I lost to Kyo Kusanagi and the others the year before last, so I am full of unwillingness.

After deciding to participate, Xiao Wu, Lianna, and Yuli did not call out to team up with Nie Kong as they did in the previous year. The three women agreed to win the game together.

King smiled, there will be anyone besides Nie Jun in the final champion.Although I don't know how much Kusanagi's strength has improved during the two years, Nie Jun's strength is beyond imagination.

"Haha, does Xiangcheng hope to participate in the competition?" Nie Kong smiled and glanced at Xiangcheng.

Orange Qiao blushed, rubbing the corners of her clothes with her head down.It seems that after tasting Nie Kong's delicacy accidentally, her shyness has not disappeared.But she was eager to participate, and then tried to find her father who left home in the fighting competition.


"If Orange competes, there will be a lot of people." Mary said.

"I'll quit, anyway, I feel boring for those games anyway. However, I still have to accompany you to watch the games." King showed the courage of a big sister and said with a chuckle.

Although she used to like fighting very much, it was Nie Kong who gave her cheats.Under the situation of skyrocketing strength, bullying those fighters is really unconscious.If he sends out a full blow, surely not many people can bear it.

It was a happy situation, but Nie Kong's two secretaries Mai Zhuo and Wei Si did not have the full power to play the game.KOF finally opened, and fighters from all over came to the tiny Japan.

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