The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 080, Hu Meng knows our relationship?

"Nie Jun, I found that you are getting better and more attractive, and people are more and more inseparable from you." Hu Meng made a tiger leap, and his huge body hung on Nie Kong's body. It is full of tenderness and honey.

"Woo...Xiao Zi will hug Jun Nie too." Fairy Tong Zi's mouth was lightly pouted, and he crawled onto Nie Kong's back unwillingly, and the two women occupied both sides of Nie Kong.

Nie Kong was surprised. He didn't understand that he and Xiao Zizi hadn't seen each other a few times, how could he become so sticky?

"What can I do now, Nie Jun seems to be very popular with girls!" Mengxiang saw the two women holding Nie Jun, and she had no idea but to communicate with Li Mengxiang in the cross.

"Your character is too weak, if I can show up, I have to beat them down with my fists!" Li Mengxiang's cold tone passed to Biao Mengxiang's mind.

"But, but they are the friends I just made, I...I am ashamed to say them." Biao Mengxiang looked very disappointed, she finally made two friends of the same sex, and she naturally didn't want to lose it.

"Then I have no choice but to see how you deepen your relationship with Jun Nie, fill Nie Jun's heart with love, and can't tolerate other girls. Perhaps, anemia is an opportunity." After saying, Li Meng Xiang's voice became smaller and smaller.If it wasn't for Mengxiang's heart, she wouldn't be able to hear it.

Hearing Li Moexiang's words, Biao Moexiang's face turned red with a brush.

"I... how could I be so shameless, and actually take the initiative to... do that with Jun Nie."

In fact, Li Mengxiang would feel embarrassed, but since she did something like that with Nie Kong, Nie Kong's figure was all in her mind.I always wanted to be able to try again the supreme feeling Nie Kong brought her.

"Take this opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jun Nie. If you don't take the initiative, Jun Nie will be snatched away by that big breasted woman! We couldn't drink blood here, which means we can't live without it. Nie Jun's method." Li Mengxiang's tone was faint, but Biao Mengxiang still felt the tremors in her tone.

"Think about it if one day Nie Jun will leave you, and plunge into the scene in Hu Meng's arms. If you can bear it, do as you like."

"No, Nie Jun belongs to me alone, and I can't give him to Hu Meng and the others." It seems that when I think of the scene where my favorite Nie Jun is thrown into Hu Meng, Mengxiang feels like his heart is breaking.

"Then act, as long as you say anemia, Nie Jun will leave them." Li Mengxiang tempted.

"Okay, I must work hard for Nie Jun." Meng Xiang's blushing face became extremely firm at this moment.

"Nie...Nie Jun, I...I feel anemia again, can I trouble you again!" Meng Xiang's blushing face didn't dare to face Nie Kong, lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Strange, isn't it just anemia? How could Mengxiang show that expression." Hu Meng was a little confused.

Nie Kong stared at Mengxiang incredulously. He couldn't imagine that Mengxiang, who had always been gentle and shy, would take the initiative to ask him to do something like this!

"Did the sun rise from the west today?" Mengxiang, who wanted to refuse to welcome her, was really super cute.

"No way?" Mengxiang's head lowered and lower, as if she could touch the toe of the shoe.

"Haha, this is the first time Mengxiang has actively invited me. How could I not agree to it. Xiaozi, Hu Meng, you should go back first. I can't go back with you with Mengxiang because of something." Nie Kong hurriedly left. Hugging his two daughters, they can't wait to take the initiative Mengxiang directly to the club room.

"Is there anything we can't know about it?" Hu Meng said with anger.

"This is something between vampires, you won't know it." Meng Xiang blushed and defended.

"Really?" Hu Meng became more and more suspicious, telling her instinct that there must be a secret between Mengxiang and Nie Jun that she didn't know.

"Okay, Mengxiang and I have taken a step in advance, so you should hurry back to the dormitory." Nie Kong stretched out and took Mengxiang's little hand rubbing the corner of his clothes, and disappeared in front of the two women in a blink of an eye.

"It's suspicious. No way, Hu Meng must find out the secret between the two of them." Hu Meng felt a little uncomfortable, and she didn't want Nie Kong to be snatched by Mengxiang.Their dream demons are monsters whose power is love. Once they lose their beloved, they will die of death.

"Xiao Zi, I have to go ahead if I have something to do. You will be careful about the dormitory." Hu Meng casually dealt with Xiao Zi, and quietly followed Nie Kong and the others.

"Really, it's so weird today." Xiao Zi looked at the three people who had left in a puzzled way, walking on the way back to the dormitory alone.

At this time, the Yanghai Academy was dark, and all the monsters estimated that their club activities had ended and all returned to the dormitory.The dark campus looks very quiet.

Pulling Mengxiang, who was as shy as a little daughter-in-law, into the club activity room, Nie Kong stretched out his right hand and gently lifted Mengxiang's lowered chin, wanting to see Mengxiang's expression at this time.

"Hey! Nie... Don't look at Nie Jun, I... I'm a little bit shy." Meng perfume's bowing eyes met Nie Kong's smiling eyes, and he was so shocked that Nie Kong was not coming out in his arms.

Nie Kong smiled lightly, Mengxiang's expression at this moment was really cute and bursting.

Nie Kong stopped teasing her, and gently sat on the tatami with Mengxiang, placing Mengxiang between his legs.

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