The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0799, the prelude to the resurrection of the big snake, the

"By the way, aren't you already dead in Gonitz's hands, how can you control Qianhe's body to wake up?" Nie Kong asked.

"Even though I am dead, my soul is protected by Yata Mirror and stays in Chizuru's body. Now because Chizuru's seriously injured consciousness is sleeping, I will only use her body to tell you something about the big snake for the time being." Wan Gui smiled wryly.

"Hehe, after I knock down the big snake, I will help you resurrect." Nie Kong soothed her black hair that was not wrapped in bandages. To be precise, it was Qianhe's.

Wan Gui's pretty face eased, and she whispered: "If you can really knock down the big snake, even if we give you all of our Kagura clan, it doesn't matter. However, without the three artifacts, you want to defeat him is tantamount to a dream."

"Don't be too anxious, leave everything to me, and let me completely cut the shackles that have held you back for thousands of years." After speaking, the two ended the conversation.Wan Gui hid in Qianhe's body again, silently praying that things shouldn't be too bad.Now Qianhe is seriously injured and has no strength to help you.

The next day, the trio who was a hell band disappeared inexplicably. At the same time, the girl who was studying in a certain college in Tokyo, Qi Inada Xue, disappeared.Although the arena has been repaired long ago, the surrounding air is very depressed.

The game of Super Power Team VS Revenge Team was held as usual, and the first lovely Athena jumped into the ring.She understands the strength of the three of them at Iori Temple. Shifu and Shii Quan Chong are not opponents of any of them.

Iori's emotions were uncontrollable and a bit irritable. The blood in his body was boiling crazily. He was in desperate need of venting and rushed to the ring to become Athena's opponent.

Athena changed another outfit, and a lovely blue dress was put on her lovely body.Only a small half of the pink thighs were exposed, mostly hidden in a pair of black safety pants.

As for the magical skills possessed by Iori Temple, Athena was both curious and cautious about the magical skills.

After the game started, the impetuous Iori made a light jump, and the jumping Lao Gao hit Athena's head with his powerful elbow.That amazing explosive force almost made him rampage like a rocket.Athena was holding a sword in both hands, and the condensed superpowers formed a two-meter-long sword upwards-an upgraded version of the empty sword.Athena's powerful strength was brought into play, and Iori had almost no chance to escape.

The sharp sword cut his body, leaving a terrifying wound on his body.The hot blood sprayed out like a fountain.Iori Temple touched his blood and handed it to his eyes.His pupils shrank, and Iori's eyes were all red.

"Super Power Ball." Athena took advantage of the opportunity to send out a milky white mental ball, once again hit the body of Iori.Originally, his vague reason was lost irresistibly after being stimulated by the super ball.

Puff, puff... A drum-like heartbeat sounded from the ring, even reaching the ears of the audience in the distance.

"Ah!" The Eight Gods in front of Athena roared to the sky, and the body exudes fierce purple flames.His eyes were red and hollow, and the power of the serpent was almost overflowing.

Everyone was amazed at the change of Iori, but in the next moment, I saw no trace of Iori.When Athena turned around, a thick murderous intent suddenly stood behind her.The Sunflower Triple Strike is like a thunderous birth, the essence of the three characters fast, accurate, and ruthless, hitting behind Athena.

Athena didn't know what had happened, but she didn't let her guard down.Her hands showed the milky white light, and she sent out a mental force!Although Iori was very fast, it stopped strangely a few meters away from Athena.

Athena controlled his body and threw it upward, then followed him with a high jump."Phoenix FAN Arrow." Her body formed a spherical shape, and then slammed into Iori Temple at the speed of a meteor.

With the tendency of falling, Athena slammed into the ring with Iori An, causing his body to fall together.After arriving at the ring, Athena squeezed both hands, then violently kicked out a kick against Iori Temple.

Hearing a crisp click, Iori's right foot bone broke.However, the Iori who seemed to have turned into a monster did not feel any pain at all, but became more bloodthirsty and excited.The ghost burn with his left hand started, and a purple fire dragon over ten meters in size rang straight like Athena.

Crazy, the blood of the serpent inside the Iori seemed to be completely boiled under the influence of some force, and Liana went wild like before.Nie Kong raised his head and looked into the air, because there was a strange force gathering there.There were strong fluctuations in the space, and a certain sign of the resurrection of the serpent occurred.

Athena leaped back gracefully and simply avoided the purple fire dragon.Iori screamed, and a solidified purple flame emerged from his right hand.

Seeing his posture, Athena's expression changed.Sure enough, as she expected, the violent Iori Temple issued his magical skill to her-eight wine cups.A 100-meter-large purple pillar of fire burst out of his palm, stopping Athena's time.

And Iori folded his hands and rushed into the purple pillar of fire at a weird pace,-super must kill-eight infant girls.He is fast, like a beast.

"Definitely kill-super flash crystal wave." Inside the purple pillar of fire, a dazzling milky white light burst out.It turned out that at the moment when the eight-child girl was acting, Athena enveloped herself with all her mental power.Strength and rules collided fiercely. Athena, who was many times stronger than Iori, was protected by a spiritual barrier, and she was not affected by the pause time.After seeing Iori Temple rushing, Athena immediately shot out with surrounding protection of her mental power.

The light exploded in the purple pillar of fire, and it actually broke the magical skills of Iori Temple.In addition, a dozen of mental powers like a sharp blade pierced the body of the rushing Iori and bounced his body away.

"Wow..." He spouted a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground holding his head and cried in pain.The penetrating attack of Athena's spirit, although she lost her mind, still felt pain.

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