The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0803, fierce battle

Yuanshen broke through the barriers of the dimension, and Nie Kong appeared in a gray space.There was no sign of life inside, and what appeared in front of him was a flood dragon with eight heads that was nearly ten times bigger than Nie Kong Yuanshen.There is a terrible blood scab on its abdomen, and the injury has not healed.

When the dragon with eight heads saw Nie Kong's golden body, sixteen eyes flashed in surprise.And it didn't say much, a thunderbolt burst out of the front mouth immediately.It seems that the lightning that hit Nie Kong in the world of the King of Fighters just now came out of its mouth.

"The real eight-pointed snake?" Nie Kong was shocked. How could he expect that the cultivator guarding the King of Fighters world would be a famous ancient beast in Japan.Although I don't know how high its real cultivation base is, Nie Kong has no retreat and can only fight to a low level.

A scorching smell permeated Nie Kong's surroundings, and lightning hit Nie Kong's golden body, and the dazzling golden yellow of the golden body became slightly dim.With the piercing pain, Nie Kong knew he couldn't continue like this.No matter how powerful his primordial spirit is, he can't stop its waves of attacks.

"Drink!" Nie Kong shouted loudly, his voice resounding throughout the space, reverberating continuously in the space.The powerful primordial energy spread to the surroundings with the sound, illuminating the gray surrounding area.

The eight snake heads moved strangely, turning their heads and staring at the floating Nie Kong with cold eyes.

Nie Kong's entire body was floating in the air, his body glowing golden light, and his eyes glowing blue like the universe.

The eight big snakes had obviously sensed the strength of Nie Kong's body. After a slight pause, the eight snakes made different sounds, and then all changed their directions.One of them had a big mouth, and a fireball with a radius of ten meters shot at him and started to move in the direction of Nie Kong.The fireball condensed the pure fairy qi in its body, breaking open gaps in the space.

Seeing the big fireball flying towards him, Nie Kong hurriedly jumped up and avoided.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a 100-meter black hole appeared in front of him.Nie Kong secretly called terrifying, the level of that power is really incomparable with the second dimension.

He controlled his body, gathered the strength of Tina, raised his fist high, and hit the eight-headed snake's abdomen.

"Bang! The eight-headed snake raised eight snake heads high, and one of them hit Nie Kong's body. Nie Kong was hit by a powerful force, and his body flew back. Nie Kong just felt his fists just fine It was like hitting an iron plate, but the place he hit was only slightly broken.

The ancient fierce beasts specialized in the physical body, and how terrifying the body is.With Nie Kong not having any attacks, it was already very good to be able to break his skin.

"Damn, the defense is too high!" Nie Kong stopped in the air and wiped the dim golden body with his hand.It's really evil, it turned out that there was such a big difference in strength, and the snake head flew out with a light bump.If you get hit by an energy ball, what's the deal?Nie Kong thought about it mentally, and at the same time looked at the Eight-Different Big Snake who was constantly approaching him.

The eight big snakes screamed constantly, and the eight snake heads moved randomly. With a "bang..." Nie Kong was hit again, and his body flew out again.The violent impact caused Nie Kong to roll dozens of times in mid-air before stopping.I twisted my body and felt pain all over, as if I fell apart.Nie Kong wondered if he had been pitted by the cultivation technique, and he said that the third level of the immortal golden body was good.

The eight snake heads of the Baqi Orochi kept spitting energy balls towards Nie Kong, one could breathe fire, one thunder, one water...Nie Kong kept dodge in the air in embarrassment, but such passiveness is always not a solution.

"Oh..." The ear-splitting howl sounded again, and the sound waves carried energy spreading around, and the powerful energy formed a layer of energy in mid-air, because of the friction in mid-air, black stripes were splashed from time to time.Because of the powerful energy wave crushing, the gray space clicked like a mirror, and they fell into the space turbulence.Nie Kong's primordial spirit felt like he was about to shatter, and he couldn't avoid the explosion of energy waves all over the space.

He gritted his teeth and once again rushed towards the Baqi Orochi at a very fast speed.Eight snakes with eight snake heads and sixteen eyes stared at Nie Kong, biting at Nie Kong without blind spots.However, Nie Kong's golden body shrank from three feet to a height of two meters in an instant, passing through the big net that they had woven.He gathered the power of the primordial spirit fiercely, and hit its abdomen with a punch.


The long snake tail flicked around because of the huge pain in the abdomen, and thick dust was splashed around it, and everything was shattered.From time to time, the snake head sprayed energy balls everywhere, causing a fierce storm to erupt in the space.

Nie Kong was overjoyed when he saw a cloud of blood mist burst out of the blood scab in the abdomen.Sure enough, she seemed to be injured and not healed. It was her fatal wound.As long as you attack there, you have a chance to win.

Taking advantage of this moment, Nie Kong instantly disappeared in place, and appeared in the wound on the abdomen of Baqi Osnake in the next moment, surrounded by the power of the original spirit of the double fists.

The fists of'Papa...' hit the wound fiercely, making the wound that was already quite small became much larger.Nie Kong couldn’t let go of such a good time. His fists hit the Baqi snake’s abdomen like raindrops. The meat around the wound in front of him was rotten, and the pieces of meat fell into the turbulence of space following Nie Kong’s playful attacks. .The scary wound was torn, causing her to let out a terrifying roar.

"Roar..." The Big Snake finally couldn't bear it. A powerful energy ball ejected from the mouth of the snake's head in the middle, and the target was Nie Kong.Nie Kong's body flashed, and he escaped dangerously and dangerously.

The Eight Snake had been completely irritated by Nie Kong, and the eight snake heads kept swaying, bumping into Nie Kong, not giving him a chance to get close.

In the turbulent flow of the vast space, one person and one beast were constantly fighting.It seems that the cultivation bases of the two are the same, which is wrong, because it is the Eight Qi Orochi who was injured.If it was the heyday, Nie Kong would never have a chance to hurt it.The ancient fierce beast was so powerful in its flesh, and Nie Kong didn't have the attacking magic of the three-dimensional immortal law at all..

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