The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0775, come to an end

If they are awakened, their mentality will not change dramatically.It's hard to say, it should be decided according to personal character.For example, Gonitz is 100% loyal to the serpent.On the contrary, Lianna's father, Jiadilu, the fetters of the world overwhelmed her mission.

It was their band's turn to perform, and the wild and enthusiastic heavy metal rock and roll came out, as if it could tune people's emotions.Qisong Society is the guitarist, while Shirmi is the keyboardist and Chris is the lead singer.She seemed to know that Nie Kong was watching from the sidelines, so Charmi was more serious than usual.The audience's emotions were really ignited, and they couldn't help dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Athena praised: "I have to admit that the three of them are much more accomplished in music than me."

"Don't you have a new song as the finale, maybe you can pull it back." Nie Kong chuckled.

"If you lose, you will lose. In your eyes, I'm just a singer who relies on cuteness to gain popularity." Athena hummed instead.

The girls smiled and seemed to understand Athena's careful thoughts.

"Don't worry about that little thing, Athena, hurry up and prepare. Who calls Athena is so cute, the light that radiates completely covers up your roar, and people will only notice Athena and forget Listening to the song." Nie Kong said with a smile while pushing her jade back.

"Poor mouth." Even so, Athena's pretty face smiled like a flower.Why? As long as I hear the comfort of his sweet words, I feel that my heart is about to melt, so happy.

After nearly ten minutes of playing music, the CYS band's performance ended with Chris hitting the drums hard.The stage cheered and the mood was high.Charmi hurriedly looked at the stage and found that Nie Kong, who he cared about, was shaking his hands to her and shouting.She felt sweet in her heart, it turned out that he was listening carefully.

And the three of them returned to the back of the stage, accompanied by Nie Kong.The moment they came into contact with Mai Zhuo and Wei Si, who had always been lonely and without friends, the three of them felt as kind as they saw their relatives.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si pull over Sharma and ask her questions.However, how Nie Kong looked at it, he saw that they were groping and examining Charmi's plump body, which really made him envious.

The question that Qisong Society asked Nie Kong pointed to the fighting side, and it seemed that he was really hit by the Iori Temple just now.Nie Kong said something about fighting, which made Qisongshe fascinated.

After their performance, Athena, who has worked so hard, appeared again.At this time, she changed a set of clothes without authorization, and the white princess dress turned into a cute black gothic dress.

After the mood of rock music is high, Athena's singing like a cool summer breeze is like the other extreme, bringing them a nine-fold enjoyment of ice and fire.Moreover, Athena's cuteness is very good both visually and acoustically. It seems that the new song is very well received.

With the end of Athena's performance, the concert slowly came to an end.Nie Kong and the others have no interest in watching the program scheduled next on the stage.What would be interesting without Athena's performance.

The three people from Qisongshe were carrying musical instruments and bid farewell to Nie Kong with reluctance.Especially the attractive stunner Charmi, Nie Kong can see her nostalgia through the cover of her red hair.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si looked at each other and smiled, and only the last person in the Eight Jie Collection was not found.It wasn't their sense of mission, but because Nie Kong wanted to see the big snake, so the two women should try their best to make Nie Kong complete, and achieve two goals.

"Huh, breathe a sigh of relief, the last concert of this year is over, and now I can finally practice with peace of mind, please take care of me in the future." Athena smiled like a flower.

Judging from her appearance, it is estimated that KOF understood her own shortcomings, so he asked Nie Kong to continue to guide her.The reason is that she chose superpowers in the direction, so Zhenyuanzhai's knowledge is limited.Zhen Yuanzhai knew Nie Kong's toughness well, so he was relieved, and he did not know how relaxed and comfortable he was without an apprentice who controlled his drinking.It's just that Shiiquan Chongke suffers, and it will be a long time since I can't see the crushed Athena.

"It's over, we should go home." Nie Kong nodded.

"Nie Jun, where are we going back? The South Town of the United States is still Shiranui Dojo?" King asked curiously.

"Let's stay at Shiranuiyu Dojo for the time being, and settle things here before we talk about it." Nie Kong thought for a while, then said.

"Yeah, awesome." Xiao Wu cheered, very happy that Nie Kong can stay here with her, she is very happy.

Nie Kong has his plans to stay here, because the awakening of the snake happened in Japan.Besides, if there is no change, the KOF97 final will be held here in Japan.Leaving and returning to South Town, and coming back soon, it’s troublesome.

"Oh, those guys in Nanzhen would be messed up without Nie Jun's suppression." Mary chuckled lightly.

"It doesn't matter, no one can break into my castle. Let's go, let's go back to the gym." Nie Kong said.

The matter finally came to an end, and Nie Kong's life returned to peace again.After seeing the strength of Gonitz, those fighters once again worked hard to start a new practice.

For example, Iori Temple, his goal is to fully control the blood of the serpent in his body to increase his strength, and then he must surpass Nie Kong and surpass Kusanagi. Then he must control the magical skills of the Iori family-the legendary eight wine cup that pauses time.

And the discouraged Sakazaki Ryo finally got the ultimate meaning of the ultimate flow from his father's mouth-the strongest blow of the world overlord fist, after having the target, Sakazaki Ryo retreats and practices desperately.

The wounded Kusunakyo was very distressed, because he couldn't use his magic skills after he was sober.However, he was not discouraged, because he had the guidance of his father, Kusana Chaizhou, so that he could control the Kusanazu clan’s sacred sword.

They work hard to cultivate themselves, perhaps silently looking forward to KOF being held again.Fight against all kinds of powerful enemies, and then exceed your limits.

KOF97, only one year is left.

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