The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0776, Athena's extreme training

In the following days, Nie Kong resumed his previous life.

Athena and Orange each practiced in order to become stronger, and temporarily set aside other things.Athena has spared no effort to exercise all aspects of the body's defects. Compared with Nie Kong's all-round development, she is like a beginner, and she can't use a super power.

According to the analysis of her master, the biggest reason for restricting the growth of strength is that apart from the strength defects of martial arts, the most important thing is that her superpowers have big defects in the use of her superpowers, and her actual combat and explosive power are slightly immature.Moreover, her basic strength as a fighter is far worse than Sakazaki Ryo and others, and there is no way to improve her mental strength.

Therefore, Nie Kong felt that if you want to teach Athena, you must start from the basics of Qi, mainly the use and refinement of Qi.

No matter what kind of tactics, Qi must be used. In the final analysis, one's strength is the use of Qi.Once a warrior loses his energy, it is like cutting a tree to cut its root system and a river blocking its source.Sometimes the strength of qi determines the strength of a person, and the person who loses the qi can only wait to die in a fight.Therefore, the practice of qi is the most important thing, and it is the foundation of becoming strong.

"Although you are dominated by superpowers, your mental power is too weak. Even if you teach you no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to use it without mental power. So you should learn to control your qi in a short time. Then I have time to teach you super powers. In fact, the use of super powers is very simple, but it depends on the strength of mental power. For example, I only need a simple basic drive to easily defeat you." In the courtyard of Shiranui, Nie Kong's eyes emitted invisible waves.I saw the lovely girl in a blue and white sailor suit. The female Athena was floating in the air uncontrollably, without any resistance at all.

"Brother Nie Kong is really the best!" Orange on one side looked at Nie Kong with admiring eyes.

"I see, the master also warned me not to rely on super powers too much. I want to become the same as yours and fully develop fighting skills." Athena said excitedly.

"Then teach you the basic dance skills first, do you want to learn it?" Nie Kong asked.

"Yeah." Athena's eyes lit up, she had long coveted that Xiao Wu and the others could break through gravity and fly freely.Although her superpowers can support her body to float, the maintenance time is very short, and the mental power is astonishing.King and the others chuckled, because Nie Kong taught them like that before, so I miss them.

"However, it must take a long time to fully learn with your qualifications. Anyway, there is time, take it slowly." Nie Kong said nonchalantly.

"That is to say, I used to study for three months." Orange murmured.

It takes three months to learn just one trick, which is too slow, I am afraid there is no time to learn super powers.If KOF will be held in 1997, wouldn't I be able to advance to the semi-finals.

", Nie Kong, do you have a faster way?" Athena said stupidly.

"It's useless to be anxious. Cultivation is based on gradual progress," Nie Kong said helplessly.

"No... no?"

"This... can't say no, you should already have a sense of breath, and you can learn it in a day..." For example, in the original Dragon Ball, Vidiri, Gohan taught her to learn it in a day.

"Really, can I really learn in one day?"

"I have thought of a way to increase the learning speed, but it is too dangerous. Are you sure you want to use it?" Nie Kong asked.In a crisis, it can indeed force a person's potential.

"Of course." Athena's eyes flashed with determination.

"If this is the case, then I will take you to the necessary training site to see if you can strive to learn before coming back tonight."

"I want to go together, I want to go together." After Nie Kong finished speaking, Orange kept yelling.

"Okay, you all come close to me, and I will take you teleport." Nie Kong doesn't mind if one more person is not more, and one less person is a lot.

After the two women hugged Nie Kong's arms, the three of them disappeared strangely into King's sight.At the same time, Nie Kong and the three of them appeared on the cliff of Mount Fuji at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

The wind howled, as if surrounded by clouds.Looking down from there, you can almost get a panoramic view of Tokyo.

"It's so tall, do you mean we are going to practice here?" Athena stretched her head and looked down. There was a bottomless pit inside.If it is a person with acrophobia, I am afraid that my legs are sore and sore.For that matter, Athena's back was a little cold.

"Are you ready? We are about to start." After Nie Kong told Athena one by one the principles of the dance technique, he asked her to digest it for half an hour.

"Well, I have basically understood its principle."

"That's good." Nie Kong pressed his hands against her jade back before Athena had time to react, and then pushed hard against the cliff.

"Ah...Help!" Athena turned pale in fright as she watched her body fall off the cliff.Could it be that this is the dangerous practice Nie Kong said? It's too chaotic.No, use super powers to teleport and escape.

Athena closed her eyes and called her mental power, but she was shocked to find that her mental power seemed to be sealed.

Orange looked at the falling Athena dumbfounded, and then let out a laugh."Brother Nie Kong, she doesn't matter." Fortunately, Brother Nie Kong didn't use this method at the time, otherwise he would definitely be scared to death.

"It's okay, let's follow her." Nie Kong lightly jumped off and chased after Athena very quickly.Not to be outdone, Orange used the dance skill skillfully.

After catching up with Athena, Nie Kong chuckled in her ear: "Hehe, only if you can successfully use the dance skills I taught you can you have a chance to escape. Come on."

"You said it is light, it's the first time someone has learned it. Idiot Nie Kong, hurry up and save them..." Athena said with a cry.

"That can't be helped. You said that you want to use a quick way. Okay, I'll watch your performance at the bottom of the cliff." Nie Kong accelerated, and for a moment, a column of air burst back to the depth of the volcano. At the bottom of the valley.

Although it is an extinct volcano, fiery red magma still emerges from the deep crater.However, what surprised Nie Kong was that a hundred meters away from the magma, there was a steaming natural hot spring that was more than ten meters in size. As expected, Japan is rich in hot springs.

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