The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 078, Senqiu Silver Shadow is eliminated

Both Mengxiang and Hu Meng looked curiously at Nie Kong, who lowered his head and wrote the test questions, and wanted to know what questions he would come up with.

The answer was soon revealed. Nie Kong handed two pieces of white paper with the question written to them, and asked Senqiu Yinying and Little Lori Fairy Zi to write the answer to the question.

When the two of them looked at the questions on the paper, they were a little dumbfounded. These questions were too insightful, and they could simply analyze a person's personality.Even Meng Xiang and Hu Meng were amazed by them.

"Nie Jun's literary talent is really good, but he is too lazy to even write for exams." Mao Mujing really wanted to get into Nie Kong's head to see what was hitting inside, otherwise no student would not even write the exam. of.

Q1 "What is the motivation for joining the Friends Department?"

Q2 "What can you do to the Friends Department after joining the group?"

Q3 "If humans and monsters want to be friends with you at the same time, which one would you promise?"

Q4 "If your good friend is determined to destroy this world, do you want to stay with him or stop him?"

Q5 "Why the above reason?"

"The exam starts now, the time is half an hour!" Nie Kong gave an order, and the two newcomers sat at the two ends of the warming table, thinking hard.

But after a while, Fairy Zi, known as a genius girl, first started to write and kept writing.Fifteen minutes later, Moriqiu Yinying also began to write, and there was a sound of writing in the activity room.

When time passed, both of them handed in their answers.Yin Ying had a proud look on her face, while Fairy Tong Zi was a little uneasy.

Nie Kong first took out Xiantong Zi's questionnaire, and the three daughters of Maomujing next to them all stretched their heads, wanting to see how the two people answered.

Q1 "What is the motivation for joining the Friends Department?"

A "If you have an idea, you must act. I want to be your friend.".

Q2 "What can you do to the Friends Department after joining the group?".

A "I will do everything that I am allowed to do.".

Q3 "If humans and monsters want to be friends with you at the same time, which one would you promise?"

A "Youkai, I hate humans the most."

Q4 "If your good friend is determined to destroy the world, do you want to accompany him or stop him?"

A "I want to follow him silently."

Q4 "What is the reason for the above?".

A "From a long time ago, Xiao Zi was alone. If I have friends, I will always cherish him."

The three daughters of Mengxiang stared at the answer written in a daze, and were almost moved by the sincerity brought out between the lines in Fairy Boy's purple characters.From the answer, they knew how much a poor person Fairchild Zi longed for friends.

Hu Meng said: "Sure enough, just like the rumors, the so-called witch is not able to distinguish whether it is a monster or a kind of human existence. Although it has been called a realm connecting monsters and people a long time ago, now... The half-demon is a discriminated race! Moreover, it is disgusted in the human world. In the Middle Ages, witches were besieged and killed in large numbers. Xiao Zi really...may be alone all the time!"

"Nie Jun, if you don't agree to let her join, I won't follow the teacher." Meng Xiang obediently touched Fairy Tong Zi's head, and Fairy Tong squinted her eyes while enjoying Meng Xiang's caress.

"A good answer, Fairchild Zi passed the written test." Even if the answer is not good, Nie Kong will use his privileges to pull Xiao Zi into the club.

"It's my turn!" Yinying touched the hair on her head with her hand, very narcissistic.

Nie Kong squinted his eyes and just glanced, and he didn't have much interest in knowing his answer, because no matter how he answered, Nie Kong would not let him in.

Q1 "What is the motivation for joining the Friends Department?"

A "I am lonely and I hope to be comforted by everyone."

Q2 "What can you do to the Friends Department after joining the group?"

A "The leader asks me to do it, and I will do it."

Q3 "If humans and monsters want to be friends with you at the same time, which one would you promise?"

A "Youkai, humans can do, as long as I have friends, I am very happy."

Q4 "If your good friend is determined to destroy the world, do you want to accompany him or stop him?"

A "I want to persuade him to correct evil and return to the right."

Q4 "What is the reason for the above?".

A "Although it is a friend, the idea of ​​destroying the world is still too radical."

"0 points." After reading it roughly once, Nie Kong said blankly.

"Although it's the standard answer, it's a pity that there is no sincerity in it. You know you are a hypocrite by looking at the answer." Mengxiang took a look and shook her head directly.

"Yinjun, it's a pity that you were eliminated." Mao Mujing said helplessly.

"Asshole!" Yin Ying's eyes scanned the figures of Mengxiang women in the activity classroom unwillingly, and after glaring at Nie Kong, she threw herself away and walked out.

He can't protest, after all, this is not the news department he used to be.And none of the people present supported him to join the group.

Seeing Yin Ying's unwilling eyes, Nie Kong's heart was cold, knowing that the pervert would definitely not give up.It is estimated that I want to join the Friends Department this time just to dig out the corner of Nie Kong.

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