The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0758, orange performance

The first game made people understand the strength of the Iori team, like a dark horse appeared out of thin air.In the second game, it was Nie Kong's turn for their British team to play against the Hungry Wolves led by Terry.

As the vanguard of the Hungry Wolves team, Dong Zhang was the first to jump into the ring.He was full of confidence and waved his super fast fists, not knowing whether he was provoking Nie Kong and the others or doing warm-up exercises.

"Xiangcheng, you are the first to play, let me see the results of your practice in the past two years." Nie Kong didn't care about Dongzhang, his right hand stroked her blue ponytail tied behind her head like a fan.

"I...I." Although Xiangcheng went through the preliminary rounds, she looked a little nervous after seeing the powerful strength of the Iori Temple.

"It's okay, as long as you face it with a normal mentality. With your current strength, I believe you will be able to defeat him." After two years of irregular practice by Nie Kong's side, her strength is similar to that of Kusanagikyo. There are some gaps, but they should not have much difficulty coping with Dongzhang.

"I know, I won't let Brother Nie Kong down." She nodded heavily and stepped onto the ring resolutely.

The two stood in the ring one by one, but Dong Zhang did not dare to underestimate any woman.For example, in 1994, every girl's performance made him stunned.

Xiangcheng looked at Dongzhang, made a good shot, and said, "Please enlighten me!" Her genre has not changed, and her fighting skills are still the same as before.

"I won't be merciful."

Dong Zhang retracted his right hand back, and then rushed towards the orange at a very fast speed."Whirlwind Fist!"

An orange three-meter-high, half-meter-wide tornado seemed to spray out of his fist and swept away at the orange.

Orange leaped to the left in a panic, and escaped the first hurricane in embarrassment.Compared to the players in the preliminary rounds, she is now facing several times stronger, but she can't beat her opponents in a single move like then.

She is not very experienced in combat, so she fell into a passive position at the beginning.

"Double Tornado Fist." The second tornado appeared suddenly, a double blow like Zhen Yuanzhai.Orange panicked, and the hurricane hit her and threw her body into the air.

Being nervous is one thing, and the combat experience is not as rich as Dongzhang.

"Electric kick." Dong Zhang laughed, his right foot was aimed at the orange falling in the air and kicked with lightning, full of the momentum of Muay Thai.However, to Dongzhang's expectation, the orange in the air floated strangely in the air, just passing Dongzhang's direct attack."Drop in the air." After turning around for a while, Orange chopped out of thin air with both hands.The sharp air blade slashed across and rushed towards Dongzhang in the blink of an eye.

Dong Zhang, who was old in his moves, couldn't hide, and the air blade hit him in the back.

But although it was hurt a little, it didn't matter.Dong Zhang continued to rush towards the orange, his hands continuously sent out a fierce offensive."Blast punch." One punch after another, continuously.

Orange was embarrassed to avoid Dong Zhang's attack, but the skills became more and more proficient, and occasionally he could strike back.

Seeing the development of the situation, Terry sighed: "Dong Zhang is about to lose. The girl's fighting skills continue to improve. Dong Zhang is like feeding her a trick."

"Yes, her strength is indeed much stronger than Dong Zhang, even if it is not much better than me." Andy felt.

The two of them were right, and the battle began to change immediately.After a few punches of the orange, Dong Zhang was already furious.

"In that case, I will give you a taste of my newly researched killer-death tornado." His arrogance was violently violent, and then he violently contracted his right hand, and a terrifying hurricane unexpectedly waved out of his hand.

A hurricane with a height of more than 20 meters, like a direct connection to the world, rushed towards the orange with terrifying power.The wind is strong, but much weaker than the storm in Gonitz.

"Super drop." Orange stepped back a few steps, and then drank the qi that gathered in his body.Along with her right hand slashing downwards, a wave of air of more than ten meters rushed out.

It looks like a knife, thin and sharp.The qi of the two collided in this way, and suddenly the white qi blade cut the yellowish hurricane from the middle.

"What..." With an incredible look in his eyes, Dong Zhang's body was submerged in the air wave.

"The game is over, Fujitang Orange will win." Dongzhang fell into the ring with blood in the referee's announcement.

Terry hurried to check Dong Zhang's injuries, but fortunately, his life was not in danger.After Dong Zhang's defeat, Andy rushed to the ring as always.

"I'm your opponent in the second game." Andy put on a posture of Shiranui, carefully looking at Orange.

Seeing Andy's movements, Orange stared."Shiranuiru's ninjutsu? Then I'm not welcome." Father was defeated by Shiranui, and he wanted to help his father regain his lost face.

"Tornado shot." Approaching Andy quickly, Orange's right hand hit Andy like a gun.

"Shenglongquan." Andy's gas rushed toward the sky with the movement of his right hand, and Orange was pressed by the air pressure and couldn't help but back up a few steps.

"Empty bomb." Andy's body kept moving forward strangely, and the palm of his closed palm sprayed a blue beam toward the orange a few meters away.Orange shunned it, and his abdomen just took a blow from Andy.

Orange's small body sprayed three meters away, and then rushed out of the ring.Seeing her embarrassed look, Nie Kong had already conceded for her.Andy's strength is much stronger than Dongzhang, Xiangcheng is not an opponent, the blame is Nie Kong's informal practice.

Andy's two tricks are very smooth, and the orange is not wronged.Nie Kong stood up gently, and the two women behind Mai Zhuo and Wei Si hurriedly helped him take off his coat.

"Being able to defeat Orange, your strength has indeed improved very fast." Stepping into the ring, Nie Kong said in praise.

"Hmph, I will show you the strength of our Hungry Wolves team." Just like Xiao Wu's movements, he once again used Shiranui's forbearance.However, not to mention how strong Nie Kong's strength is, and he has already touched Shiranuiyu's fighting machine thoroughly.

After seeing Nie Kong's appearance, Iori's eyes narrowed.As a strong intuition, he can feel that Nie Kong is very strong, so he regards Nie Kong as an appetizer for his old enemy, Cao Nianjing.

Kusanagi and the others had been expecting to see Nie Kong's performance, so the ring was completely silent for an instant.

"How can you beat him, I am the one who will kill him."

Clautha looked at Andy with disdain.

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