The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0787, the showdown of magical skills

"Kusanakyo, haven't you eaten yet, let's put more effort!" Iorikan looked at Kusainakyo, his red eyes seemed to be burning.His claws danced wildly, smashing the lava flames one by one.

The huge snake pheasant, which was as vast as a fire dragon of several hundred meters, violently collided with the super eight-children of Iori Temple, and Iori Temple suffered severe burns.

The final blow violently collided, and the huge flame knocked out Iori.There was a large blood stain on Kusana Kyo's chest, and a big burn appeared on Iori's chest.

Obviously, Kusanagi's super-large snake pheasant has the advantage, because eight young girls are not suitable for head-to-head.However, as predicted by Iori-an, he didn't care if he was injured or not, because his recovery ability was many times stronger than that of Kusuna Kyo.He only knew that he couldn't back down and couldn't lose to Kusanagikyo.Kusanagi's wound slowly dripped blood, but it did not affect combat effectiveness.

Ioriyan didn't dare to be careless, his eyes were cold when he looked at Kusanakyo.The magical skills have not been shown, then it shows that Kusunakyo still has reservations.

"Use all your strength, otherwise you will not be able to defeat the current me!" Staring at Kusanakyo, Iorikan said, "Next time, I will kill you!"

Kusanagi was shocked to find that the wound he had caused by the snake pheasant was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.He narrowed his eyes, and he had guessed the cause and effect of the incident, that was the power of the big snake clan.The fate that had been entangled for thousands of years now fell on both of them.

Kusamaru stood up straight, looked calmly at Iori Temple and said, "Iori Temple, now you are qualified to force me to use magical skills. Take the trick, this time I will defeat you completely with Wu Shi!"

"Haha...very good, then let me see if your Kusanagi clan's magical skills are as strong as the legend!" Faced with that killer blow, Iori laughed very freely and crazy.

Kyo Kusara's right hand reignited a lotus-like flame, condensing a terrifying heat like actualization.The color of the flame is getting deeper and deeper, and the high temperature seems to be distorting the surrounding space.

In order to cope with this move of Kusunakyo, the strength of Iorikan has already been raised to the limit.But when this trick came in front of me, Iori found out that his preparations were now very redundant.

"Final decisive battle: Wu Shi!" The flame that seemed to be able to solidify the space in the palm of Kusanagi's hand suddenly slammed into the competition arena, and instantly a pillar of fire spread out to cover the entire arena.

Even with full defense, when facing Kusunakyo's magical skills, Iori An illusion was difficult to resist.The body can't move, the limbs can't move, and only the mind can move.

The entire arena space stopped strangely at the moment the flame erupted.Iori An’s body only felt a burst of violent pain, and the burning of flames and the blow of Kusanagi continued to swept his whole body.

The pause in the space was only a short two or three seconds, but Iorikan didn't know how many punches Kusunakyo had withstood.The audience was shocked, and the magical skill of Kusanagikyo shocked everyone, not including Nie Kong.

"I don't know if my strongest blow, Tiandi Bahuang Fist, can withstand Kusunakyo's move." Sakazaki Ryo's face was stern, but he didn't have much confidence.

And Terry clenched his fist, and found that his strength and Kusunakyo seemed to grow stronger.

After this round of attack, Iori's whole body rammed out and suffered severe blood loss.Judging from his injuries, he was already dying.

However, if you look carefully, you can see that at this moment, the blood-stained face of Iori Temple actually showed a smile.

"Iori Temple admit defeat, otherwise you will definitely die here." Kusannagi frowned.

"Haha... the victory and defeat has just begun. Since you showed me the magical skills of your Kusana clan, then I will let you see the magical skills of our Iori clan." He smiled wildly, and slowly struggled to re-start. Standing in front of Kusanagikyo.

"What..." Kusunakyo was shocked, could it be said that he had learned magic skills just like himself?

Unbelievable eyes looked at the Iori Temple, and saw that his right hand was exactly the same as when he made an impenetrable gesture, and purple sparks were condensing.Suddenly, Iori Temple threw the fire lotus with the palm of his hand to Kusunakyo like a hidden hook.

"Magic skills-one hundred and eight styles and eight wine cups." A hundred-meter-large purple fire column spouted out and covered Kusanagi, crushing and submerging his body.However, Kusunakyo didn't feel anything strange, not even the slightest temperature.

In the eyes of the audience, it was different, accompanied by the burst of purple fire.Iori An instantly rushed to Kusunakyo's body, grabbing another claw and biting his body severely, almost torn him to pieces in two or three seconds.However, Kusunakyo remained motionless as if stunned and allowed Iori to attack.

If Wu Shi is a pause space, then the eight wine cups in Iori-an is to stop time.The terrifying magical skills, it is no wonder that the combination of the three can seal the incompletely resurrected snake.

With cold sweat on the faces of the three kings, they looked at them in horror.They actually comprehended the magical skills at a young age, and the three major families were indeed full of threats.

It was so strong that it was even close to the tears of the eight young girls, making Kusunakyo, who had come to wake up from a pause in time, screamed.The injury he received was obviously much heavier than Iori.

Iori's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty rays, and he grasped Kusanakyo by the neck.When he was about to twist, the awakened Hongwan immediately jumped to the ring and kicked Iori An.At a distance of more than a few hundred meters, Hong Wan arrived in an instant. It seems that Hong Wan's strength has also been enhanced.He caught Kusunakyo, and then announced Kusunakyo's surrender.After that, the gate has also arrived here.

"I've handed the rest to you!" After Iori Temple looked at Kusanakyo who had lost his hand, a wild smile flashed across his mouth and felt very satisfied.After dragging his badly injured body to Yamazaki Ryuji and Krausa, he spoke to them weakly.

"That kind of little girl, let me take care of it by Yamazaki Ryuji." He stuck out his tongue, staring at the prey like a poisonous snake, making people shudder.

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