The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0781, the awakening of the three kings

In the shrine of Kaguuragu Shrine, Kagura Chizuru, who was used to doing witch evening classes, suddenly felt tight, and every part of his body seemed to be pressing against him.Although it was only a short moment, she really felt the emptiness of the soul, and the whole person fell into a state of loss.The Yata Mirror in his body seemed to be trembling violently while Chizuru was startled, thinking that an enemy was sneaking in nearby, so he quickly became alert.After carefully inspecting the surroundings, no enemy was found at all.While he was puzzled, the strange feeling had completely disappeared, and it seemed like the illusion just now.

"What the hell is going on?" Kagura was puzzled and encountered such a strange situation for the first time.

"The seal has been loosened..." A sudden sentence made Kagura Chizuru pause, and he realized that the soul of his sister Kagura Mangui was talking to her.

"The seal of the Orochi has been loosened, and the power of the Orochi suddenly overflowed at the moment just now. It was the autonomous reaction of the artifact Yatakyo."

Qianhe was shocked by her sister's words. She knew exactly how powerful the serpent was, and she could definitely destroy the world easily."Sister Wangui, how could its seal suddenly loosen?"

"As early as 660 years ago, Yata Joo was tempted by the Orochi and reached a blood contract, and unlocked part of the Orochi's seal. Hundreds of years have passed. Although we are guarded by the Kagura clan, the seal is The loopholes continue to expand, so there are eight masterpieces to awaken one by one." Kagura Wangui said solemnly.

"Sister Wangui, is there any way you can stop it?" Kagura Chizuru said anxiously.

"The awakening of the big snake will not be so simple. It must be a very complicated ceremony. If it is the most critical moment, only the power of the three artifacts can be gathered again." Kagura Wangui sighed.

"Are you gathering the three artifacts?" Qianhe's pretty face flashed a wry smile, and the difficulty was not ordinary.

"Don't worry too much, my sister will always be by your side." Kagura Wangui comforted.

And as Wangui expected, the power of the serpent crazily overflowed, and the reason for it was that the three of them awakened.As the three kings of the Eight Masters, they control the three powerful natural forces of nature-earth, flames and lightning.The interlacing of the three forces caused a brief chaos in the nearby 100-meter space.

In the darkness, only three pairs of blood-red pupils flashed away.The terrifying darkness spread out, and then shrank into their bodies in the blink of an eye.Although the momentum is slightly weaker than Gonitz, this time there are three at the same time.At the same time as they awakened, they understood the mission that had always been unclear in their hearts-to resurrect their god and serpent.Sharma gently stretched her plump figure, surrounded by lightning bolts.

"Interesting, it seems that the three of us are awakened at the same time." Chris held the purple flames in his hands, and his pure face revealed an evil smile.

"Very well, there is another layer of confidence in the resurrection of our heavenly gods. First of all, I will see the rest of the eight masters that have awakened. I have noticed their aura." Qisong She squinted.

After Gonitz re-sealed, Qisongshe had become the head of the new eight masters.And Chris is accustomed to obey the Qisong Society, so he responds well.Charmi's pretty face was very complicated, and the mission and previous fetters she had always insisted in her mind made it hard for her to let go.After hesitating for a while, she followed them with mixed emotions.

"It's actually Shiranui Daoguan, isn't that the address Nie Kong once told us?" Sharma was dumbfounded, not to mention how surprised it was in his tone.

"Could it be that he is our partner?" Chris asked with interest.

"Just go in." Qisong Society smashed the wooden door recklessly and broke into the dojo.

"Charmi? You..." The three heavenly kings suddenly appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others, disrupting Nie Kong's dinner time.Although Xiao Wu didn't understand what happened, it seemed to them.However, huge changes have taken place in the bodies of these three people, and their strength has been improved dozens of times.The breath exuded and some familiarity, as if I had seen it somewhere.

Breath, yes, from the three of them, Lianna felt a vicious and familiar aura. This was the same power as the enemy Gonitz, and that belonged to the snake!

The three of Xia Ermi...woke up early, Nie Kong felt surprised.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. I'm very sorry to interrupt your dinner?" Although she was awakened, Shirmi smiled shyly at Nie Kong as usual, and her cold temperament melted instantly.

"The three of you are...CYS band members, what are you doing?" Athena hesitated slightly when she noticed that the powerful power they possessed has changed dramatically from before.

"You are Athena, but I want to ask you, why are you here?"

Hearing Shirmi’s question, Athena blushed and glanced at Nie Kong shyly and said: "I...I came here to let Nie Jun guide her practice." Qiao's face was flushed as if she was a fan of Sharma has a stunning illusion.Obviously, she used to be just a cute little girl who didn't seem to grow up, but now she seems to be so charming?

"Shalmi, stop talking nonsense, we are not here for the purpose of gossiping." Qisong Society glanced coldly, and finally turned to Mai Zhuo and Wei Si who were serving Nie Kong.From their bodies, the familiar breath that exudes if there is no such thing is the strength of their people.

The two women looked at each other and smiled. It seems that things are going very smoothly.

"Are you finally... awakened..." Although they were prepared long ago, Sharma's awakening gave them no small surprises.You must know that after they awakened, it represented that the recovery of the serpent was getting closer.

"The two of you turned out to be our companions, very good. However, you actually forgot the mission of our big snake clan and continue to live a human life. It's really damn it." Qisong Society on the side snorted softly.However, this voice made people feel a kind of coldness from the heart.After awakening, his character has completely changed into another person, different from the ordinary and passionate young man before.Even the words brought a sense of dissonance, cold and full of killing intent.

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