The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 083, the tragic Shura field

"It's not something unexpected happened to the big breasted woman, right." Xiao Zi's voice sounded at the same time.

"I hope it doesn't matter." While Mengxiang spoke, the door of the club room was pushed open with a click.

"Oops, how could Mengxiang and the others show up here some time." Hu Meng was startled, and as soon as he straightened his chest from Nie Kong, his eyes met the dull eyes of Mengxiang and Xiaozi.

"Isn't Hu Meng uncomfortable, how can I do such a thing to Nie Jun?" Mengxiang's eyes were lost, and the bodies of the two Chi Guoguo were filled with loss, anger, and sadness with countless complex emotions.

"The big-breasted woman is really uneasy and kind, and she actually seduce Jun Nie to do such a thing." Xiao Zi glared at Hu Meng with anger, wishing to rush up to beat Hu Meng.

"Since I was discovered by you, then I can't hide it." Hu Meng stood up calmly and gracefully put on his clothes, without the shame of being caught and raped in bed.

"Chi Ye Mengxiang, since you can pretend to be anemia to seduce Jun Nie to do something like that, why can't I pretend to be sick and push Jun Nie? If it was Jun Nie, I would never let it to anyone." Hu Meng He straightened his chest proudly, staring at Nie Kong with gentle eyes.

Nie Kong had a bad premonition, isn't Hu Meng looking for death, he dared to say such words to Mengxiang who was about to get angry.

"That's it, no wonder you get sick, no wonder you are going to distract us, this is your purpose!" Mengxiang's tone was calm, but her eyes were full of angry flames.

"So what, so that I will be at the same level as you. You can do for Nie Jun, Hu Meng, of course I will not give up." Hu Meng said proudly.

call out!boom!Something flew past Hu Meng's side, and a rumbling explosion came from behind.Nie Kongdi turned his head, and saw a large hole on the wall behind the activity room.

Looking at Mengxiang, she stretched out a hand, and the schoolbag in her palm was gone!

"Hu Meng, you are too proud of yourself! Do you think that you want to take Nie Jun just because of a dream demon? You are really bold!" Mengxiang's cold tone resounded through the activity room, just at this moment in her figure Start to change.

The pink hair turned silver, the black pupils were full of blood, two fangs slightly exposed in her mouth.Without lifting the seal of the cross, the Mengxiang inside ran out by herself at this moment!

Li Mengxiang spoke with a deep voice, her eyes were sharp and terrifying!

"Oh, have you finally turned into a real vampire? It would be very troublesome for me to be treated like this-Mengxiang, I won't give in?"

Hu Meng put aside his smile, stared at her narrowed enchanting eyes, and there was anger in her tone!A pair of demonic wings appeared behind him, and there was even a cute tail exposed from the fat.The nails on her fingers are long and sharp, like ten sharp swords.

Mengxiang straightened up, Hu Meng also stood up, the two men's demonic spirits collided in the room.

"Only I am not qualified to fight for Nie Jun." The witch Xiao Zi's eyes dimmed, and she didn't want to be excluded from a few people.In that way, what is the difference from her before?

Two beautiful girls, while extending the pharmacology to the whole body, stare at each other at close range!Wow, is this, is this a battle between women!Although Nie Kong can stop it, it can stop it for a while, but it can't stop it for a while.The conflict between the two women will explode sooner or later.

"Oh! What a tragedy, why is Qingye Yueyin able to build such a harmonious harem here, but I can only build a Shura field like this? Is it because I didn't cultivate good feelings, I saw one push one by one?" Nie Kong looked at the battle in front of him with a headache.

"I won't give Nie Jun to you, nasty Dream Witch."

"Nie Jun likes my breasts very much. How can I like a poor X like you." Then there was a sound of destruction, Li Mengxiang and Hu Meng flew in the air, and the extent of the battle was far more than that of fighting women.

As the great demon vampire of power, his own strength will naturally not be lost to the mere dream witch.However, it is estimated that Li Moexiang used the remaining energy last night to break through the seal, so she could not exert all her strength.

However, Hu Meng has gone through double repairs with Nie Kong, and his strength has risen to a level.There is no other reason, the dream witch Hu Meng's soul power after double cultivation is used to attack, it is impossible to defend.

The actions of the two women were too large, and the small room could not accommodate the fight between them, so after a few moves, they rushed out of the window and fought on the campus.

"Aren't you talking about building your harem on campus! Why are you only interested in Nie Jun?"

"Jun Nie is special! He is very handsome and powerful. The person I hit is that he has no other choice!"

"I also think Jun Nie is handsome! I finally met a boy of the same race who made me feel so much. How could I give you this shameless seduce Dream Witch?"

"Don't say so righteous Lingran, didn't you pretend to suck blood to seduce Jun Nie, don't think I don't know what happened last night, the eye of enchantment!" Hu Meng's eyes emanated invisible fluctuations, and I saw those who rushed past. Meng Xiang's figure paused, her eyes lost in a moment.

"Good opportunity!" Hu Meng's claws grabbed Mengxiang.

Tear!Mengxiang's right hand was cut a few times, but the wound healed completely in an instant.Rie Moexiang didn't expect that the little dream monster could charm herself, and when she reacted, she was already injured.

"Don't be proud, decide the outcome, see who can own Jun Nie." Li Mengxiang's face was cold, and Hu Meng kicked out more than ten meters with a right leg up to the sky.

"Just to my liking, I will never lose to you."

I don't know what's going on, they are getting fierce as they fight!It was said that both of them issued dangerous tricks at each other, regardless of whether Nie Kong was still watching them on the spot.

boom!Nie Kong in the distance suddenly felt that the road to becoming a harem king was a bit bumpy.Because other dimensions will not have a pure and innocent mind like Digimon.

"It really doesn't work, let's use force directly from now on." Nie Kong sighed deeply and suddenly noticed that there were other people.Xiao Zi stood in front of him and appeared.

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