The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 079. Solve the threat

Dark night fell quietly, and a bright full moon hung on the sky, adding a touch of brightness to the darkness.

On the roof of the teaching building of Yanghai Academy, Senqiu Yinying was standing on it, looking up at the sky.

Moriqiu Yinying is in a very bad mood today, so perfect she is actually not qualified to join that unheard of friends department, think about it a few days ago, she was the Minister of Information.But unfortunately, after the department he created was suppressed by the Ministry of Public Security last time, not many students dared to join it, so the Ministry of Information was disbanded a few days ago because of insufficient numbers.

At the moment Moexiang entered the school, Moriqiu Yinying was completely attracted by Moexiang's charm, and vowed to get her.So when I saw Moe Xiang’s announcement a few days ago, I thought about joining the Friends Department.His purpose is to get Mengxiang.

"Tonight is actually a full moon, no wonder the physical strength is starting to agitate. Chi Ye Moexiang, I must get you tonight." Moriqiu Yinying's real body is the legendary S-class monster werewolf, in the full moon When the speed will reach its peak.But the restless heart makes it difficult to control myself.

For example, Yin Ying's desire to get Mengxiang in his heart at this time broke out in his heart, and the only thought was to get the Mengxiang he liked!

"Wow, has Mengxiang finally come out? I can't help but want to get her!" After seeing Nie Kong and the others finally coming out of the club activity classroom, the silver shadow on the top of the building screamed, transforming her figure into a touch. The afterimage went on.

"Mengxiang, you should just obediently." The black shadow flashed past, and Senqiu Yinying instantly fell in front of Nie Kong, and the eyes of the three Mengxiang girls were full of undisguised greed.

"You're the Moriqiu Yinying who was just eliminated? What do you want to do now when you stop in front of us?" Mengxiang shrank towards Nie Kong's side with some fear when she met Shang Yinying's possessive eyes.

At this time, Moriqiu Silver Shadow had not been as elegant as usual. Now he tore the sheepskin on his body and became a real werewolf.

"As I expected, his dirty heart is peeping at Mengxiang." In the unwilling eyes of Moriqiu Yinying's departure, Nie Kong knew that he would definitely not give up.

"Haha Mengxiang, I'm getting more and more fascinated by you, I just can't stop it! If that's the case, let's make you my woman by force tonight." More and more uncontrollable blood, Moriqiu Yinying Under the moonlight of the full moon, his figure began to transform.

Gray-black hair emerged from his body, and his sharp nails and teeth looked so hideous and terrifying in the moonlight.His handsome cheeks turned into wolf heads.

"It turns out that his purpose of joining the club is to get cute fragrance. It's really unforgivable. Fortunately, Nie Junhui's eyes are like torches. Fortunately, he didn't let him join." The witch patted her flat chest in fear, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"At the full moon, he has the strongest ability, known as the "speed monster", and has a fighting power comparable to vampires. Nie Jun, be careful, tonight is just the full moon state." Hu Meng stared at Nie Jun anxiously. Naturally, I became a little worried.

"Nie Jun, it's all my fault, and I got you into trouble again." Meng Xiang said with guilt.

"It doesn't matter, I have said before, Mengxiang, you will be protected by me." Nie Kong didn't care. These little people stepped on one by one, there was no pressure at all.

After the transformation, Senqiu Yinying said fiercely to Nie Kong: "It's so arrogant, after you have been dealt with, the three women behind will all be mine! Hahaha!"

As soon as the words fell, Senqiu Yinying instantly flashed in front of Nie Kong and grabbed his chest with one claw.Very fast, but it's still a bit worse than the undefeated Oriental who is the three great Pluto.

"Transfer!" Nie Kong's disdainful eyes gave out an inexplicable wave, and saw that the werewolf's figure that was rushing in a straight line changed its direction strangely and flew straight into the sky.

"What a powerful soul power, isn't Nie Jun a vampire? Why is the soul power stronger than our dream demon?" Hu Meng looked at Nie Kong infatuatedly, and had already surrendered to Nie Kong's soul. Domineering and ruthless eyes.

Nie Kong was lost in front of him. While he was still looking for the target, Nie Kong's voice sounded behind him: "Huh, where are you looking? Huh, at this speed! Isn't it the madness of man and wolf? After transformation, the strength will increase with the intensity of the moonlight. The full moon is when the moonlight is the strongest, and is it also the time when the wolf is strongest."

"Blood whip of sin!" Senqiu Yinying immediately turned forward when he heard the sound, but still took a step slower, and a huge force came from his back.The blood-red whip slammed on him with a snap.

This is still the bloodwhip that has not changed its form, otherwise Senqiu Yinying would have been reduced to ashes by Nie Kong's sinful bloodwhip.But this time, he was hit by Nie Kong's powerful attack, the whip directly cut through his body, and the blood gradually shed.A huge pain spread all over the body, Senqiu Yinying was completely agitated by Nie Kong and completely lost her mind.

"Wow, I'm going to kill you all!" Senqiu Yinying's figure became faster, and the crazy beast burst out of his body's potential.

Although Nie Kong wanted to kill him very much, he would be discovered by the school if he did so, and he did not want to leave the college yet.So Nie Kong can't kill him yet.

"Nie Jun, be careful!" The three women beside each other said in shock at the same time.

"Night Demon Attack!" Nie Kong was instantly covered with a layer of black smoke, which looked like a black ball from a distance.Moriqiu Silver Shadow's powerful claws caught on the smoke, but unfortunately it failed to break this layer of defense.

Countless bats were controlled by Nie Kong, and Seta completely submerged the silver shadow of Senqiu in front.When the black mist dissipated, the werewolf fell to the ground with wounds, unable to stand up.

"If you dare to pay attention to Mengxiang, let me give you a luxurious gift bag." Nie Kong walked to Moriqiu Yinying, and without hesitation, he trampled his right foot between his legs. .

"Plap!" As if the sound of firecrackers sounded, a trace of pain flashed across the face of Yinying Moriqiu who was dazed, and then fell asleep again.

After seeing you now, I dare to beat my woman's idea.Nie Kong knew that Senqiu Yinying was like a peeking mad and a sex mad. It would be more painful to kill him than to kill him.

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