The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0773, c.y.s band appears

The Iori Temple on the stage was not excited by the cheers of fans, and the hazy expression on his face remained unchanged.Although defeated by Nie Kong, he is eager to improve his strength, but he who likes music does not want to miss his last chance to be on stage this year.Fingers plucked the tuned guitar, Iori, began to play his style of music.The audience has a very high praise rate, and they all cheered for Iori Temple.


Seeing the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, three figures walked out of the gloomy corridor silently.One big and one small, one plump.

"Huh... isn't it just by participating in a KOF competition to attract viewers, I think his music is far worse than ours." A strong man with white hair and a red jacket stared at the stage coldly. Iori, I don’t know if it’s not convinced or jealous.

"Hee hee, if Qisongsha participates in KOF, you will definitely get a good result. Not to mention winning the championship, I think at least better than Iori An." A boy wearing blue short sleeves behind him is innocent. Said with an innocent smile.

"The championship is impossible, because I have been following the KOF game since 1994. The two-time champion Nie Kong of the British team is so strong, and he is so handsome..." said weakly The voice, you know it is a girl.Sure enough, her plump figure slowly appeared.The split burgundy double ponytail was tied behind her waist, and her bangs blocked her eyes, making it impossible to see her complete appearance.But even so, it makes people feel "must be beautiful".His clothes are a beige slim dress.

"No matter what, I think we should have confidence in the music that we like and create." Seeing Shirmi's tendency to be nymphomaniac, the cute Chris in blue hurriedly said.

"Chris is right. If we compare music to CYS, we will never lose to him. We will talk about KOF when we have time. It's our turn to play. Everyone is ready to prepare." Songshe said, squinting.

Looking at his expression, do you really plan to participate in the KOF competition in the future?Although the physique is very strong and powerful, it seems that Qisong Society does not know how to fight.Sharma looked at Qisong Society, but after a while, he let out a chuckle with a silver bell.If you can really compete, you might meet that champion.

The three of them have inherent strength, which is many times stronger than ordinary people.And it seemed that there was a mission to be completed by them, so it was a coincidence that the three of them got together and formed a band.

At this time, Iori finished playing a lonely guitar piece that seemed to be sad, and the surrounding audience quietly seemed to remember something.However, when Iori was about to leave, the three people who appeared in red, yellow and blue clothes rushed to the ring brutally.

Seeing the appearance of the three people, the audience divided into two groups and said that they were wrong.

"Hey, guitarist Qisongshe, keyboardist Sharma, lead singer Chris, are the three of CYS's band coming?" Athena said softly.However, it seems that although it was time for them to play, Iori Temple did not announce the end, so it was too urgent.

"CYS band? Is it famous?" Xiao Wu asked strangely.

"You are really outdated, you don't know CYS. They are a new band a year ago, mainly rock music. In a short period of time, they have gathered a lot of popularity. These fans are mostly teenagers, and they all like it. The representative characteristic of CYS is my strong opponent in music with Iori." Athena explained.

If Athena's style is a cute and pure genre, Iori an aloof, then they represent the wild nature of rock.

"It's so kind, don't they say?" Mai Zhuo's brow furrowed as if feeling a little strange.After her strength was greatly improved, she could perceive the blood of the turbulent snake in the three of them just like Gonitz discovered Jiadilu, and she felt very close.It would be correct, the three of them are the eight masterpieces, and the blood of the snake is very strong, but it seems that they have not awakened.

Nie Kong also noticed the three of them, but most of his eyes stayed on Shirmi wearing a beige skirt.The plump figure exudes the unique charm of women, which is much better than the figures of Mary and Xiao Wu.By the way, the women of the Eight Masters of the Big Snake Clan are all demon-like, and they are in a very good shape.

"Master, it seems that the three of them are eight masterpieces that have not awakened at all. Do you want me to help them?" Wei Si asked Nie Kong quietly.

Nie Kong shook his head. It was too early for the three of them to awaken, and waited until after contacting them.Because even after awakening, Bajieji will still have previous memories.

"Then what should the master do?" Mai Zhuo asked with a smile.

"Let's go with the flow and see the situation. If it is too late to wake up by yourself, then help them not too late." If you want to wake up, wait until next year. You have to contact them before then. After you wake up, they can talk better. Talk about the resurrection of the serpent.In the original book, they will succeed, but only the incomplete serpent is resurrected, because the reincarnation snow of Kusanakyo’s girlfriend Qi Inada is missing as a sacrifice for the resurrection.But if it is completely resurrected, the three major families are not the opponents of the snake at all.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si snorted, in fact, they understand very well.Gonitz is a role model, and his too fast awakening makes the Three Artifacts more vigilant.Moreover, the fate that bound them had faded, and the thoughts of the two women at this time were completely attached to Nie Kong.

Because they spoke very quietly, Athena and the others did not hear the content of their conversation.Her big bright eyes stared at the four people on the stage, as if she could see a burst of gunpowder.

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