The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 087, deepen the feelings

Nie Kong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The contradiction that was centered on him was finally transferred to Jia'er, his daughter, and successfully resolved the tragic Asura field surrounding him.

If you just started throwing them into the Dingtian Ring, you will probably find it difficult to see the plots later.The key hub of the plot lies with Chi Ye Mengxiang.

After the battle, Rimaexiang disappeared due to too much energy consumption.After falling asleep for more than ten seconds, a cute pink-haired Piao Mengxiang appeared again.

Biao Mengxiang stared at Nie Kong with a bitter gaze. Perhaps in her heart, she blamed Nie Kong for being too uncontrollable. She hadn't enough for one, and she pushed the other.

But Nie Kong, whose innocence had been dedicated to him, now Mengxiang could only think about how to stand out among the three women and win Nie Jun.

"My name is Chi Ye Mengxiang, it's... your father's friend, please take care of Jiaer from now on." Mengxiang lowered her body and stroked Jia'er's little head with a gentle smile.

Jiaer felt that Mengxiang felt a kind of familiarity in her body, and that feeling could only be felt in her father's body.

"Big mother." Jiaer obediently responded.

Mengxiang's face suddenly burst into unprecedented joy, and she couldn't believe it was so simple that she finally got Jiaer's recognition.But it's a pity that Jia'er's following words knocked her mood to the bottom.

"Second mother." Jiaer turned her head obediently and called out again to Hu Meng next to her.Only when I called Xiaozi, I called my sister.But Xiao Zi didn't have any sense of frustration, and happily hugged the lovely Jiaer and turned around.

"Nie Jun is so kind, I also have such a lovely sister."

Wait, how could Jia'er be your sister? You are already mine. Isn't this kind of generational chaos? Nie Kong was powerless to complain.

"Hmph, Mengxiang, you want to win early. In the following words, I will use my proud cooking to conquer Jiaer."

Hu Meng glanced at Mengxiang triumphantly, moved her big ass to Jia'er, and hugged the cute Jia'er into her giant X's.

"Oh, it's all here today." At this time, the door of the activity room was opened and Teacher Mao Mujing walked in.

"The room has become so messy, what are you doing here? And, why does the room smell so good. Meow, are you secretly carrying me to eat fish?" Mao's eyes were silent. Cat's eyes looked around, and then he lay on the ground sniffing something.

"Okay, Teacher Mao Mujing, let me introduce to you that this is a newcomer who just came to Yanghai Academy, my daughter Jiaer." Nie Kong dumbly pulled her up and introduced Jiaer to Jiaer.

"Wow, did Nie Jun already have a daughter so early? It was really out of the teacher's surprise." Mao Mu Jing glanced at Nie Kong in surprise, unexpectedly he would have a daughter that old at his age.

"Come on, Jia'er is my daughter. But don't look at me like this, I am only sixteen years old." Nie Kong shamelessly shortened his true age by ten years.

"It's a cat, Jiaer hasn't seen a cat for a long time." Jiaer cheered, holding up the cat's quiet little head and caressing it skillfully.The cat's eyes were quietly under Jia'er's hands, making a comfortable meow.

It seems that Jiaer loved cats very much because of the relationship between raising a few pet cats.If not, it would not show that kind of reaction.

"Teacher Mao Mujing, can you help me get Jia'er into this school?" If Jia'er is thrown into Dingtian Ring again, Jiaer will definitely cry to death every day.

"Meow, teacher first try. But Jiaer's age is not enough to attend Yanghai College High School. Maybe it's just to let Jiaer stay in the college temporarily." Mao Mujing and Jiaer played happily At the same time, he didn't care much in his tone.

Nie Kong knew that things were a bit embarrassing. Jia'er was still too young, so she hadn't reached the age suitable for high school.But if the chairman is willing to help, maybe Jiaer can stay in Yanghai Academy like Concubine Liu.

"As long as you can stay here." Nie Kong didn't ask much.

"Teacher, do your best. The teacher also likes to play with Jia'er. If Jiaer can join our friends department, the friends department can also satisfy five people." Mao Mujing's cat nature is really unchanged, simple and simple I was captured by Jiaer's teasing alone.

Nie Kong looked at Jia'er's happy little face, and he was about to quietly accept the cat as his pet.

"Huh, that's good!" Mengxiang was delighted when she heard this.As long as she can get close to Jia'er, Mengxiang believes that she will be able to conquer Jia'er with her gentleness and consideration.

"Next time, Jiaer must admit that my mother, Hu Meng really can't leave Nie Jun." Hu Meng's heart tickled when she remembered the feeling of love with Nie Jun just now.

That feeling was so good, it was a hundred times more wonderful than what my mother said, and it directly conquered her body and mind.If he couldn't do such a thing with Nie Jun in the future, Hu Meng couldn't think of whether he would go crazy.

"Mom always complains that there is nothing under my father, and said that if I go to school to find my husband, I must find a strong monster to bring it back. Did my mother want to spy on her future son-in-law? It's really abnormal. "Hu Meng couldn't help but snorted lightly when she thought of what her mother often said to her.But Hu Meng still couldn't help but think of a picture, lying next to Nie Jun with his mother.

"But with the help of my mother, I believe that Nie Jun will be easily captured by our mother and daughter. My mother's breasts are bigger than mine." Hu Meng glanced at Mengxiang lightly, not knowing what to do. What decision was made.

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