The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0756, the end of the preliminary round

The eight women came to the qualifier venue as scheduled, and then formed two teams to compete.One day off after the preliminaries is the official KOF game, which will be broadcast live on TV to the world.Compared to the three million dollars reward for the 1994 championship, it has now risen to thirty million, a tenfold increase.Such an amazing bonus has attracted countless people to sign up for the competition.

All kinds of people are really strange and weird, it is undeniable that they all have a hardworking heart.But the world is very realistic. It belongs only to the world of the strong, the weak but the strong.The arrival of countless people made the qualifier last three days.

On the first day of the audition, Nie Kong used his spiritual sense to find out.The fighters of KOF94 are here!Although there are some personnel changes, the teams are almost there.The game started like a fire, and a large number of people were eliminated.

Nie Kong, Xiangcheng and Mary formed a team, but all the pre-selected shots were Xiangcheng.According to Kasumi who has been practicing for a long time, those opponents who are weak in the qualifiers are fine.Undoubtedly, he won again and again, and attracted the attention of many people.It's just that when they saw the two teammates of Orange, the audience was relieved.As the KOF94 champion Nie Kong's teammate, her strength will be worse.

On the last day of the audition, the teams finally appeared.Without any surprises, all the teams from the last KOF qualify, which makes people think that it was decided by default.Only one new team came to the fore and attracted people's attention.

The headed person has short blood-red hair and a black dress, exuding an unruly and proud temperament.After seeing him, Nie Kong could recognize him at a glance-Kusanagi's old enemy Yashen Temple.

The second Nie Kong was also familiar with him, and the scar on his chest was the shame Nie Kong left him-Krauss as strong as a cow.The third Nie Kong was a bit strange, dressed like a ninja—like Moon Shadow II.

Nie Kong was a little surprised how the three of them could link up and form a team to compete.

And Mai Zhuo and Wei Si looked straight at Yashen Temple, their pretty faces stunned.Although the Iori Clan had signed a contract with the Orochi, they couldn't use the power of the Orochi's blood in their bodies. What was going on.

Krausa scanned the arena with his eyes, and then stared at Nie Kong.He clenched his five fingers tightly, his eyes filled with burning anger.The Dark Emperor Klaussar actually came to participate in the KOF competition, it seems that he knew that Nie Kong might come.There are too many people to pay attention to Kusanagikyo. He has his old enemies Iori, Nie Kong, and Sakazaki Ryo.

More and more powerful men appeared, and his eyes were burning like a flame in his body.

After seeing Nie Kong, Athena was about to come over to say hello with a happy eye.But seeing Mai Zhuo and Wei Si surrounding him intimately, she puffed her lips and kicked her feet.

The personnel has changed slightly. 9 teams were promoted at the same time, namely the Japanese Kusana, the Hungry Wolves of Italy, the Dragon Tigers of Australia, the Angry Team of Brazil, the Super Power Team of China, the Jin Jiafan Team of South Korea, and the Women's Fighting Team of the United States. The home team, the Iori team, and the British team that Nie Kong belongs to.

The day before the game, teams from various regions were invited to a luxurious five-star hotel in Tokyo.Give them a rest here, and the fighters will draw lots to decide which team will play against each other!

At nine o'clock in the middle of the night, the staff notified the need to draw lots in the lobby.However, it is really difficult for the 9th payout team to decide the selection of the game, so they negotiated that the team that was drawn to the 9th must defeat the previous 7th and 8th team at the same time to determine who can advance to the semi-finals.

Nie Kong's shipment was good, and he got the number three.

Then the results of the draw were announced, the No. 1 Iori team vs. the No. 2 Angry team, the No. 3 British team VS the No. 4 Hungry Wolves, the No. 5 Japanese team VS the No. 6 Dragon Tigers, and the No. 7 South Korea team. The number eight superpower team.Xiao Wu got the number nine, so she yelled luck.It was an interesting battle sequence, especially when the Japanese team and the Dragon Tigers met.

"Haha, it's really interesting, our first opponent is him." Terry's eyes were full of excitement, and after several years of hard practice, he was finally ready to witness the harvest.

No wonder Terry is confident. It turns out that his own strength has increased several times compared with the year before.I believe that now with his strength, he can easily defeat Lucar the year before.Several people perceive another level of strength, and after hard training, they can indeed greatly improve their strength and break through their limits.

"Brother, this time maybe our Hungry Wolves team can't advance to the semi-finals. It's a failure." Andy sighed.

"It's worth it to be able to compete with a strong like him here. I don't care about ranking." Terry whistled, how he cared about fame as a bohemian.Having said that, Sakazaki Liang seems to have become as strong as himself. To play against him, he must first defeat Nie Kong and his team. The difficulty is not ordinary.

"I'm really annoyed. The last match was defeated by Ryo Sakazaki, so we must cheer for the first game, and then I will challenge Ryo Sakazaki again." Dong Zhang hummed.

"Hope..." Andy groaned.

"That guy Kusunakyo really came to the competition, and I will definitely humiliate you in front of everyone this time." Seeing Kusunakyo really appear here, the chill of Iori An is getting heavier, and the purple fire in his hand is looming.His emotions were out of control, making Ruyingyue Er very dissatisfied, but he dared not speak out.However, Kraussa admired the character of Iori.

Kyo Kusana was taken aback for a moment, and a smile flashed behind his mouth at the Iori Temple.This KOF competition is really getting more and more interesting, let you see the super kills I have practiced


Everyone seemed very confident in their own strength, but Nie Kong seemed very casual.For the first time, Orange couldn't help himself with excitement, looking around and watching the opponent he was about to face.After two years of arduous practice, Orange's strength has improved a lot, reaching the current height of Sakazaki Ryo, but the disadvantage is that he has too little combat experience.

"The players can adjust and rest for one night. The game is about to start tomorrow. Please be prepared." The staff member said, and then left the hotel lobby with the game table.

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