The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0772, Athena's concert

Kagura Qianhe really insisted on the mission of being a Kagura family, rejected Nie Kong's bold remarks, and persuaded Nie Kong not to be arrogant.Nie Kong smiled and said that he would not deliberately release the seal, and if the snake really came back to life, he would come to help them deal with the snake.Mai Zhuo and Wei Si looked at Kagura Chizuru provocatively. The super aura made Kagura sweat cold, which was many times more terrifying than Gonitz.

"Impossible, how could the two of them suddenly become stronger than Gonitz in just one day?" Kagura Chizuru murmured, his pale pretty face as white as snow.

"It's not just the two of them. You didn't realize that the strength of the girls next to Nie Kong's person is almost all stronger than Gonitz. I don't know how he made it out. It's so simple to improve a person's strength, then How strong is his true power. No wonder he would have the idea of ​​releasing a big snake. It may be because of his strength that no one can beat him, so he must look for a stronger opponent." Wan in his body The turtle's soul was speechless.

"In any case, let's observe them for a while and then talk about it, hoping that he can speak and count." Qianzuru muttered to himself, with his help, he would not be able to prevent the resurrection of the snake.

But what made Kagura bad was that Nie Kong received several concert tickets three days later.That was a gift that Athena brought them specially, and invited them to watch her performance, which gave them an opportunity to leave.

"What, are you leaving now?" On the fourth day, Nie Kong screamed when they said goodbye to Kagura Qianhe.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality a few days ago, because you are going to attend a concert of Athena. If you have anything in the future, you can come to Shiranuiyu Dojo to find me." Nie Kong said.

"Okay... okay." Of course Kagura Chizuru hopes that they can stay at the shrine so that they can personally monitor his actions, so as to prevent his chaos, but there is no reason to keep them here now.However, Nie Kong was a man who didn't like to be restrained by nature. Even without Athena's invitation, he had to prepare to leave Kagura Palace.

After Nie Kong and the others left the Jingle Palace, they went to the auditorium written on the concert ticket.Since Athena invites herself, give her a face to appreciate her beautiful singing voice.

Athena was wearing a pure white skirt covering her knees.With some light makeup, her small lips are red, with her super cute face, she looks like a princess. After seeing Nie Kong and the others, she seemed to wipe her eyes in disbelief.Seeing Nie Kong clearly, he happily ran over and asked, "Nie Kong, are you finally willing to come?"

Nie Kong turned his attention to Athena and smiled: "It's rare to hear Athena's singing at the scene. Of course we have to join in. But you just don't care about singing, otherwise your strength will definitely not improve."

"I see, this is the last performance of the year. You can practice after you are busy. Come inside with me. I will wait for you here and take you behind the scenes to watch the performance." Athena drummed Mouth.

Nie Kong and the others followed Athena, and they were unimpeded.Behind the scenes of Jinde's concert, the inside is brightly lit and it is estimated that it can accommodate tens of thousands of people.However, there were not many people sitting in the audience, but many of them were dressed up and seemed to be preparing for the show.Xiao Wu asked Athena. It turned out that sitting in the front row was the stage director and some of his assistants. The others were all actors.

Nie Kong learned that this is not a concert of Athena alone, but contains many programs, and Athena's program list has only two songs.

Everyone looked at Athena together, and Athena blushed and said: "I also want to hold a concert that belongs to myself, but I don't have the opportunity. As a stage for celebrating major festivals in Japan, I can play here. It's pretty good."

Nie Kong and the others could only stay behind the scenes of the stage and wait for her to come on stage. However, Nie Kong strangely saw a familiar person here, that was the Iori Temple with blood red hair.He holds the guitar in his hands and seems to be tuning.Nie Kong felt very strange, would Iori attend a music performance?

"Don't underestimate him. Iori is very good in music. But let's not care about him, let's watch the show together. I will appear later, and there is still time." Athena softly explained. Tao.

After the rounds of boring shows, it was finally time for Athena to play.Not only because of her sweet singing, but also her performance in KOF attracted many fans.

After seeing a teleport of Athena, the audience on the stage almost boiled.She put on a cute shape, holding the microphone in her hand, and uttered a sweet and crisp song, which seemed to bring people tranquility and coolness.

Athena on the stage sang and danced a lovely dance.Sure enough, she was radiant and showed the girl's cute charm to the fullest. Both men and women liked her and her popularity rose sharply.

After singing a song, Athena waved her hand and confessed to the stage back behind the scenes.

"Hehe, I'm good at singing." Athena asked with a smile, waving her small fist.

Nie Kong nodded, admiringly said: "It's amazing. I used to think that Athena would only be attractive by cuteness."

"Huhu, although you praise me for being cute, I can't be happy anymore. It turns out that you used to look at me like that." Athena said angrily.

"I haven't heard of your songs before, but now I'm sure your songs are also top-notch. You deserve to be the No. 1 heartthrob in Japan." Nie Kong said with an embarrassing smile.

"Pump, I'll spare you for the time being." Hearing Nie Kong's praise, Athena smiled, as cute as she is.

However, as soon as Nie Kong finished speaking, there was a loud cheering on the stage, which seemed to be slightly more popular than Athena's.

Nie Kong looked at the stage strangely, and Iori An in a black dress appeared on the stage with a guitar in his hand.Perhaps his performance in KOF is better than Athena, so he is very popular.

Athena pursed her mouth, seemingly unhappy.Looking at Nie Kong, she whispered: "Who just said that she is the number one in Japan? It's a lie."

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