The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0769, 96 desolate

The situation stopped him from thinking about it, because Lianna's gas bomb rushed towards him faster than the meteor.The pressure on him was too great to be hit.

"Glacier." He turned into a wisp of breeze, and disappeared into Lianna's sight at an extremely fast speed.Lianna turned her gaze, her right hand controlled the gas bullet and turned weirdly.

The blowing of the storm is a sign of Gonitz.However, what he was about to face was Lianna's arrogant bombs.As if Lianna had already seen through his movements, the gas bullet seemed to appear in front of him inexplicably.Because the speed of the gas bomb was too fast, it seemed as if Gonitz ran into it on his own initiative.

"What..." Gonitz didn't expect it, and saw the energy ball approaching helplessly.A huge shame, he could not accept the fact that someone could have more power than the gods of heaven.

Boom... The collision of the two detonated Lianna's gas bomb."Is he dead?" Lianna's pretty face bloomed with a smile, as if she had taken off all the burden.

Iori's expression became more and more ugly, because he found that there were more and more powerful people, how could he willingly rank behind so many people.Even if there was an extra Nie Kong, Lianna's performance completely defeated his pride.

But the storm did not subside, it was still raging.The bright red blood was squirming, and Gonitz's figure slowly took shape.The immortality of the Protoss is very good, so the three major families in Japan can only seal but not completely obliterate them.Resurrected again and again, the three major families fought them again and again.

"Impossible, look at my gas circle." A circle of more than ten meters, like a saw, rotates at a high speed and cuts towards Gonitz.With a tear, Gonitz's body split into two halves.

"Haha...Although your strength is stronger than mine, you can't destroy the immortality of our Protoss." In Gonitz's laughter, his body once again returned to its original state.

"No, to seal Gonitz, we must use our Kagura family's artifact, let me go out and help her." Kagura Chizuru said anxiously.Although the three major artifacts of the Sealed Serpent appeared at the same time, Gonitz who dealt with the destruction of the body could only rely on Kagura Chizuru alone, using the magic skills and zero skills of their Kagura clan.

Nie Kong actually felt that it was easy to completely eliminate Gonitz, as long as he erased his soul.Because although the Bajie Collection can be sealed off, their souls can reincarnate and reappear when the seal weakens.

"No, you just need to seal him when his soul floats out." Nie Kong gently stretched out his hand and shook it, and Gonitz, who was about to heal his body, stopped recovering strangely.The bright red blood spilled out of his body, that was because after the blood of the serpent had been lost, the immortal body of the Protoss was useless.Nie Kong, who can control the blood, is simply their nemesis.The donated blood coagulated into a ball of blood cells, and then Nie Kong held them and turned into air.

"Do not……"

Gonitz showed horror for the first time, but he could only do a dying struggle.His soul floated out, and Kagura's figure flashed with a magic trick to seal his soul.Kagura Chizuru's chest suddenly flashed in a round shape, without showing through, but something like a heart-guard was vaguely formed on his chest.The countless points of light plunged directly into it, disappearing!

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si watched Gonitz's news, and their hearts were filled with unspeakable bitterness.As the eight masterpieces, it is their mission to resurrect the gods, and that kind of result cannot be avoided at all.Can they really get rid of the fate that has been entangled for thousands of years?

"Don't worry, you two, no matter what, I will untie the fate that binds you to the Eight Masters." Nie Kong patted their shoulders and turned to them and smiled gently.

The two women nodded their heads, and the gloomy mood improved a lot.It was the same clear weather, and the raging storm accompanied Gonitz completely dissipated.Kagura's body was so soft to the ground that it consumed almost all of her strength.There are magic skills that consume energy and strength, and there is powerlessness to liberate.

"Too...very good, I...I finally sealed Gonitz and finally avenged my sister." There were tears in the corner of her eyes, tears of joy.Her appearance of pear blossoms with rain adds a little charm to her pure and pure.Although the witch costume is very old-fashioned, her appearance is not bad, and she is at the same level as Xiao Wu's pain.If you can dress well, your charm will be even better.

Xiao Wu and Yuli came to her quietly, and Haosheng helped her up.

Qianzuru thanked them with a weak expression, and then looked around the ring.Scary cracks appeared on the earth, like hell.When she saw countless serious injuries caused by the storm, she had a pretty face with a little guilt, but fortunately no one died.Regardless of the matter, she immediately summoned the Kagura's medical unit to come to treat the wounded.

She is not the only one who is weak, Sakazaki Ryo and their bodies are also seriously injured.The impact of the storm Gonitz is too great, and the power is beyond their ability to resist.

Lianna quietly returned to Nie Kong's side, and after being free from the hatred, her whole body glowed with infinite demeanor.Although she knew that it was Nie Kong who helped her avenge her, she belonged to Nie Kong physically and mentally, so she felt very happy instead.

KOF96 was hurriedly ended under the attack of the storm Gonitz, but the three girls did not intend to fight Nie Kong from start to finish.I am afraid that if Nie Kong takes one more look at them, their bones will probably be cut in half.How could you do such a thing to Brother Nie Kong, it is too late to hurt Brother Nie Kong.

Xiangcheng patted her small breasts, and the things encountered by Nie Kong were too exciting.She felt very excited to be able to compete with Nie Kong, but unfortunately she did not find her father who ran away from home.

Sakazaki Ryo and the others were hit again, even in 1994, but they have been training hard for several years.I thought that although I couldn't beat Nie Kong, it would certainly not be much different.

However, the appearance of Gonitz, and then Lianna's super strength performance broke their hearts.Although he didn't make a move, he would definitely be much stronger than Lianna.Destroying a city in one blow, what a shocking force that should be.

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