The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0797, the atmosphere of the conversation

Could it be that they were Nie Kong's secretaries before they awakened, but... But asking themselves to serve Nie Kong with the three of them, that kind of thing is too... too ridiculous.But if he can be her wife in the future, it would be fine if the two of them are secretaries.No... No, this is not the time to think about this.

", we...we are not sure about the relationship, we don't have a date. can we do that kind of thing so quickly." I don't know where the power came from, the plump body resisted in Nie Kong's arms. Wiggling.

"Sharmi, you are too naive, do you think there will be time for you to develop slowly. The resurrection of the snake is right in front of you. Once you miss the opportunity, then you probably won't have any chance." Mai Zhuo coldly snorted. .

Sharma woke up immediately, and what Mai Zhuo said made her feel the urgency of the matter.If everything goes well, then... then I will probably be the last time I have seen my admiration for Nie Kong.If you leave regrets, it is better to convey your true heart to him now.

"That's right..."

" two don't do this." Sharma said with a trembling blush.

"Charmi, are you willing to be my woman when the snake is resurrected?" Nie Kong hugged her body tightly with both hands, and was not willing to let her go.

Seeing Nie Kong looking at his body with fond and greedy eyes, the hot emotions hidden in Xia Ermi burst out.

"Well, if Nie Kong really likes me." If you can show his relationship with him, then it will be regarded as the death of the snake after resurrection, and she has no regrets.

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