The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0801Look at my transformation

However, that was just a normal blow from the big snake, if it is said that it must be killed, Nie Kong can't let them take risks.The power of space is strange and unpredictable, for example, his dimensional knife can simply cut off the entire planet.

"It's been over a thousand years, these human beings really have grown a little bit." The snake frowned, as if he didn't expect that they would be able to block his random move.

"Damn it, as my lord's servant, I actually opposed my lord." Qisong Society gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth as he looked at the third girl and the pale-faced Ryuji Yamazaki behind the ring.

Orochi's eyes flowed, scanned the entire space, and then fixed his eyes on Yamazaki Ryuji.There were four betrayals in the Bajie Concentration, which made the snake feel angry.

Yamazaki Ryuuji seemed to be afraid, then put on a fierce face, and launched an offensive against the snake in front of Nie Kong."I care who you are, no one can control my life."

Da Snake's face was cold and severe, and his right hand grabbed it out of thin air.What frightened Yamazaki Ryuji was that his body was sucked in front of the snake uncontrollably, unable to move.

"Since you are not obedient, then you have no value in existence." A strange energy emerged from his right hand, and he grabbed Yamazaki Ryuuji's body.But what was surprising was that his hand seemed to penetrate his body and grabbed a blue illusory sphere.

Nie Kong frowned slightly, and he found that it was the soul of Yamazaki Ryuji.I saw the big snake lightly squeeze it, and the blue sphere turned into powder with a click, and at this time, the life of Yamazaki Ryuji was no longer noticed.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si shrank their bodies and looked at the snake with horror in their eyes.Protoss is immortal in front of the owner, like a joke.

"Then it's your turn." The snake said indifferently.

Nie Kong stopped in front of the three women and said, "You stand back and let me come to him for a while."

"A mere human, do you think you can stop me?" With a light finger on his right hand, a string of black circles of several meters large appeared out of thin air, swallowing at Nie Kong like a black hole.This black particle trick is several times stronger than the space shattering trick just now.

The black hole with spatial fluctuations struck, and everything encountered was cut into a circular ring shape.

"Haha, do you have the ability to manipulate space? In that case, look at my Dimensional Knife." Nie Kong's knife swiped, and a faint wave of waves hit the string of black particles. the sound of paper tearing, each of the black particles broke in half in front of Nie Kong and disappeared.However, after Nie Kong's Dimensional Knife shredded the black particles, he cut the serpent in half with undiminished power, and then once again shredded the space barrier he created behind.

A cloud of blood exploded from his body, and then returned to its original state within a tenth of a second.Even the big snake now has that smile on his face and said: "You can hurt me. I really underestimated your ability. It's really no small thing. I'm angry. I will use my strength to crush you. Destroy with the humans of the world!"

After issuing the declaration of extinction, his hands slowly raised to the sky, like a peacock opening a screen."Return everything to nothing." In this space, Orochi seems to have exploded his biggest move!

All return to nothing is the terrible way of destroying the world by the snake.How abnormal is the strength of a small part of the original book, and now it will destroy the world with all its strength.White spaces appeared in the entire sky, and those spaces became his weapons one by one.The entire space was divided into billions of fragments, sprayed out all over the world.

Under such a super destructive force, the entire world will definitely be destroyed.

How could Nie Kong make him successful? His girls would be affected.Although their strength is very strong, their energy still cannot break through the constraints of space.

"How could it make you succeed, ah drink..." Along with Nie Kong's roar, the space trembled violently.Just like the dragon tsunami.The tiny earth trembled violently, as if it was afraid of such a powerful force.The Earthquake Mountain shook, and a few hundred meters in the radius of Nie Kong, a series of black and hideous cracks appeared.

In a moment, the golden light seemed to wash away all the dust.The arrogance that exceeded the limit spouted from Nie Kong's body, and violently collided with the space storm erupting from the big snake.The very real scene made the people around him dumbfounded.

As the spring snow melted and the space storm slowly faded away, Nie Kong’s arrogance filled the entire earth and even spread to every corner of the universe.

"Boom..." At the center of the explosion, the source of the golden light was shining continuously, the golden flames seemed to be solidified, and there was a strong lightning and thunder nearby.The golden hair, the slightly strange and determined face, the charming and cold and ruthless golden pupils.Although his appearance has changed a bit, Mai Zhuo and the others can easily recognize him.

"Yes... is the master (Brother Nie Kong)? Good... so handsome and powerful." Nie Kong, who has changed from a normal state to a super two state, his black hair turned into a gold like Saiyan , And there was a trace of lightning near the body.That handsome and powerful appearance made Xiao Wu obsessed with a few women, and that was their man.

The shocking power made everyone fearful, and the power that radiated was many times more terrifying than the serpent.

"Ok... terrible, is that his true strength? Hard... no wonder there will be the idea of ​​challenging the Orochi." Yata Kagami cracked open a few cracks, and Kagura Wangui's eyes widened and looked incredible. The situation inside.

Compared to the serpent, it is terrifying, I am afraid that he can destroy the earth with a little wave of his hand. Who is he, he is more like a god than the serpent.

"How could it break my stunt? What happened to him, and how could such a big change occur?" Da Snake couldn't imagine a human being stronger than him, absolutely beyond his expectation.

Sakazaki was even more stunned, and so did Terry and the others."I was so naive before, I would let him use his full strength..."

The golden arrogance filled the distance of one hundred meters in the range of Nie Kong, accompanied by his golden and cold eyes, the whole person descended into the world like a war god.Floating in front of people all over the world with golden light, more like a god than a serpent.

Tens of trillions of fighting power broke out all at once and almost wiped out the entire planet."Haha, sorry, I didn't move my body for a long time, I scared you."

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