The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 085, the regulator Jiaer

The soundproofing ability of the small activity room is not very strong, and the two women who were fighting fiercely outside suddenly heard a hint of rapid breathing.

"What about Xiaozi, where did that girl go?" Li Mengxiang's face became ugly, she glanced around but it was a pity that she didn't find her.

"Does this still need to be said, that stinky girl is yelling so loudly, even if you can hear her here, it seems to be so good for her. It's really damn, we two are desperate outside and she secretly seduce Nie Jun." Hu Meng He gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"That twelve-year-old Witch Fairy Zi, is really shameless." Click, the ground under Li Mengxiang's feet directly cracked numerous cracks.

"Huh, I can't care about it at all. After tasted good things with Nie Jun, Xiao Zi probably won't let go. Now besides you, I have one more enemy." Hu Meng's lungs were about to explode. She never thought that little girl would be so clever.

"Our victory and defeat will remain for the next time. Now I have to teach that girl well." Li Mengxiang's cold eyes swept across Hu Meng, and with a hard kick, he flashed into the Friends Department activity room.

The door of the activity room was kicked open for a while, Li Mengxiang and Hu Meng entered the room one after another.Looking down, I saw Nie Jun holding Xiao Zi's small buttocks up and down, and the movements of the two were vague.

As for the space of Ding Tian Jie, the area covered by Nie Kong's consciousness has expanded again, and the real area is a bit larger than half of China Continent.It's just that the body of a vampire gets only about one-third of the soul's benefit, which is not much improved.

There is no other reason. The main purpose of the Goddess Cultivation Technique is to condense the soul, and the effect of naturally strengthening the body is not great.

"Nie Jun, what's the matter?" Seeing Li Mengxiang standing in place with a cold smile, a thin demon gradually enveloping her body.

"Xiao Zi, you just joined the Friends Department, haven't you met Jun Nie for a long time? How can you seduce Jun Nie so dissolutely?" Although Hu Meng had a smile on his face, he exuded a terrifying arrogance!

"I don't care about any girl who dares to approach Nie Jun."

"What's wrong, Jun Nie, let's do it again. It feels good just now. Xiao Zi has never discovered that there is such a happy thing in the world." Xiao Zi wore a red face with doubts.

Hey, Xiao Zi, you are too arrogant, you dare to ignore Mengxiang and Hu Meng so boldly, still haven't noticed the two girls next to him?

Hearing the words "do it again", the faces of Hu Meng and Li Mengxiang changed drastically.

Li Mengxiang and Hu Meng suddenly grabbed Xiao Zi's hands and dragged her out of Nie Jun.I saw that as Xiao Zi left, Nie Jun got out from under Xiao Zi.

"Wow!" The water sounded, and the white and red liquid was unloaded from the depths of Xiao Zi's mouth.

"Woo, don't want Mengxiang Hu Meng, I still want to be with Jun Nie." Xiao Zi struggled desperately, wanting to pounce into Nie Kong's arms again.

"I know, it's me who is not good. I knew that Mr. Mai Nie has poor self-control but didn't stare at you. But Jun Nie, if you want... you want to do that, you can find Mengxiang. ." Li Mengxiang showed a bright smile, and Nie Kong only felt the eerie and terrifying in her smile.

"Damn, I don't believe that I would really be as bad as Zhacheng, and would be defeated by a hatchet?" Nie Jun hummed inwardly.

"That is to say, I can play with Hu Meng as Nie Jun, my body is fine, as long as I can hide from Nie Jun, I am willing to do anything. To be honest, my mother taught me a lot of things before." Hu Meng bite The small mouth and her eyes naturally spread out.

"Just make it clear today, Nie Jun, who do you choose from the three of us?" Li Mengxiang gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"En...If you can, can Xiao Zi be a small one? Xiao Zi really likes Mengxiang and Nie Jun. No matter which one, Xiao Zi is reluctant to leave." Or Xiao Zi is the best. , Directly say such thoughtful words.

"No, Nie Jun is mine alone, no one can take it away!" Hu Meng heard Xiao Zi's decision instantly, gritted his teeth.

"Nie Jun make a decision, don't delay it." Li Mengxiang stared at Nie Kong expectantly, obviously disagreeing with Xiao Zi's opinion.

Nie Kong had a terrible headache. He gritted his teeth and was about to throw all three women into his dingtian ring.But at this time, he had no intention to release Jia'er from Dingtian Ring.

"Ah, Dad, it's Dad! Great! Dad is okay, Dad who is okay is really great, oooooo..." Jia'er appeared in the club room, her eyes saw Nie Kong next to him rushing into his arms , Hum and cry.

"Are you talking about tongue twisters? Speaking at such a fast speed, it really embarrass you not to bite the tip of your tongue." Nie Kong happily hugged his daughter, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, in his heart.

"Hmm, my dad is ashamed and doesn't even wear clothes." Jia'er suddenly left Nie Kong's arms, her lovely face was blushing, and she turned her head and dared not look at Nie Kong's body.

"Okay, okay, don't you think I'm okay? But I'm sorry to let Jia'er out for so long." Nie Kong embarrassedly picked up the clothes on the floor and put them on him casually.

The three girls around were taken aback by the little girl who suddenly appeared in front of them, and then they heard the name of the little girl, their pretty faces all changed.

"Nie Jun, is she really your daughter?" Li Mengxiang asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes, I am Dad's daughter, who are you?" Jiaer only noticed the three girls next to her.

Hearing Jia'er's answer, the three girls turned pale, and there was no blood on their faces.

"Nie Jun, what about her mother, are you really married Nie Jun?"

"Jia'er doesn't have a mother, only a father. Do you want to be my mother?" Jia'er blinked her lovely eyes and looked at Hu Meng and the others suspiciously.

"It turned out to be like this. I said how could there be a daughter at Nie Jun's age. It seems that he was an orphan picked up by Jun Nie." Meng Xiang sighed in relief, and his face eased.

"It's great, as long as Nie Jun is not married." Hu Meng was excited, and almost couldn't help but rush into Nie Kong's arms under the contrast.

"So cute Jia'er, it would be nice to have such a sister. What do you say, it's my daughter." Xiao Zi's face flushed, thinking wildly.

"Which one of you can let Jia'er admit her mother, I'll choose whoever. After all, Jia'er is my favorite daughter and can't let her be wronged." Nie Kong couldn't wait to kiss Jia'er a few times. He appeared too timely.

The eyes of the three women stared at Jiaer immediately. At this point, no one is willing to give up.

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