The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0780, break again

"Stupid, idiot, it hurts, it's really connected, ooh..." Athena beat Nie Kong's chest with her cute little fist with a crying voice, maybe she saw the shame of Orange and Nie Kong just now. One scene.

"Fool, you will be well soon. This is also a part of cultivation." The pure Yuan Yin force rushed into Nie Kong's body, resonating with Shuang Xiu.Nie Kong found that the power of faith in Dingtian Ring madly poured into his soul space.The double cultivation technique evolved in the body was supplemented with surging strength, and with a bang, it revolved at an extremely fast speed, Nie Kong's golden body of the soul absorbing that energy and continuously strengthening it.The imperial goddess cultivating technique is running at dozens of times the usual speed, quickly concentrating his soul.

Nie Kong was taken aback, could it be said that at this moment, he has to break through the third level and achieve his own golden body.Nie Kong had to be surprised. He waited for this moment and didn't know how long he waited.Pushed to almost countless girls, absorbing the faith of several worlds to cast the third layer.

The pure energy circulated in Nie Kong's body, and then passed into Athena's body through the lower body, repeating the cycle.This power is very strong without any impurities, Athena only feels her own energy and mental power are rapidly increasing.

His own soul has become so powerful that he is indeed an immortal golden body known as the Buddha Realm.The power of the soul derived from this has not only increased tenfold!The powerful soul power spread out, and even many black space cracks appeared near Nie Kong.And now with Nie Kong's cultivation base, a full blow has been able to break through the barriers of the dimension.Countless people were all panicked and couldn't help kneeling in Nie Kong's direction.Nie Kong laughed, and now it was a double happiness for him.With his current cultivation base, he is considered to be at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. Although he is not very strong, he barely has the ability to protect himself.The sage didn't expect it anymore, it would be impossible to make a breakthrough without great opportunity.Even in the prehistoric world, there are only a few.

Athena curled up in Nie Kong's arms, her pretty face filled with a deadly aftertaste.And when Nie Kong broke through, he doubled cultivation and reached a terrifying level, which was many times stronger than Mary and the others.The physical and mental powers are enhanced at the same time, which has benefited her a lot.

However, at the moment Nie Kong broke through, a pair of huge eyes appeared in the sky strangely.He opened his closed eyes with majesty, as if he had just woke up, and glanced at something.As if he had discovered the strangeness here, the cold eyes in the sky were full of anger.And his appearance horrified the people in the King of Fighters again, wondering what happened.

After more than an hour, Orange opened her eyes in a daze.Recalling what happened in the hot spring, orange's pretty face showed a moving blush.

Ok?"At this time, Athena's muffled hum came out next to him. The orange lying in Nie Kong's arms squatted and cried out. Could it be that Athena has discovered it?

It's all because of Brother Nie Kong, how could he get himself so excited.

The lovely Athena shrank on Nie Kong's body, she was not wearing any clothes.

"Brother Nie Kong is so amazing, he actually asked Athena." Orange pouted.

Athena, who closed her eyes, blushed, shy and afraid to open her eyes.Although I was a little upset in the front, Athena already belonged to Nie Kong physically and mentally after double repairs.

"Hehe, that's part of the training. But I am very happy. I am so lucky to have the two of you here." Nie Kong held one in his hand and laughed happily.

"That's right." Athena suddenly jumped out of Nie Kong's arms and said in surprise: "I feel that my strength is tens of thousands of times stronger. Now it should be no problem to learn the sky dance. ."

She controlled the super strong arrogance in her body and rushed to a hundred meters away.There were many phantoms in the air, incredibly fast.Infinite excitement flashed through her eyes. Was he bestowing such a powerful force?

"Okay... It's amazing, I'll try it too." Orange rushed out, and the two women were playing in the air.

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