The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0800, the true recovery of the snake

However, without waiting for the referee to announce the result of the game, the surrounding environment immediately became dark and hollow, and it seemed to be drawn by a terrifying force.

And the entire huge racecourse and the sky strangely connected into a beam of light, and the sky began to change as if it were a projection.Slowly, an altar like a beam of light formed above them, and it was slowly expanding.At the same time, a ring of light suddenly rose up around this altar, directly surrounding the altar, leading to the sky, without seeing the top.The power of terror caused a strong shock on the ground of the racecourse.Amid the booming sound, terrifying cracks were opened in the soil.

The vibration did not stop, but increased.The ordinary viewers were all stunned and fled in horror.Athena looked up in surprise, and found four hazy figures on the altar floating high in the sky.

"That's not Jing's girlfriend, Xiaoxue, how could she be there?" After seeing Xiaoxue's appearance, Damen and Hongwan suddenly had a bad feeling.The other three had a familiar and weird aura. They were three of the Hell Band. The altar was about a hundred meters high from the ground.

"My lord, come and revive with your proud posture, your servant is ready to sacrifice." The voice of Qisong Society resounded through the racecourse, and the light was concentrated on Qi Daoda Xue.After she absorbed the spiritual energy, she floated strangely in the air.

Suddenly he was extremely irritated and trembling violently.Fighters with excellent eyesight could see clearly, and Xiaoxue's body slowly turned into a light spot.The terrifying energy spread out, and the shadow of a tall man slowly appeared in the beam of light.The broken white hair swayed lightly, and a huge sun mark in front of him was shining with black light...

His closed eyes opened, and those eyes were chilling and terrifying.The mysterious person who morphed from after absorbing Xiaoxue appeared before them without weight.And his appearance caused the ground around the racecourse to vibrate violently, and then it seemed to be drawn to the altar in the air by super suction, forming a weird space.His appearance brought a sense of peace in the world.Everything in the space disappeared, not even the slight flow of air.He came in a full body posture, and his strength was many times stronger than Gonitz.

"Ok... so evil, is he the enemy Nie Jun has been trying to defeat?" Athena squeezed out a cold sweat, wondering who she possesses stronger than him.

"The big snake is really resurrected..." Wei Si's tone was a little unstable.

But Sharma started to care about Nie Kong at this moment.The big snake has come out, so what about that person, what about that person?

"That...that's a big...snake..." As the hotel floated into the air, Kagura Mangui, who was recuperating in the room, sweated down.With such a terrifying dark power, even the Yata Mirror in his body was trembling, and there was no doubt that the leader of the Eight Masters, Orochi, was resurrected.The dark power that surpassed anyone, Kagura Mangui and Chizuru felt very distinct.However, with such a terrifying snake, would Nie Kong be his opponent?She resisted the pain of her body and watched her situation with the Yata mirror.

"Welcome my lord to come." Qisongshe and Chris half kneeled in front of him, looking excitedly at the people in front of them, as if the people in front of them were their gods and their spiritual pillars.Sharma took a few steps back, her pretty face looked complicated.

The serpent did not move, his eyes were deep and without focus, turning to Mai Zhuo and Wei Si beside Nie Kong.He is not watching, all the words used to describe human beings are not suitable for him.

All eyes were cast on him, and a panic flashed."He... who the hell is, he... he won't be able to produce a trace of fighting spirit, it's terrible."

"My servant, come back, the blood of my clan is flowing in the two of you." The snake did not speak, but his consciousness passed directly into the minds of Weis and Mai Zhuo.

The two women were slightly flustered, and seemed to have been deeply affected by the majesty of the serpent for thousands of years.

"'s so funny, I've waited for this moment for a long time. Don't yell because you won't be their master." Nie Kong laughed, breaking the dead silence of the space created by the snake.He floated gently in front of the snake and stood face to face with him.The two are almost handsome and extraordinary, each with their unique temperament.

Da Snake's gaze turned to Nie Kong, and her calm eyes fluctuated for the first time: "Oh, what a strange human being, I can't detect your thinking...interesting."

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see your true power, Orochi." Nie Kong pulled Xia Ermi behind her back to him, then smiled at him.

Hidden behind Nie Kong, Sharma's flustered thoughts slowly stabilized.She stretched out her small hand and hugged Nie Kong steadily from behind.If you can't accept your fate, you will be very happy to die with him.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si also came to Nie Kong's side and bravely stared at their former masters.

"Stupid, the clansmen of our Heavenly Kingdom God Race are obsessed with human emotions, and they should be purified." His calm eyes condensed, and he reached out and pointed at Nie Kong's position.A black circle shaped like a mirror appeared on the palm of his palm, and it slowly expanded and enveloped the four of Nie Kong.It was a small space he created, and it broke with a bang when he met Nie Kong and the others.

The burst of space swept towards Nie Kong with terrifying fragments.Although his tricks are simple, they are terrifying.The power to control the space, I am afraid that he can really shatter the earth and kill all human beings in one move.

Naturally, Nie Kong's physical strength does not need to be said, otherwise he would not be able to cross the dimensional barrier at will.So he smiled and let the fragments of that space cut towards him.

What surprised Qisongshe and Chris had happened, and the three of Nie Kong were intact when they hit my master's move.Mai Zhuo and Wei Si, look at me, and I look at you, with surprises in their eyes.After the double repair, the strength of their two women is not worse than that of the big snake, and their physical strength is not afraid of such a weak spatial trick.

"It's really great, it seems that the master's strength is stronger than that of the big snake." Mai Zhuo is very proud to choose Nie Kong as his master.

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