The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0759, abnormal Terry?

"Brother Nie Kong, I want to cheer up with my share." Orange reluctantly stood, and solemnly said to Nie Kong.


Nie Kong stretched hard, his bones creaked and fried beans.It's been a long time, I didn't make a move, just treat it as a warm-up exercise.

"You're welcome, please do it." If it wasn't for Nie Kong's greatness, Andy would still think that Nie Kong was an ordinary person.Don't be careless, he cautiously and cautiously made a tentative move.

"Flying fist." He held the ring with both hands, and folded his feet and kicked Nie Kong's face like a rocket.The speed has increased explosively, giving people an inevitable sense of oppression.

Nie Kong's right foot moved slightly, but he was taken aback by Andy who rushed in midair.He hurriedly changed his tactics, folded his legs up to the sky, and used a trick Xiao Wu often uses Long Yanwu.

But the tricks are used by Andy, which looks particularly awkward.

"Phantom Shiranui." A fiery wave of air swept through the flipped heel, forming a flame that rushed towards Nie Kong.What a powerful trick, it can actually remove the changes from the original trick on the spot.And Nie Kong was surprised that the sluggish technique was similar to the Wukong technique.But the time spent in the air is too short, and he can use it to change his tactics in a mere moment.

Andy's strength has improved a lot, a qualitative change from that of 1994.

"Andy's strength is really not to be underestimated. He has been chasing after me. If I were to replace such a weird trick, I would definitely not be able to hide it." Terry was pleased with feeling.

Nie Kong seemed incapable of avoiding it, and the two-meter fireball instantly flooded his body.Andy smiled, he succeeded.When I thought I was winning, the flames that engulfed Nie Kong showed no signs of going out, but instead burned more vigorously.

"Hehe, let me give you a taste of Shiranui's ninjutsu, which will kill the ninjutsu." The huge fireball rushed towards Andy, and halfway formed a bee needle shape.Andy had no time to react to the speed of the phantom.

Xiao Wu's eyes gleamed, and there was boundless worship in it.Brother Nie Kong, Brother Nie Kong is so handsome when he uses Ninja Bee.

"Ah..." Andy was hit by a phoenix on fire. Not only was the whole person surrounded by flames, but his body flew upside down for a hundred meters without control.

The fiery red of the sky couldn't cover the spray of blood mist, and Nie Kong's blow completely defeated Andy.

Terry's expression is stern, and his strength is really strong, so let his hard work over the past few years to witness your strength.Now the situation did not allow him to think, Terry appeared in the ring for a moment.

Sakazaki Ryo's eyes didn't blink. He was defeated by Nie Kong in one move the year before last. Now Terry sees how many moves you can support, right?

Turning his hat, Terry took a non-mainstream pose.To be sure, his genre is a combination of street fighting and Bajiquan, and belongs only to his faction.

"Must kill-energy fountain." At the very beginning, he used the kill. Are you really okay, Terry?Everyone was surprised at his approach.As he hit the ring with a punch, his arrogance gathered at Nie Kong's feet.

Nie Kong took a step back, just avoiding the position where the flames were spraying out.What surprised Nie Kong was that Terry's kill was actually a super kill.After a jet of air sprayed out, it went to the second and then to the third.Nie Kong seemed to move slowly, but in fact it was very clever and simple to avoid the attack, as if he did not want to waste a bit of strength.After avoiding the attack, it was now Nie Kong's turn to attack.

Terry stared at the floating figure of Nie Kong with a serious face, but then acted astonished by the audience.

He banged his fist into the ring again, and once again issued a super kill-energy fountain.

"Terry is so amazing. Is his strength enough to support him continuously using super kills." Sakazaki Ryo was surprised. He didn't expect Terry to reach the same level as him.

"Brother Nie Kong is so good, it seems that it takes no effort to clean them up." Orange has admiration on her face, her eyes fixed on Nie Kong's figure, not wanting to miss every moment.

The three air columns were controlled by Terry and hit Nie Kong again and again.

Nie Kong was equally surprised, are you sure it’s not the KOF97 version of Terry?Too unscientific.Although he was curious, he didn't need to think about it, he knew that it was because of his own influence that made their advancement.

Blindly avoiding is not in Nie Kong's style, he shook the ring hard with his right foot.A terrifying arrogance burst out, defeating Terry's super killer buried in the ground.

Terry's face was pale, with a wry smile that couldn't be removed.I thought I would come by suddenly, and it would definitely defeat him or cause him trouble, but his super killer was easily resolved by him.

"Look at me now." Nie Kong had already arrived in front of Terry, holding his head and then hitting his abdomen with a powerful knee.

Terry's eyes were about to bulge out, and the corners of his mouth were constantly bleeding under the influence of that huge power.He knelt softly in front of Nie Kong, and finally lay down on the ring.The victory has been divided, Nie Kong downplayed that he defeated the Hungry Wolves and achieved victory, and joined the Iori team to advance to the semi-finals.

Sakazaki Ryo gritted his teeth, full of unwillingness: "Damn it, after hard training, but there is still a big gap in strength compared to him. Dad, it seems that we can't get the first place in the extreme current."

"Liang, if you can simply surpass him, isn't the future practice much more boring. Don't worry about those problems, just have a fight." Sakazaki Takumo comforted.But in fact, he muttered in his heart that the kid was tough and beyond the boundaries of human beings. He was really a monster.Especially the daughter Yuli taught me is many times better than me. I really don’t know how he did it.

"Yeah, I understand." Liang's mood finally eased.

Iori's eyes had already issued a strong fighting spirit, and he found that he had to defeat another opponent.Nie Kong's calmness and calmness, not putting everyone in his eyes, made him very upset.

Kusanagi clenched his fists, and the fighting spirit in his eyes burned more vigorously."Nie Kong, no matter how strong you become, I will definitely win the KOF championship this time."

KOF's enthusiasm was completely ignited by Nie Kong, and Kusanagi and the others were all determined to fight Nie Kong.

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