The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0798, Qi Daotianxue was arrested

There was a trace of fatigue in the smile, but it was a very comfortable feeling of fatigue.After receiving Nie Kong's watering, she was like a flower to be released, blooming with the amazing beauty that it should be.Seeing that tired and beautiful face made Nie Kong a daze.

Two or three hours later, Sharma quietly opened the door and prepared to leave.After she glanced around, she found that no one pretended to stroll back to her room.Charminar's temperament seemed to have increased several times.

Back to the three-person room arranged by the organizer for their Hell Band, they found Qisong Society and Chris sitting on the sofa with gloomy faces.

"What's the matter?" Sharma looked at them with her moist and beautiful eyes, and asked curiously.

"Huh... damn Yamazaki Ryuji, after hearing the mission, he still insists on his own way." Bajieji betrayed the mission one by one, making him feel unprecedented anger.

"According to your personality, didn't you kill him?" Sharma said.

"Of course I won't give up easily, but Iori Temple..." If Qisongsha's eyes could burst into flames, it seemed that Iori Temple had stopped him.With the strength of the Bashen Temple after comprehending the magical skills, he has been able to contemplate the three heavenly kings.

"Forget it, let's not talk about those unhappy things. How about you, why did it take more than two hours to talk to him? And looking at you, it seems like a different person." Qisong Society turned to Sharma Asked.

"Yes, Charmi has become much more beautiful than before." Chris said in surprise.

"Haha, is it?" Shalmi's small mouth flashed into a crescent shape, very happy."I... I got very important information from him, which is the most important condition for the resurrection of my lord. He told me Qi Inadahime's reincarnation. She is the real girlfriend Qi Inadaxue of Kyo Kusanagi... "She pressed the photo on the table and let them both watch.

Seeing Xiaoxue's appearance, Qisongsha squinted her eyes: "Hey, you can't go wrong, she is exactly the same as the young Qi Daxue of 1800. The point is that she will actually be Kusanakyo's lover, which is really interesting. The time is ripe. , The day of my lord's coming is coming soon." The anger on Qisongshe's face dissipated, and there was a hearty laughter.

"Ashe, let me go and catch her personally immediately. I can use the ceremony to resurrect my lord tomorrow. Now the heirs of the two artifacts have been seriously injured in the KOF competition, the opportunity is rare." Chris said excitedly.

"Okay, the sacrifice will be handed over to you." Qisong Society said with satisfaction.

In the room assigned by the organizer to the British team, Kagura Chizuru, who was covered in bandages, opened his eyes strangely.She squeezed the last trace of her body's strength and pushed the bedding off hard.

"Boom..." A crisp sound attracted Nie Kong. He was ready to go to bed after satisfying the girl.Nie Kong glanced at Qianhe who was wriggling on the bed, and said, "You are seriously injured, don't move."

" are finally here, now my sister is falling asleep, and I am her sister Kagura Mangui. Now there is a very important thing to ask you, please be sure to stop the conspiracy of the three eight masters... …" No wonder her eyes are different from Chizuru's. It turns out that the consciousness now appearing in Kagura is her Kagura Mangui.

"Hehe, it's too late. It is estimated that they have caught the reincarnation of Qi Daji, the sacrifice of the resurrection of the snake. No one can stop the resurrection of the snake." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

Kagura Wangui stayed for a while and couldn't say anything: "What are you saying, are you really going to let them resurrect the snake?"

"That's right, the resurrection of the serpent is in my plan. You two sisters can just watch here and see how I can destroy the serpent you fear." Nie Kong was full of self-belief.

"You lunatic..." Kagura Wangui smiled bitterly. If Orochi is completely resurrected, no one can stop him.It was only in a semi-complete state before 1800, and the three major families sacrificed most of their people to seal him.

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