The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0791, the angry team is out

The victory of the superpower team, which is hardly optimistic about, defeated the Xtreme Dragon and Tigers team, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the third game of the promotion game, after Athena's exit, it was the turn of the Brazilian mercenary's anger team VS the three kings of hell.Nie Kong could already predict the end.Even if the Qisong Society didn't use the power of the serpent in the body, the strength that broke out from the strength of the body alone was not as good as Ryo Sakazaki and the others, but it was a bit stronger than the three of Hadilun who belonged to the second-line strong.

The first one of them to appear was Chris, with a cute smile on his face that seemed harmless.Ralph of the angry team calmly stepped onto the ring and acted as Chris's opponent.

Ralph looked at Chris carefully, it seemed that ordinary people didn't have the slightest sense of breath.However, it was difficult for the people in front of Soma to fight here.He intends to strike first, press his hand to the ground, then he shot up and kicked at Chris.Immediately, many Chris fans yelled out of the field, looking very worried!

Chris jumped into the air to avoid his blow, and then stabbed down ten meters away. It was the dancer's chapter.The speed of the dive was very fast, and his agile figure made it difficult for Ralph to escape.

Chris' attack hit Ralph and Ralph was kicked directly into the ring.And Chris' attack did not end there, even a stab of a killer.

The small palm pressed against Ralph and knocked him three meters away.Ralph leaped up, stretched out his fists, and fired a stunt Green machine gun that could shoot flames.

Chris directly ignored the power of the spark, bent down and dived, and used a trick to remove the kick.The trick of sliding quickly slammed into Ralph's knee, and then pressed his hands on the ground to send out his nirvana-the skater's stomping.The bones creaked clearly, as if the bones of the body were broken.After kicking Ralph's head with the last move, Chris landed firmly in the ring with a backflip.Facing Chris's kind of agile opponent, Ralph was indeed a little weak, and Chris won the game.

Hardyron sighed, grabbed Clark and boarded the ring himself.To deal with agile opponents, there should be Hadillon's agile masters who are proficient in assassination.

Hardyron, wearing plastic gloves, spun around Chris's body strangely, searching for his flaws with that sharp vigor.Although Chris is very strong, he is not as fast as Hardyron without using the power of the serpent.

Chris himself confessed to defeat after Hardyron's move to the moon.

"Huh, I lost it!" Chris smiled slightly and waved to the audience, as if he was very happy, and was not affected by the failure.

"Society, I will leave the rest to you."

Qisong Society twisted his neck and became Hardyron's second opponent.

At the beginning of the game, Hardyron leaned over and rushed towards the Qisong Society and issued a mighty saber.That speed is so fast that ordinary people can't keep up.

"Hidden Power Hammer." Qisong Society slammed a punch at Hadilun, the fist with super power seemed to tear the air.

A huge force rushed over, and Hardyron's plastic gloves shattered in an instant, and his body took a few steps back.With the two confronting each other, Hardyron couldn't compare with Qisong Society at all.But Qisong Society did not end the attack, the next attack-jet counterattack!

"Bang..." The strong impact shook the air, as if it were a dull counterattack from the torn air.Staggering back, Hardyron turned back a few somersaults, intending to avoid Qisong Society's trick.

However, a column of air spouted more than ten meters away, directly hitting Hardylen's body.His body was completely paralyzed, and the power of the Qisong Society was too terrifying.

Immediately after the Qisong Society hit a sledgehammer, with one move, Hadillon fell into the ring.

It was the last player's turn for the anger team to come on stage. He is Clark who has the strength and the gate.He put on a peaked cap to cover his brown hair and looked at Qisong Society calmly.Clark and Ralph have similar fighting skills, but their fighting is very different.One is based on force-based strike techniques, and the other is an expert on force-based throwing techniques."Spinning the cradle." A sneer flashed from the corner of Qisongshe's mouth looking at Clark, who was holding him like a bear.He jumped back a little, and stretched out his right foot to kick the attacking Clark.

Clark's sunglasses flashed, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Good come!" He did not defend or dodge, but jumped up likewise and reached out to Qisong Society.

Seeing Clark rushing to his side without avoiding it, Qisongshe's right foot increased even more.This hit, presumably the other party will not feel good.

But the facts were very different from what Qisong Society had imagined. When his fist was about to hit Clark, Clark grabbed the hand of Qisong Society.The Qisong Society felt that the moment Clark grasped the strength in his hand, he didn't know where it was going, and then the sky turned around.


Clark pulled Qisong Society's body and turned several somersaults in the air, and then smashed his head on the ground.

"Boom--" The poor ring was once again subjected to the unsuspecting disaster, and under the violent blow, another three-meter hole was opened.After leaving the ground, the strength of the Qisong Society is indeed inferior to Clark.

Clark rolled back and left the place to release the force that was feedback on his body.Qisongshe's head was smashed into the ground again, and it suddenly felt like a lot of meat and vegetables.But fortunately, his physical fitness is strong, and no one move can hurt him.

But Clark obviously didn't want to make Qisong Society better. He immediately ran towards Qisong Society as soon as he got up, and then fell down, raised his elbow and hit Qisong Society's head.

"The fire flashes elbows."

After returning to the ground, Qisongshe's expression became very angry.The tough Clark's trick, who didn't evade, came out like a drum.A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Qisongshe's mouth, but regardless of his injury, he grabbed Clark's arm and slowly stood on the ground.

Clark's complexion changed, and he hurriedly gathered his qi with his hands to grab the Qisong Society and used his nirvana to end the Argentine attack.However, he found that his opponent was rooted on the ground, and he could not hold the Qisong Society.

Qisong Society sneered and broke away from Clark's capture, and a million sledgehammer steam hit his chest.

The shock of horror struck, causing Clark to spray a long blood mist, and the Hells advanced to the semi-finals.

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