The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0777, the waiter of the orange

"Wow..." With a lovely scream, Athena's body thumped and fell into the hot spring, arousing a large amount of steaming mist.

Nie Kong originally planned to save her at the moment of the fall, but now it is unnecessary.It seems that the extreme training is really effective. Athena has a little trick, because she stopped strangely when she found that she fell.

"Hehe, there is a hot spring at the bottom of the cliff." Orange landed leisurely next to Nie Kong and said in surprise.

Athena jumped out like a chicken, and stared at Nie Kong fiercely with her big cute eyes: "You fool, you are going to kill me."

"Hehe, isn't it very effective? Let's do it a few more times, today you will definitely be able to learn how to dance." Nie Kong glanced at Athena's wet body and realized the exquisite and lovely body curve, and chuckled softly.

"I won't do anything to kill, I was so scared that I was about to have a heart attack." Athena patted her lovely chest, feeling lingering.Suddenly he threw himself off the cliff, who can stand it.

"Then I can't help it, let's take it slowly." Nie Kong said.

"Come to practice a few more times, I will definitely not hurt you with Brother Nie Kong." Xiangcheng urged from the side.

"Never." Although he understands that Nie Kong is just scaring himself, people who have not experienced the fear of falling from a high altitude will not understand.

"What about the next training?" Orange asked softly.

Athena was also troubled and didn't know what to do, but her eyes lit up when she saw Nie Kong walking quietly on the surface of the hot spring, and the silent water surface rippled with his footsteps.

"Just do that kind of training." Athena pointed at Nie Kong and exclaimed excitedly.

"What are you talking about?" Nie Kong asked strangely.

"Of course, training has to start simple. It is impossible to float in the air at the beginning. So try to train to walk on the water like you, and then float in the air like the second stage." Athena's eyes sparkled, it seems Excited to think of such a good idea.

Nie Kong was stunned. You thought you were learning the control of Chakra in Hokage.However, the two energies are indeed interlinked, and stepping on water is easier than direct flying to the sky, which is convenient for her to control the Qi in her body.

"It does work, Athena is really smart and cute." Nie Kong praised.

"Right." Athena said proudly with a smile.

"Then I will take a bath in the hot spring, and you can train here by yourself." Nie Kong changed his mind into just wearing a bath towel.The strong and powerful upper body appeared, causing a great impact on the innocent Athena.

Nie Kong immersed in the hot spring and let out a comfortable sigh: "It's so comfortable, a natural hot spring is good!" Orange looked at Nie Kong's sturdy body, his body tended to soften, and a blush appeared on his pretty face. .Nie Kong exuding bursts of masculine aura attracted the attention of Orange until his sturdy body disappeared into the water.

"That's great, Brother Nie Kong will help me change a dress, and I want to soak too." Xiangcheng Jiao said.

"Okay, let's cheer for Athena silently by the side." Nie Kong's mind changed, the original orange-white traditional robes turned into a pleasant bath towel.She took back the qi in her body and controlled her body to soak in the hot spring.

"Really, so comfortable." Orange squinted.

"Hmph, look at my performance." Athena seemed unwilling to control her qi in her feet and walked to the surface.But although the difficulty has been reduced, it is still difficult for Athena.No, she didn't control the qi under her feet, and instantly fell into the water.Nie Kong laughed at the embarrassed Athena.

After repeated failures, Athena continued to fight without giving up.However, when she found the sticky clothes on her body, she blushed and screamed, but it was too late, and Nie Kong saw everything she should have seen.She blushed and spat at Nie Kong, and after hesitating, she changed into a black one-piece swimsuit from school.The amazingly curvy white and soft waist trembled so warmly.The figure is much better than that of orange, as you can see from her round breasts.Cute, the look of Athena in a bathing suit really has another charm.

"Brother Nie Kong, let me rub your back for you." Seeing Nie Kong only pay attention to Athena, Xiang Orange blushed and whispered.

"Yeah." Nie Kong nodded.

Orange swam behind Nie Kong and looked at it but found no towel.She bit her mouth, stretched out her hand and took the towel that was draped on her body.Ten fingers fluttered on the bath towel, and the white bath towel slipped slowly to the thighs.

Little hands rubbed Nie Kong's back, but her body bones seemed to be unable to exert a trace of strength, softly pressing there.Brother Nie Kong's body is making direct contact with the bath towel he just wore.

"The power is too small, let me demonstrate it to you." Nie Kong paused, then said lazily.

Seeing Nie Kong turning around, Xiangcheng turned around too ashamed to let Nie Kong see her body.

Nie Kong was taken aback when he found the smooth jade behind the orange.No wonder why Orange has a towel. It turns out that she just used her clothes to rub his back.So, is she not wearing clothes now?Nie Kong's fingers slowly slipped to the jade back of the orange, and his smooth skin touched his heart.He really didn't wear clothes, his feet had already touched the tight little butt of Orange.Although not as sensual as Xiao Wu, the warmth is amazing.The small body curled up into a ball, and the pretty face was about to be buried in the hot spring.

The smoke was filled, Athena did not see their movements, and she was cultivating hard, so there would be no leisure to pay attention to them.

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