The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0788, the awakening of Yamazaki Ryuji

To talk about how Yamazaki Ryuji can team up with Krausa, it has to be talked about since he arrived in South Town.Originally, Ryuuji planned to rule South Town, but was prevented by the Dark Emperor Klautha.Because Kraussa's goal was to defeat Nie Kong and rule Nanzhen, he would naturally not let Long Er mess up, so the two of them did not know each other and teamed up to compete.

Hongmaru ordered the gate to take Kusanaru Kyo to the infirmary, and he played second for the Japanese team.Seeing the opponent in front of him, Hongmaru frowned because Ryuuji had never appeared in previous KOFs.But the sight of his sulky gaze made Hong Wan vigilant.

At the beginning of the game, Hong Maru immediately jumped into the air at high speed, turning his body and falling towards Long Er, which was his proud flying skill.As if taunting Hongwan, Ryuuji took the initiative to greet him with a mocking face with a half-bow back.

Hong Wan's expression became cold, and he kicked Long Er's face with his strongest power without hesitation.The powerful force hit Long Er's face and twisted.A strange force absorbed the power of Red Maru and transferred it to Yamazaki Ryuji's right hand.Immediately afterwards, he drew out his right fist as if unaffected, and rushed out towards Hongwan.

"Double return."

The mid-air Red Maru received a counterattack doubled by his own strength, and Yamazaki Ryuji hit the head with one move and knocked it out.Hong Wan couldn't react to such a weird trick.

Long Er sneered and chased Hong Wan, a small fist struck his face, and then his right foot was pulled out as if spraying sand, but the strange thing was that he only knocked Hong Wan's stable body out of balance. The strength stopped halfway.

"The head of sanctions!" It turned out that kicking sand was not a killer move, but a dagger hidden in the follow-up.He did not know when he stretched out a sharp dagger in his left hand, madly cutting Hong Wan's body.

With blood splattering, Hong Wan didn't have the ability to counterattack at all, and his body was able to withstand Long Er's continuous killing moves.KO, the game had no suspense and Ryuuji won, and there was no chance for Hongmaru to issue a kill.

"What." Sakazaki Ryo and the others were surprised, because they knew the strength of Red Maru. When did another master appear in the world?

"Sure enough, he is the last one in the Eight Masters Collection, and he has awakened the power of the blood of the serpent. It seems that the time is ripe and only owes the shareholder wind." Qisong Society watching the battle behind the scenes smiled. .

"Damn..." The gate shook his feet and looked very angry, because the opponent's move was so cruel.

"Hehe...Is it just for you?" Long Eryi threw a bloody dagger and sneered at the door with that nasty face.

Where did the gate stand his stimulus, a big stride ascended to the ring like Mount Tai.From the horrible muscles, you can understand how terrifying the power of the gate is.

"Land mine quake." Quite unceremoniously, as soon as the door was shot, he used his proud stunt.He shook the ring hard with both hands, and a strong earthquake occurred in a radius of 100 meters.

Yamazaki Ryuji staggered, and at the same time the gate approached Ryuji.Letting a judo master close, is tantamount to seeking a dead end, not to mention a master of the gate level.

"Hell's bliss." He stumbled on Long Er with one right foot, his hands tightly bound his body.

Long Er's eyes flashed red, and an evil and powerful force burst out. He actually forcibly interrupted the kill at the gate and shook him back a few steps.

The door was shocked, how could anyone have such power to force him back.Seeing Yamazaki Ryuuji approaching with a grinning smile, the door gritted his teeth and rushed to him again.

"In that case, let you taste the new killer I created-Lanzhishan."

If the hands of the gate could turn the river and the sea into the sea, they hugged Yamazaki Ryuji's shoulders with an overwhelming aura.Long Er was shocked, because he found that the power in his body could not break free this time, what was going on.

However, the gate no longer gave him time to think. As soon as he caught Long Erhou, he threw his back and smashed his body on the ring.Long Er's fierce expression flashed a pain, but the gate's tricks did not end.

He grabbed Long Er with his backhand, hit the other side fiercely, and then grabbed and connected the violent world again.The last hit was the shaking ring torn apart.

"What a strong move, is it called Lanzhishan?" Qisong Society was startled, sweating all over.He found that even if he was able to control the earth, he might not be able to bear that trick.Sure enough, it is a mountain of Arashi, as if it can turn the earth up.

"Are you done?" The door wiped the sweat from his face, and looked closely at Long Er who was stuck in the mud for several meters.But things went beyond the door by accident, and Long Er's body squirmed and stood up slowly.

Many bones in his body have been broken, and his body is bloody and terrifying.However, his expression was quite excited, like a wounded beast.As one of the eight masterpieces, his strength is beyond doubt.

"Haha... a very interesting move, but that power is not enough to defeat me."

The door frowned and rushed towards Long Er again.Since he refuses to admit defeat, he will be beaten until he admits defeat. He is clinging to this idea.

"Snake messenger!" The cold Long Er's hand hidden in his sleeve flashed a strange phantom, making it hard to see its appearance.With a snap, it jumped out and slammed on the face of the rushing gate, staggering him.

A scary red whip appeared on the face of the gate, which seemed to be the whip he had hidden just now.At this time, Long Ertu grabbed the head of the gate, and with a frantic smile, he stabbed the body of the gate one after another, only to see the dense shadow of the sword.


Finally, Long Er's charged right hand violently exploded the body of the door.

It ended like Hongwan, but the injury at the gate was many times heavier than Hongwan, and he was killed by a breath.Fortunately, the ambulance crew arrived in time and pulled the door away from Long Er's hands.

The strength of the revenge team where Iori was in shocked the audience and players, and they all felt the game was wonderful.

After a long period of calm, the second qualifying match of the semi-finals is about to begin.It is a superpower team composed of Dragon Tigers VS China. The two teams are considered to be the first duel in history.

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