The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0768, Lianna's blood feud

Originally, when he saw Nie Kong domineeringly treat Mai Zhuo and Wei Si as his own personal belongings two years ago, Gonitz arranged for them to stay beside Nie Kong to win him over.Now not only has not succeeded, but also deliberately came to oppose him.Seeing the appearance of their two women, they completely became his vassal, how could this not let Gonitz be furious.

"Nie Kong player, please listen to me. I am Kagura Chizuru, the organizer of KOF. The purpose of holding KOF is to find a fighter who can fight against the evil Goniz, the first of the eight masterpieces. Now I implore you to help. I re-sealed Gonitz. Otherwise, let him continue to behave, and he will definitely resurrect the big snake clan." Kagura Qianhe in a white witch costume looked at Nie Kong pleadingly.Gonitz suddenly appeared in the KOF arena, which surprised Qianhe very much.But now the genius of his alliance, the Kusanagi clan, was seriously injured, and the only person who could ask for help was Nie Kong, who was able to push back Gonitz two years ago.

"Is that one of the Eight Great Snake Collections that you met two years ago? Well... so evil and so strong. Nie Kong, you can help her." Athena came to him and roared. , Is really a girl who likes to join in the fun.

"Very well, let's continue the battle that was not completed two years ago." Gonitz closed the Bible in his hand, and the squally wind suddenly stagnated, as if it was brewing a more violent storm.

It seemed that after the seal was completely unlocked, Gonitz was very confident in his own strength.What's more, there is a Protoss immortal, and he doesn't need to be afraid that people outside the three major clans can kill him.

"Your opponent is not me, this time Little Lianna will deal with you personally." Nie Kong pushed Lianna out of the back who was watching him hostilely.

"Huh, it's ridiculous that you want her to deal with me." Gonitz was angry, it was the anger that was underestimated.

"Haha, Gonitz, have you forgotten her?" Nie Kong sneered.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I never knew her." The ten-year-old Lianna is very different from the Lianna who is now developed by Nie Kong. No wonder Gonitz can't recognize it.

"Eight years ago, you controlled me to kill my mom and dad with my own hands. You won't forget that, Gonitz." Lianna said with red eyes hatefully.

"Could it be..." Gonitz couldn't believe it. If it were her, then the blood of the serpent in her body had disappeared out of thin air?

"Yes, Lianna is the daughter of Jiadilu in the Eight Great Masters. You should know now." The grievances between the two came to an end.

Kagura was startled, as a human being, Nie Kong actually got together with the three people from the Eight Great Snake Collection. On which side was he on?

"Haha... Although I don't know how you took the blood out of her body, I have to admire you. Since you want revenge, let's see if she has the strength-wrist electric·vacuum wave." Gao Feng Gao Niz hooked his finger, and the storm from the sky covered a radius of 100 meters.Although it is an ordinary trick, its power is many times that of the giant snake pheasant that surpassed Kusanagi.

Sakazaki Ryo and the others can't take care of themselves to protect themselves in the raging storm, how can they help Nie Kong and others leisurely.The surrounding mountains are shaking for ten miles, as if at the end of the world.Fortunately, Qianhe chose the arena in the suburbs, otherwise the aftermath of the battle would definitely turn a city into ruins.After breaking through the seal, his strength really improved two or three times than before.

The storm roared and turned into the people who were cutting an invisible sharp blade inside.However, a beautiful shadow broke through the storm and rushed towards the storm with a fierce killing intent.

Gonitz was surprised, because even he couldn't see Lianna's speed.Lianna used the power gained from Nie Kong Shuangxiu for the first time.

"Impossible, how can our Heavenly Kingdom Protoss be inferior to ordinary people. Is it there, sure to kill-a real baby girl!" Gonitz stretched out his hand and grabbed the phantom in front of him, and used himself The killer.

Really eight childish target, Gonitz grabbed Lianna's neck with a strange speed like a snake catching her prey, rushed in front of her and started frantically scratching!However, what he grasped in his right hand was only a phantom, and the real Lianna had appeared behind him.

The sharp hand knife slashed across, and one of Gonitz's arm was broken, so fast that he didn't feel any pain at all.The immortal body of the Protoss began to take effect, and a new arm grew from the wound of the broken arm.

"Ah..." A terrifying storm enveloped Gonitz himself, and the hurricane rushed straight into the sky.The huge storm roared, sharp as a knife, so dense that people couldn't avoid it.Such a terrifying move is estimated to directly destroy a city.

Chi Chi... Sakazaki Ryo and the others were unlucky enough to suffer the unsuspecting disaster. They couldn't stop the large and powerful wind causing wounds on their bodies, and there was a loud grunt.

And Athena and Kagura Chizuru, who had escaped because of being close to Nie Kong, watched the battle between the two dumbfounded, because the strength of the two shocked them too much.

"Hehe, let him taste the power he gained through training with Brother Nie Kong, and really release his power." Mary chuckled.

Gonitz intends to use that range-style bombardment to attack Lianna, who is extremely fast, but Lianna is indeed affected a bit, and the roar of the wind slows her a bit.

"Drink..." Lianna only heard a soft drink, and a terrifying blue arrogance erupted from her body, actually shaking off the storm controlled by Gonitz.The super arrogance spread out, more terrifying than Gonitz.

Everyone was shocked one after another. Didn't Lianna show her full strength in the game? How could her aura be so strong?

"Success, Gonitz." The full moon-like gas bomb condensed in her hands, and then controlled it to rush towards Gonitz at a super fast speed.Condensing her powerful qi bullets, it seems that Lianna intends to blow Gonitz to pieces with a single blow, and use super power to break Gonitz's immortality.

The speed of controlling the gas bomb was many times faster than the battle gate, and the energy was very condensed."What?" Gonitz was forced by his anger and backed up a few steps, his eyes flashing incredible.

One's own power should be completely unblocked. How can oneself be the head of the Eight Jie Sets and can't compare to a mere human?Own Lord is God, the will of the earth.How can the power given by God lose to one person?

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