The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0790, Athena's strength shows

The final key game was Ryo Sakazaki, the first master of Athena VS Extreme Stream who was double repaired by Nie Kong.Athena, wearing a sexy fighting cheongsam, teleported and appeared in the ring ethereally.However, the cheongsam wears a pair of black four-corner safety trousers, which can well cover the legs to avoid being seen by others.Not to mention that she was guarded before, but after she became Nie Kong's woman, her body's secrets were only shown to Nie Kong.As soon as Athena took the stage, it immediately attracted a lot of people's screams-so cute.Ryo Sakazaki tightened his belt and jumped to the ring in one step.

Sakazaki Ryo did not despise Athena's cuteness. As a super strong, he was used to fighting every opponent as he could.

"Hehe, Athena is on the stage, are you ready?" Athena smiled sweetly, and she looked cute.

"Come on." Sakazaki Ryo, dressed in an orange road suit, beckoned and shouted with confidence.

"Spiritual penetration." Athena closed her hands facing Ryo Sakazaki, where flashes of fluorescence flashed.

"Is Athena confused? Did you forget that you must touch the opponent's body for mental power penetration?" Quan Chong said anxiously.

"Don't talk, watch her performance carefully." Zhen Yuanzhai took a sip of wine, and the eyes hidden in the white eyebrows were also very curious. Could it be a new trick he learned from Nie Kong?

The vigilant Sakazaki Ryo felt his body stiffened and floated into the air uncontrollably.He was inexplicably horrified and didn't even know what happened.

"Phoenix FAN Arrow." Then Athena jumped into the air, and a ball leaned over and rolled like a meteor and shot at the stiff Sakazaki Ryo.The powerful force hit Ryo Sakazaki's body with one blow, and he spit out a mouthful of blood in his eyes and fell 100 meters.

Quan Chong was stunned. He kept shaking his master's arm: "Master, I... I didn't dream, is that Athena?"

Zhen Yuanzhai's wine gourd fell to the ground with a grunt, his eyes glanced at Nie Kong nearby.

Originally, on the first day that Athena returned to China, Zhen Yuanzhai was already suspicious.Because he was influenced by Chinese culture since he was a child, he knew at a glance that Athena had lost her daughter.

But he didn't say, he was very clear in his heart.Now after seeing her performance, he intuitively told him that Nie Kong had taken her daughter's body and then told Athena the essence of his power system.

Sakazaki Ryo, who was paralyzed all over, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression a little frightened.

"Hehe, you are not my opponent, give up." Athena said with a sweet smile, even if Athena said so, she gave people a feeling of indignation.

"Hmph, that's what I want to say, and the outcome is just about to begin." Sakazaki Ryo leaned over and rushed towards Athena at his fastest speed.He understood the weirdness of Athena's superpowers, so Sakazaki felt that the only way to knock her down was to defeat her at a speed that she couldn't react.

"Tiger Roar Hurry Fist." Sakazaki Ryo appeared behind Athena with a series of phantoms, and slammed a heavy punch towards her.Athena smiled mischievously, if she used to be able to avoid it with teleport.And now that Nie Kong has given her super strength, her martial arts are many times stronger than before.

Ryo Sakazaki's punch failed, and all he hit was the phantom left by Athena.He looked around and found that Athena was hundreds of meters away.

Thinking that Athena used teleport, Sakazaki Ryo once again rushed towards Athena at the fastest speed.However, Athena did not teleport, but used her own speed to meet Sakazaki Ryo.

"Drain the lightsaber." A layer of shining energy emerged from Xiao's hand, and she slashed across his chest when Sakazaki was too late to react.

"Ah..." Sakazaki Ryo screamed, and Athena's direct attack of mental power made him feel like a knife.That was what Nie Kong taught her, using spiritual power to form weapons and directly attack the enemy's spiritual soul.

"No, how could I lose here." His face was pale, his trembling legs slowly struggled to stand up.

"It's useless, you can't beat the current me---drive!" Athena stretched out her hands, and Sakazaki Ryo's body was immediately immobile like Mount Tai.

"Spiritual power ball."

So as not to accidentally injure Sakazaki Ryo, Athena only used a tenth of her superpowers.That was so, a golden energy ball hit the immobile Sakazaki Ryo.

After encountering Athena's mental power ball, Sakazaki Ryo's eyes immediately became extremely hollow, standing still in place.That move caused him mental damage and already made him lose consciousness.

"Huh, did you win?" Athena put her little hand in the corner of her eyes, posing a cute and extremely cute POSS.However, without waiting for the referee's announcement, Sakazaki Ryo's hand moved slightly.

His forehead was full of blue veins, hideous and terrifying.Then he suddenly raised his head, revealing his eyes that should have been hollow.It was full of bloodshot eyes, staring at Athena like a dragon.

Athena was startled, and when she turned to look over, she saw Ryo Sakazaki posing in a strange posture, as if she was struggling.

"Damn it, take it, our ultimate current's strongest blow-Heaven and Earth Tyrant Fist!" The terrifying arrogance spread out, and it was as strong as Clausa, and he couldn't move in an instant.

The audience was shocked and looked at Ryo Sakazaki with horror.They knew that a charged blow would inevitably shake the world.

When Athena turned her head, Sakazaki had already thrown a punch out of thin air.The terrifying fist wind swept through, causing the entire racecourse to shake fiercely.The trick he realized was already comparable to the magic skills of the three major families.

Seeing that powerful punch, Athena didn't have the slightest fear.She stretched out her hands, and then formed a barrier in front of her—a reflection wave of mental power!

An earth-shattering punch hit the mental reflection wave, and then it ejected towards the sky, shooting a thick dark cloud through the sky.It seemed that that trick was quite strong, but it could not be reflected to Sakazaki Ryo.

After issuing that move, Sakazaki Ryo, who was mentally injured, fell to the ring with a thump. The Di Huangquan might be the last move he used to stimulate his potential.

Except for Nie Kong and the others, the participating teams did not expect that those who qualify for the semi-finals will belong to the Chinese superpower team.The strength shown by Athena made them feel a burst of pressure.

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