The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0778, hush, don't let Athena find out

The girl knew about the affair, and some time ago, by coincidence, she tasted Nie Kong's essence and understood some things about Nie Kong and Xiao Wu.

"Brother Nie Kong, don't... don't stay here, you will be discovered by Athena." She leaned softly in Nie Kong's arms, feeling exciting and nervous. Could it be that Xiao Wu and the others often accompanied Brother Nie Kong doing this? Matter?It's too much, but I excluded oranges.

"Shhhhhhhh, orange, quietly, otherwise Athena will see it. Come, let Brother Nie Kong help you cleanse your body."

The bodies of the two men were all sunk in the slightly turbid hot spring, with only two heads exposed.Orange was afraid that Athena would discover that she soaked her mouth in the hot spring, so it made a gurgling sound of water bubbles.

Under the water, Nie Kong's hands secretly played with Orange's compact body. Every piece of skin on his body was favored by Nie Kong's fingers.It's so exciting, it's been a long time since I had a hot spring with the girls.

Orange silently endured the piercing softness from his body, and did not dare to make a sound.

"Hmm..." Orange froze, and the intense pain caused her to take a few mouthfuls of hot spring water.Although the girl is very extensible, Nie Kong is too majestic, and the orange figure is relatively small.

"Hey, Brother Nie Kong will be more violent to the orange."

The two Athena who were desperately practicing their small movements in the hot spring, but inexplicably heard the sweet and sweet sound of the orange, they immediately surprised Athena.With a heartbeat, she looked at Nie Kong and Nie Kong with her eyes.

The bodies of the two of them were buried in the water, and their movements were so foggy.However, because Orange lost its power, it was very close to Nie Kong's arms.

"You...What are you two doing?" Seeing the indecent behavior of the two, Athena's pretty face was already flushed, not knowing whether it was shy or angry.

"Hehe, we are bathing together." In Japan, mixed bathing of men and women is indeed very common.Athena's eyes were as bright as torches, as if she could see through their movements.In the blur, she seemed to see Nie Kong touching Orange's chest with both hands.Shameless, bastard Nie Kong, big horny wolf.For some reason, Athena burst into an inexplicable anger.

"Does the bath have to be so close?" Athena did not believe Nie Kong's words because of this, her mental energy had been concentrated in her hands for some time, and she pressed hard on the surface of the hot spring.

"Look at my super psychic penetration." As if controlling a human being, the whole pool of hot spring water was immediately drawn into the air by her mental power.Sure enough, her use of mental power has greatly improved, and that trick can actually be used on things other than humans.

Nie Kong screamed badly, it was all because Orange made a loud noise, and awakened Athena who was practicing in a black one-piece swimsuit.She flicked her hair and pointed her right hand to the sky.

The hot spring water drifted away from the puddle, and the two unconcealed people were completely exposed to Athena's sight.After losing the buoyancy of the water, Xiangcheng's upper body lay on the ground, butt and Nie Kong were closely connected.Seeing her twitching all over, Nie Kong knew that her first aftermath was not over.

He had a headache, and he was seen by Athena.

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