The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0766, the revenge of the female fighter team

The blood of the serpent in the body, the half-immortal body of the Protoss, played a role, and Iori's injuries were quickly recovering.When he regained consciousness, the female fighter team had already started to play against the Japanese team.

Iori Temple was full of unwilling anger, and he was unforgivable because he was defeated by anyone other than Kusanagikyo.My original plan was to defeat the British team and then severely humiliate the old enemy Kusunakyo in the ring.However, contrary to the facts, not only did he fail to fight Kusunakyo as he wished, but he was humiliated.Nie Kong's strength was too strong, and he felt as unfathomable as Gonitz.Enduring the pain of the body, Iori, in the medical room, pulled out the needle and bandaged the body to the ring.One failure didn't break Iori Temple, but instead caused him to breed bitter resentment and unwillingness.

"One day, I will kill you by myself." His desire for strength reached an unprecedented level.

However, no one paid attention to his arrival, because it is now Red Maru of the Japanese team in the semifinals VS Yuri of the female fighters.The year before last, because he was defeated by Hongmaru, Yuri rushed into the ring after seeing Hongmaru's first appearance.

"Come on to divide the victory or defeat, this year you don't have the luck to let God help you." Yuli confidently pointed to the opposite Hong Wan and made a declaration of victory.After repairing with Nie Kong, Yuli was hundreds of times stronger than last year.

"Beautiful Miss Yuri, my Red Maru is also not last year's Red Maru. If you can beat me, you can just come." Hong Maru pointed his finger, and saw a tiny thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air and struck the ring.

You Li snorted coldly, she definitely can't make a fool of herself in front of Brother Nie Kong, just use a part of her strength against you."Since you are confident, then I want to see how many moves you can catch me, limit your fist."

A three-meter blue wave hit Hongmaru's head. Although he was on guard, he still couldn't stop Yuri's move.

The super-large Hu Huang punched the hands he was blocking and staggered his body, leaving the door open.With a leap, Yuli rushed to Hong Wan and used the feet of the mortal Feiyan Phoenix.

Countless little feet kicked from his stomach to his face with terrifying power, and then they turned over and hit his chin and kicked him more than ten meters away.

Yuri's attack was too fierce, she didn't give Hongmaru a chance to fight back.When Yuli thought it was a KO, Hong Wan with a blue face and swollen nose resisted the severe pain that came from her body and slowly stood up.

"Don't you want to admit defeat, then let me give you the last blow. You don't need to use the trick taught by Brother Nie Kong to deal with you. Take my one of the extreme current killer King Xianghouquan!"

An aura that was twice as large as Emperor Caesar's wave of Clausa sprayed from Yuri's closed hands, covering two-thirds of the ring, giving no chance to escape.

Sakazaki Takuma is pleased that his daughter has carried forward the limit flow.

Hongmaru's face was pale, and he could only grit his teeth and insult Yuri's blow: "Super must kill - Leiguangquan." Having gathered all the arrogance in his body, he aimed at the overlord Xianghou and fisted out.

Scary red lightning gathered, forming a thunderball with a diameter of three meters in front of him.The thunder and lightning were roaring, and spread outward and collided with the dark blue Bawang Xianghou fist.

It is strange that the contact between the two did not cause an explosion.It was the huge Bawang Xianghouquan that forced the Leiguangquan back, and then swallowed the red pill.

"Ah..." Along with Hong Wan's scream, Ba Wang Xiang's roar fist was detonated.The light dissipated, and the bloody red pill was comparable to the Iori Temple just now.Without the referee's announcement, the game already knows the result.

Kusanagi Kyo's face tightened, Yuri's strength has exceeded his expectations.If the other two women are as super strong as her, they might lose the game without facing Nie Kong.

"I'll take care of Hong Wan, and you will go up first." Kusannagi said solemnly.

The gate nodded, and boarded the dilapidated ring.Yuli had not been able to fight for a few rounds, and Liana had already pulled off the ring.

The second game began, as Lianna faced the gate in the same formation the year before.Now Lianna's power is much stronger than the gate, so she doesn't need to take any consideration.

Seeing the door opened her hands and leaped towards herself, Lianna was disdainful.She didn't mean to evade, she took the lead to grab the arm of the gate, and one fell back and stepped on his stomach and threw him into the air.

The audience was silent, almost audible.

"No...Impossible, I...I lost again than strength?" Not to mention losing to Mary the year before, it was because she was a master of articulation, and Lianna was clearly based on agility.

His confidence in his strength completely disappeared, and he was full of shock and unbelief at the mid-air door.I lost, after decades of hard judo practice, I lost to a girl who focused on agility.

"It's over." Lianna ejected a gas bomb from her right hand, which hit the unprepared door.The concentrated arrogance erupted, and a beautiful firework appeared in the air, with blood from the door scattered.The two women almost defeated their opponent in less than five seconds.

"Damn it, will our Japanese team lose in the hands of those women? It's too embarrassing, and I absolutely must win." Kusunakyo resolutely jumped to the ring with the determination to win.

The third game was Xiaowu VS Kusunakyo, but Kusunakyo's strength was many times stronger than that of Hongmaru.However, now he is not qualified to fight against Xiao Wu at all, unless he has learned the magical skill of the Kusanagi clan-the Wu Shi of controlling space.Xiao Wu and the others have not been able to break through the space yet, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble in dealing with him.

After Iorikan saw Kusanakyo playing, his eyes fell completely on him.The performance of his old enemy has a great effect on his future revenge.

"Kyo Kusanagi, you must never lose to others before losing to me."

High-altitude Gonitz whispered: "Hurry up and fight for me. It's better to lose both sides, and then wait for me to finish the mission of resurrecting the Lord as soon as possible."

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