The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 084, the fisherman gains profit

"Nie Jun, do you think they played so fiercely, how can there be a girl?" Xiao Zi hugged Nie Kong's arm and said quietly.

"Well, although Xiao Zi has just developed, does Nie Jun feel good-looking?" Xiao

Although not as emotional as Mengxiang and Hu Meng, Xiao Zi is also a lovely sister attribute in the second element.

"Oh, yes, I think it looks good." Nie Kong was entangled in his heart, Lolita, Yujie, sister, mother...Which one does he belong to?It's not right, maybe she is the second element full attribute sister control.

Nurture, should Xiao Zi ask me to nurture her, should I refuse her?Nie Kong swallowed his saliva, his heart was stirred up by Xiao Zi's touching words.

"In that case, Nie Jun should do something like Hu Meng to Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi is looking forward to it."

Ok?Did she just say something?Isn't it about letting me grow up slowly, but just pushing it?

Xiao Zi tilted her head and said to herself: "Didn't you hear me? Okay." Then he said, "Nie Jun, take Xiao Zi."

"What!" Nie Kong yelled in surprise, Xiao Zi immediately rushed into Nie Kong's arms and smashed his mouth: "Shhh-don't be so loud, you will be found. Nie Jun, you can't be partial, you are already right. When Mengxiang and the others did something like that, Xiao Zi asked for the same treatment."

Xiao Zi was naturally anxious. If she was the only one in the Friends Department who had not had a relationship with Nie Kong, she would feel so special when she was caught between the three of Nie Kong.

"But do you know what the situation is now? If Hu Meng and Mengxiang knew that we were doing this kind of thing now, it would be serious."

Xiao Zi nodded vigorously: "But, if you miss this opportunity, then Xiao Zi will never have a chance to approach Nie Jun in front of Hu Meng and Mengxiang, Xiao Zi, I...I like Nie Jun too."

"Could it be that Jun Nie, don't you like Xiao Zi?" Xiao Zi stared at Nie Kong nervously.

To be honest, the two women outside are fighting, and the thing that secretly gets Xiao Zi stimulation inside is just thinking about Nie Kong and feel so excited, how could he refuse.

"Since it's already at the Shura field, let's play a little bit bigger. I don't believe that I still can't balance these little girls." Nie Kong thought of this, did not answer Xiao Zi's question, and directly stretched out his hands to hug her in his arms.

"It's great, Jun Nie is finally willing to accept me." Xiao Zi was very excited, and the dream in her mind is now about to come true-to be able to roll around with her favorite Mengxiang and Nie Jun on the big bed.

"It's so light and gentle!" Although he picked up Xiao Zi, Nie Kong still felt that there was no weight in holding a ball of cotton.

"Nie Jun, do it. As long as you can be with you, you can do whatever you want."

Xiao Zi hugged Nie Kong's neck, shyly not daring to look at Nie Kong.At the age of twelve, he has reached the age when his love begins.

No one is around, secret room!Two people alone!Hu Meng and Mengxiang were still fighting fiercely outside, and they couldn't stop in less than ten minutes.To complete the double repair during this time, it should be possible for the little Lolita who has just passed through the personnel.

Right now the two women didn't notice them at all, so it shouldn't disturb their love.

The body is light and easy to push. This is the best portrayal of the two-dimensional loli attribute girl, which is perfectly reflected on Xiao Zi at this moment.

What Lolicon likes most is their flat chests and pretty thighs under the skirts.The beauty of green and astringent will give people a very simple feeling, like a cup of lemon, with sweetness in the acid.And if it grows up in the future, the sourness will be completely fermented into a sweet wine.

"Well, Nie Jun." Tears flashed through Xiao Zi's eyes, but a happy smile appeared on her face.From this moment on, she finally was no longer alone.

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