The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0765, defeat the Iori Temple

The change of the nature of Qi, the sturdy Qi in Krausa's body directly transformed into two properties: a rotating storm and a violent thunder and lightning."Pap, pap!" Looking at the dazzling white electric storm like thunder and lightning, it is simply more eye-catching than the sun in the eyes of the audience.

The ten-meter-diameter thunderstorm surrounded Krausa and Nie Kong, making it impossible to see the situation inside."'s scary, that trick is at least several times stronger than my big generator." Hong Wan was shocked.

"Indeed, I will definitely be seriously injured if I am hit by that trick." Kusanakyo said solemnly.

Iori An arrogantly smiled to watch the game, "Hahaha...Sure enough, it's a bit of a doorway, but the strength is far worse than mine."

Although Krausa's strength is good, it is much worse than Storm Goynitz.

"Get away." A cold snort came out from the inside, and a powerful arrogance burst out of the thunderstorm, directly shattering the storm.The explosion of momentum caused the surrounding people to retreat a few steps, and their complexions were a little pale.

When everyone finally saw the scene inside, Nie Kong held Clausa's head with one hand and hung in the air.But Klautha's right hand was broken at his wrist, and the blood kept flowing out.

Nie Kong threw Clausa out of the ring, but he had lost consciousness.

"KO, the winner is Nie Kong." Although Nie Kong cut off his arm, it did not affect the rules of the game.Not to mention lack of hands and feet, even accidental deaths can be forgiven, but very few people kill in the game.

Yashen's complexion was no longer arrogant, and he found that Nie Kong's strength might be far stronger than his old enemy, Kasunakyo.

"Let me defeat you at Yashinan, and then kill Kusanagi in the final." With a determination to win, he rushed into the ring with a strange speed.At this time, the blood of the serpent in his body was boiling, and a powerful and evil arrogance burst out of his body.After knowing the strength of Nie Kong, he understood that he must do his best to fight, otherwise he would definitely lose.

Kagura, who watched the battle with a mirror in the distance, was surprised. How could Iorikan, one of the three major families, possess the power of the Orochi family?I originally thought that if the KOF held had attracted the descendants of the Iori and Kusana clan, the three artifacts could work together to seal Gonitz.However, Kagura's performance made Kagura inexplicably uneasy. She was frightened that she had betrayed the three major families and took refuge in the Orochi clan.

"Haha, that's it, just use the power of our big snakes." Also somewhere in the sky, a man with a shaved head and a blue priest serving him laughed.The KOF contest premeditated by Kagura attracted more than fighters.

Wei Si and Mai Zhuo looked at each other, and they were already sure that he was using the power of their clan.

"Haha...Is that its power, it is really strong. Let me use it to kill you, Hundred-Eight Type·Secret Hook." A group of purple flames shot up toward Nie Kong.The range is so large that it is comparable to Klausar's slaying Emperor Caesar.

The strength of Iori Temple is now close to half of Gonitz's strength two years ago.With such a powerful strength, I'm afraid that their second-rate fighters can't catch his trick at all.

"Arrogant fellow, then I will completely crush your pride, angry blood whip." The blood-red flame whip entangled in Nie Kong's right hand, like a red fire dragon.It roared and rushed towards the purple fire, like a dragon wagging its tail to disperse it.

After the purple fire dissipated, Iori rushed in front of him in an instant.

"One hundred and twenty-seven style sunflowers." His right fist hit Nie Kong's left cheek with a strange angle, and his left hand was also ready to go.However, Nie Kong's blood whip became wise, and automatically curled up the neck of Iori Temple at a strange angle.

Nie Kong pulled hard, and the front body of the Yashen Temple fell to Nie Kong's feet.Nie Kong stepped on his head with his right foot, and the force he carried caused him to fall into the ring.

"Roar..." Iori Temple seemed to be mad, and clusters of terrifying high-temperature purple fire burst out of his entire body, spreading across the ring, even spreading outward.

He got out of the soil in the ring and yelled to Nie Kong: "Forbidden Qian, 211 Type-Eight Childish Girl." His burning purple fire slid low above the sky, like a snake Move at high speed.

The purple fire in the sky formed the appearance of an eight-different snake, roaring and pressing towards Nie Kong.The so-called forbidden moves are the ones learned from the big snakes.

Nie Kong stretched out his left hand, where did the super light burst out.In a blink of an eye, the beam of light smashed the purple fire and sprayed at the rushing Iori Temple at a faster speed.Even if he didn't lose his mind, he couldn't escape Nie Kong's gas bomb.

Within a hundred miles, it seemed to shake violently.The huge golf course in front has become fragmented.

"Cheat...Cheat, how could human beings possess such a powerful aura..." Kusanagi stammered, his eyes full of horror.

"How could could it..." Sakazaki Ryo kept murmuring that sentence.

"So strong, I... I originally thought that super powers would be slightly better than fighting skills." Athena woke up and decided to do both martial skills and super powers like Nie Kong.It would be great if one day he could become as strong as him.She clenched her small fist tightly and looked at Nie Kong with bright eyes.

"Hee hee, we don't know how strong Brother Nie Kong really is. Is that little power surprising." Xiao Wu looked at Nie Kong proudly, as if saying that it was her man.

Gonitz who was watching the game was shocked. Has the human strength improved again? I don't know who is better than the completely unblocked self?

But the Iori Temple in the beam was almost bloody, and no skin was good.Nie Kong's random blow, although he controlled his strength, was still too powerful for him.

He was seriously injured and dying, and the medical staff immediately carried him to an ambulance for emergency treatment.

"Compared to... the game is over, the British team led by Nie Kong won the victory and qualified for the finals." The referee crawled out of the dust and announced the result of the game.

Although the first round of the semi-final was over, Nie Kong's powerful and domineering move shocked everyone in the world and was unforgettable.

In the second game, it was Kyo Kusanaru's turn to lead the Japanese team VS the American all-female fighter team.

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