The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0802, dangerous, sudden attack

However, that wasn't Nie Kong's strongest power, Super Three's power was too great, and it would definitely smash the King of Fighters world.

"Although your strength is indeed many times stronger than mine, don't think you can beat me? Even if you can destroy the earth, you can't kill me." The snake is not afraid of Nie Kong, but is confident that he has an immortality. .He stared at Nie Kong coldly, his surprise passed away in a flash.

"Master, please release your strength to your heart's content." Mai Zhuo exclaimed in excitement.

"Jun Nie, you said you want to help me cut off the mission that has been bound for thousands of years, don't miss the appointment." Sharma was also very excited.

"Hehe, then just open your dog's eyes and take a good look." Nie Kong lightly tapped his finger, and a three-meter golden air column sprayed towards the snake.There was almost no time for him to react and teleport, and the energy completely overwhelmed his body.The solid and powerful arrogance burned his body into powder, and shot him into outer space through the air.In five or six seconds, they could see that one of the stars stopped blinking.

"Have you won?" Almost all of the Kagura sisters were extremely excited. He is so strong and handsome, his strength has completely surpassed Orochi, and he will definitely win.

However, the matter was not over. The ashes of the snake body was once again assembled and formed. His immortal body was many times stronger than the Gonitz immortal body, although it was not comparable to Buu.

"I said, you can't kill me." He looked indifferent, because he felt that only the power seal of the three divine tools was considered.He is the will of the earth, it can be called the existence of God, and in simple terms it is a mass of consciousness.Then he secretly issued an order to the runaway Iori Temple, Qisong Society, and Chris, to solve Mai Zhuo and the three traitors while he dragged Nie Kong.The eyes of the three of them were strangely red, and there was no need to say that they rushed to the third daughter of Mai Zhuo.

Sharma was unwilling to fight with Qisong Society, so he rushed directly to Iori Temple.Their strength is so powerful, they simply play the Qisong Society in the palm of their hands.Their respective battles started in the space of the big snake.But Sakazaki Ryo and the others can only make soy sauce, because that is not their level of strength.

"Really." At this time, Nie Kong's figure flashed, appearing in front of the snake at a faster speed than teleporting and grabbed the snake's neck with one hand.Da Snake's eyes looked at Nie Kong coldly, and his right hand made a faint ripple.

"Soul out." He wanted to shred Nie Kong's soul, but the ripples actually bounced back when they touched Nie Kong's body.He was surprised and inexplicably, did his stunt failed again.

"Hmph, can you take out my soul. Since you are dying, I will completely refine you." Nie Kong's other hand burst into flames of nothingness, roasting the space. distortion.

Nie Kong had many ways to kill him, such as the sealed Demon Fengbo, killing his soul attack, refining it into a pill, sucking up and controlling the blood in his body to destroy his body.However, Nie Kong chose the refining type because he coveted the magnificent tricks of the snake.

The terrifying soul pressure spread out, causing people all over the world to shake their bodies.Athena stared at Nie Kong with her eyes, because she discovered another trick that she might use with super powers.

"Huh..." With a cool snort, a lightning bolt struck Nie Kong in the sky, extinguishing Nie Kong's soul flame.Nie Kong was taken aback and hurriedly looked towards the sky.

I saw the turbid sky, slowly separating to reveal a dark mass.Two huge eyes slowly emerged, full of majesty and anger.Compared with Nie Kong's super soul pressure, he pressed on Nie Kong.

Nie Kong's spiritual sense swept away and found that those eyes were not in the sky, but looking at him from another plane.

"Oops, how can there be a three-dimensional Japanese cultivator guarding such a barren dimension? It's impossible." His expression changed, and he felt a little panicked for the first time.

"Damn, dare to break into my world and steal my faith, and I can't spare you." A voice that couldn't tell whether it was a male or a female came, but I could hear how angry this person was.

A terrifying coercion struck Nie Kong with lightning composed of pure spiritual power.The level of power is many times stronger than the space and time of the second dimension.

The dimensional space has cracked cracks, which is super powerful.

Nie Kong didn't dare to use his body to resist the high-level energy attack formed by spiritual power, because even the super three might not be able to resist it.He narrowed his eyes.The golden body of the newly cultivated Sanzhang Gao Yuanshen jumped out of his forehead, blocking the splitting electric light with his body.

The pain hit, Nie Kong felt like he was about to split his body.He gritted his teeth and used his soul power to break through the dimensional barrier and rush towards the enemy.Since there is no way to avoid it, let's fight hard.With the determination to die, his soul broke through the barrier and appeared in a void space.

However, his body was no longer controlled by the soul, and his body, who was holding the big snake, slowly loosened and fell to the ground.

People who were watching the excitement only saw a golden light flashing quickly, and Nie Kong fell down.The three daughters of Mai Zhuo who had defeated the Iori and their pale faces caught the falling Nie Kong and called his name anxiously.

After losing Nie Kong's control, the snake's body slowly rose."Without his guardianship, you humans are waiting to be extinguished by me." Mai Zhuo and the others turned pale again, because this time their enemies were their former masters.How could I win without Nie Jun.

"Brother Nie Kong will wake up soon."

Xiao Wu and the others shook Nie Kong's body anxiously, and they were about to cry. Their world couldn't live without Nie Kong.

"Don't be sad, now the important thing is to work together to defeat the enemy. I believe Jun Nie will return safely." King played the appearance of a big sister to stabilize their panic.

"Sister King is right. I just saw Nie Jun’s soul rush out. He...he will definitely come back. Now if...if you don’t beat the snake together, everything will be over." Although Athena was anxious and sad, But he did not panic.

The women looked at the big snake in the sky, their eyes condensed.With such a strong opponent, can they really defeat her?They are facing an unprecedented crisis.

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